Odessa shooter had previous contact with police, the FBI knew him, he failed gun background check

The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

Texas Shooter Called Police, FBI Tip Line 15 Minutes Before Attack Began

Yes, but...but, he hasn't threatened his neighbor yet by pointing his finger at him and going: 'BANG.'
How will the state prove the seller sold the gun?
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Most people drive their cars on roads, and to do so you have to register yourself and get a driver's license.

The whole "it is a slippery slope so I don't want to do it" trope is bullcrap because the government already knows most of the stuff about most people, and most of the people who say they don't want to register their guns, actually register stuff and share their personal information all the time without even realizing it.

No one wants to confiscate you iphone or car...yet. The leadership of the democrat party wants to ban and confiscate guns...starting with all semi-automatic guns....which is 90% of them. So the slippery slope isn't a trope, it is a tactic...a tactic the left used against smokers........we know this and we are going to fight you fascists....
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Most people drive their cars on roads, and to do so you have to register yourself and get a driver's license.

The whole "it is a slippery slope so I don't want to do it" trope is bullcrap because the government already knows most of the stuff about most people, and most of the people who say they don't want to register their guns, actually register stuff and share their personal information all the time without even realizing it.

It doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a check on government power and abuse. Thus they have no right to know what we have.

You have the right to bear arms. It does not say the government does not have the right to know if you own any guns. Feel free to show me where I'm wrong.

The Bill of Rights...

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.
Most people drive their cars on roads....
Nothing here addresses the salient point:
There's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Sure there is. Ask the families of the people killed in Dayton, El Paso, Las Vegas, Orlando, Sandy Hook, Charleston,... I could go on and on. It's a way to catch people that slip through the cracks like the guy in Texas who shouldn't have had his guns after his discharge from the military. Unfortunately the military was so backed up he wasn't put on the list and he passed the background check and then got the guns to shoot up the church.

So tell me again, why does it matter? Do you REALLY think the are going to go door to door and start taking your guns? Do you realize that if they wanted to, and that was the government's goal, they could just go door to door and search people's houses and take their guns NOW without you having all your guns registered. There is not a single reason you can give that would be negative enough to the issue of registering guns to outweigh the positives of registering them.

Tell the 1.1 million people who use their guns legally each year to stop rape, robbery and murder that you know better than they do that they do not need the gun they used to stay alive or safe....

And they won't go door to door you nimrod......they will use the registration lists to know who has which guns, then, they will ban one category or group of guns at a time, and if you don't turn in the gun, they will simply wait. They will wait for any contact you have with the police ..... if you complain about a loud party, when the cops show up to take the complaint they will run your name...oh, you are on the list..you didn't turn in your gun, you are now under arrest and facing a felony. You go 40 in a 30mph zone.....the cop walks up and instead of giving you a ticket for speeding, he arrests you because your name, from the registration lists, show you didn't turn in your gun...you are now facing a felony, not a speeding ticket...

That is how they will do it, you nimrod...
20,000 laws already on the books say that you are a moron.

Yawn, Guy, most of those laws on the books are things like, "Don't fire your gun up into the air during New Years".

How about laws like,"If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, you can be held criminally and civilly responsible".

That would be a good law. We actually had that good law on the books until the DC Snipers' victims sued the people who sold them guns they weren't entitled to. (One was a minor, the other a felon). Then the NRA whined to congress, and they denied victims that avenue of redress.

Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?

Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

So no, cars and guns are not the same apple....

You’re paranoid to the core.

So, tell us the Europeans didn't murder 12 million people....tell us the U.S. government didn't keep medicine from Black men in Tuskeggee....... or any number of dumb ass things governments have done to unarmed people around the world.....
The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

So guns are too easy for the wrong people to get. We've already established that.

You get denied in the store because you’re a paranoid psychopath…you go out to the parking lot of the same store and can buy as many weapons as you want from some guy who doesn’t care that you’re a paranoid psychopath.

That is the system the NRA and Trump supporters have created; both ranks are full of paranoid psychopaths.


No, moron....that is called freedom to sell your private property......the failure to pass the background check should have been investigated by the feds...they failed.......

