Of course Iran wants a war

Have you forgotten that BO was a most prolific arms salesman.

Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion: report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in weapons, other military equipment and training, the most of any U.S. administration in the 71-year U.S.-Saudi alliance, a report seen by Reuters has found.
Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion: report - Reuters

Not all the sales happened.

Why in the hell would Obama offer the most arms in their 71 year alliance? And you defense is that not all tthe deals went through? We need to end all arms deals and bring all the troops home. Screw partisan assholes that blame the other side, that is what is wrong with this country.

I am saying the post to whic I replied was flawed.

I guess we could go your way & put our military & troops in Saudi instead. Or we coud juat pretend we are the only country that can sell arms.

Or we can ignore the world's security. Good luck keeping trade lines open. Good luck stipping despots.

Gee, you can’t read English can you? My way, as I mentioned in my previous post, maybe I should type slower for you, is to being home all the troops and drop out of the arms market. Just the opposite as what you thought I said.
You want no cease having a military stationed in other countries. Shut down our bases, etc

Quit selling arms.

That what I thought you said.

I don’t want troops in Saudi Arabia, I don’t want America to sell arms, why do you think we need to sell arms? Why do we need to be the peacekeepers of the world, why do we need to spend our money to help countries that would love to see us blown off the map?
  • On June 15, 2009, on the third day of protests, Obama said he was “deeply troubled by the violence” against protesters and urged Iranian leaders to respect “the ability of people to peacefully dissent.”
  • On June 20, 2009, Obama urged the Iranian government “to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people,” and declared that the U.S. “stands with all who seek to exercise” free speech and the right of assembly.
  • On June 23, 2009, Obama said: “I strongly condemn these unjust actions, and I join with the American people in mourning each and every innocent life that is lost.”
Ooooh....impressive. Obama "strongly condemned" Iran and then turned around and sent those same Mullahs he
waved his little fist at a planeload of cash money and helped build up their nuclear infrastructure paving the way for
nuclear bombs and missiles within a relatively short time.

It had me quaking in my boots! Lol!
Why else would they put their country right in the middle of 45 U.S. military bases?

(old lady says "funny")
La la la la ...listen to what the children say......la la skip a rope~~~~~~~~ Iran is our friend ----we know it because their
children sing ~~~~ la la la la death to America la la la la
I`m sorry Rosie but your IQ is nowhere 91. Tell us why Iran is a threat when we have 45 military bases surrounding their country and they have zero bases threatening us? How old are you la la la?

Their influence over the strait of Hormuz is enough to turn them into glass over. The people of Iran are largely enslaved by the elite theocratic government that is brutally intolerant. Iran finances global terrorist missions and is often to be found at the root of some of the most heinous attacks taking place throughout the world.

Why else would they put their country right in the middle of 45 U.S. military bases?

(old lady says "funny")
La la la la ...listen to what the children say......la la skip a rope~~~~~~~~ Iran is our friend ----we know it because their
children sing ~~~~ la la la la death to America la la la la
I`m sorry Rosie but your IQ is nowhere 91. Tell us why Iran is a threat when we have 45 military bases surrounding their country and they have zero bases threatening us? How old are you la la la?

Their influence over the strait of Hormuz is enough to turn them into glass over. The people of Iran are largely enslaved by the elite theocratic government that is brutally intolerant. Iran finances global terrorist missions and is often to be found at the root of some of the most heinous attacks taking place throughout the world.


I have no doubt that Iran does not want a war.
Iran wants to go on doing what it is doing----promoting terrorism world wide and getting a good price for its oil so they can do what they do which includes a kind of ""BENEVOLENT"" MISSIONARY PROJECT------something like the
roman project which began a few decades BC---and developed over the next approx. 400 years.
EMPIRE -------as in PAX ROMANA (puke)----
pax irani
Iran wants a war because it is just too attractive not to have a war with the U.S.. Traitors like shitstain obama, Kerry the democrats in sensitive positions and gays like Bradley Manning will be sending military plans and troop movements to iran in a direct pipeline.
Iran doesn't want a war with the US. Its a war they wouldn't survive and they know it.

so? Iran is very eager to compromise USA interests and to
support international terrorism in the INTERESTS of -----
shiiite shit. What does it take to excite you? I am EXCITED
over the fact that Iran has, FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES----taken control of Yemeni seaports and doing a fine
job getting its paws on SYRIA
Next thing you know they will be showing up in Venezuela to help out...

It's OK. Russia is already there, and Trump has stopped talking about Venezuela. I'm assuming he got marching orders from Putin on that one.

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