It’s also called the reason we have monthly if not weekly massacres

The reason we have these rare attacks is the 24/7 news cycle that treat mass shooters like celebrities and the shootings like the criminal Oscars, fatherless homes, and gun free zones........

We don't have weekly mass public shootings you doofus.....

Again...12 mass public shootings in 2018..... 93 killed.

Knives kill over 1,500 people every year....

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.
I also had a plan.....when you have a prohibited person.....especially a criminal...you put a tattoo on their left shoulder....seeing that tattoo means they can't buy, own or carry a gun.....it would be simple......go to sell a gun, ask to see the left shoulder, if the tat is there, no gun sale...

You don't need background checks, gun registration, or any other new law, and requires no paperwork........

What if you already have a tattoo there Mengele?

It does blend nicely with your blob’s death camps.

Then you don't get the gun...until you get paperwork that shows you are o.k....... Already thought of that question.

What death camps you shitstain? The only death camps were by people like you....left wing asshats.....who first registered guns, then confiscated guns, then filled 12 million mass graves in Europe, 25 million in Russia, and 70 million in China.......
You have the right to bear arms. It does not say the government does not have the right to know if you own any guns. Feel free to show me where I'm wrong.
Easy peasy.
There's no demonstrable necessity for the state to have on record the owner of every gun in the US; as such, the requirement that people register their guns is an unnecessary restriction - that is, an infringement - on their right to keep and bear arms.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

You saying there is no reason, does not make it so... and people having people register their guns does not infringe on anyone's rights to own them. Do you know what registration means?

Yes...it does....because the only reason to register guns is to later confiscate them.....Britain, Australia, Germany, France, Canada. New York, California........registered guns, confiscated guns.........
You have the right to bear arms. It does not say the government does not have the right to know if you own any guns. Feel free to show me where I'm wrong.
Easy peasy.
There's no demonstrable necessity for the state to have on record the owner of every gun in the US; as such, the requirement that people register their guns is an unnecessary restriction - that is, an infringement - on their right to keep and bear arms.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

You saying there is no reason, does not make it so... and people having people register their guns does not infringe on anyone's rights to own them. Do you know what registration means?
What makes you think gang bangers are going to register their guns? :cuckoo:

In fact, they do not have to register their illegal guns..... Haynes v. United States Supreme Court decision stated that criminals do not have to register their illegally owned guns because it violates their 5th Amendment Protection against Self incrimination.....
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Most people drive their cars on roads, and to do so you have to register yourself and get a driver's license.

The whole "it is a slippery slope so I don't want to do it" trope is bullcrap because the government already knows most of the stuff about most people, and most of the people who say they don't want to register their guns, actually register stuff and share their personal information all the time without even realizing it.

It doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a check on government power and abuse. Thus they have no right to know what we have.

You have the right to bear arms. It does not say the government does not have the right to know if you own any guns. Feel free to show me where I'm wrong.

5th Amendment...

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

U.S. Supreme Court.....Haynes v United States.....

Criminals do not have to register their illegal guns...you doofus....

Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968)

3. A proper claim of the privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register under § 5841 or for possession of an unregistered firearm under § 5851. Pp. 390 U. S. 95-100.

Haynes v. United States - Wikipedia

As with many other 5th amendment cases, felons and others prohibited from possessing firearms could not be compelled to incriminate themselves through registration.[3][4]
It doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a check on government power and abuse. Thus they have no right to know what we have.

You have the right to bear arms. It does not say the government does not have the right to know if you own any guns. Feel free to show me where I'm wrong.

"Shall not be infringed" seems to cover that assertion pretty well.

Having people register their guns is not infringing the right to bear them. IF you have the degrees and used it to make all the money you say you have, then you should understand that. Do you need me to give you the definition of registration?

Yes, it is. Why do you need the government to know what you own. Tell me why.

I told you why. Because if people do private sales to people that fail background checks and aren't supposed to own guns, or for those that fell through the cracks of background checks like the guy in Texas that had a domestic violence in the air Force and was supposed to be on the list but the federal government was backed up and he still was able to get a gun. It is ridiculous you have to register a car and not a fucking gun.

You keep repeating the lie that registering guns violates the 2nd Amendment, and it doesn't. What are you afraid of? If the government wanted to take everyone's guns, they wouldn't even need a registration list, they would go door to door and search every house. Don't be stupid. You think they would only go to houses where people have guns registered and ask for those guns?

Moron....the guy in Texas from the Air Force passed the federal background check......so that means...you freaking doofus....that he would have passed a background check for a private sale......because he wasn't in the system...you moron.

Registering guns violates the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, and the 5th Amendment.....

We already have laws in place for any criminal who buys a gun from anyone...you freaking doofus.......what you know, and want, is that list...so you can put the police on anyone who has a gun you can manage to get banned.....you are a fascist..
20,000 laws already on the books say that you are a moron.

Yawn, Guy, most of those laws on the books are things like, "Don't fire your gun up into the air during New Years".

How about laws like,"If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, you can be held criminally and civilly responsible".

That would be a good law. We actually had that good law on the books until the DC Snipers' victims sued the people who sold them guns they weren't entitled to. (One was a minor, the other a felon). Then the NRA whined to congress, and they denied victims that avenue of redress.

Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?

Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

So no, cars and guns are not the same apple....

You’re paranoid to the core.

And you're ignorant to the core. Government is incompetent at best, and over bearing and controlling at worst.

The Founders wanted us to keep the government under control, and not the other way round.

Not allowing mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place isn’t the government controlling it’s people. It’s the government protecting the people.

Your paranoia is hilarious.
Yawn, Guy, most of those laws on the books are things like, "Don't fire your gun up into the air during New Years".

How about laws like,"If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, you can be held criminally and civilly responsible".

That would be a good law. We actually had that good law on the books until the DC Snipers' victims sued the people who sold them guns they weren't entitled to. (One was a minor, the other a felon). Then the NRA whined to congress, and they denied victims that avenue of redress.

Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?

Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

So no, cars and guns are not the same apple....

You’re paranoid to the core.

And you're ignorant to the core. Government is incompetent at best, and over bearing and controlling at worst.

The Founders wanted us to keep the government under control, and not the other way round.

Not allowing mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place isn’t the government controlling it’s people. It’s the government protecting the people.

Your paranoia is hilarious.

We already have laws for both...you dumb ass. There is no paranoia here, there is an understanding of history and human nature.......
Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?

Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

So no, cars and guns are not the same apple....

You’re paranoid to the core.

And you're ignorant to the core. Government is incompetent at best, and over bearing and controlling at worst.

The Founders wanted us to keep the government under control, and not the other way round.

Not allowing mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place isn’t the government controlling it’s people. It’s the government protecting the people.

Your paranoia is hilarious.

We already have laws for both...you dumb ass. There is no paranoia here, there is an understanding of history and human nature.......

So the guy selling the gun out of his trunk has to do a background check on the person buying it?
Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

So no, cars and guns are not the same apple....

You’re paranoid to the core.

And you're ignorant to the core. Government is incompetent at best, and over bearing and controlling at worst.

The Founders wanted us to keep the government under control, and not the other way round.

Not allowing mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place isn’t the government controlling it’s people. It’s the government protecting the people.

Your paranoia is hilarious.

We already have laws for both...you dumb ass. There is no paranoia here, there is an understanding of history and human nature.......

So the guy selling the gun out of his trunk has to do a background check on the person buying it?

No, moron, not if it is his private property....... but the criminal knows that they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and when caught with the gun, can already be arrested and convicted for it.....we already have this covered.

12 mass public shootings in 2018...... 93 killed.

12 crazy people out of 320 million....

Knives kill over 1,500 people every year...

Bees, Wasps, Dogs, Lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass shooters do....

Do you want to ban dogs? Since they are deadlier than guns used in mass public shootings?

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.
You’re paranoid to the core.

And you're ignorant to the core. Government is incompetent at best, and over bearing and controlling at worst.

The Founders wanted us to keep the government under control, and not the other way round.

Not allowing mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place isn’t the government controlling it’s people. It’s the government protecting the people.

Your paranoia is hilarious.

We already have laws for both...you dumb ass. There is no paranoia here, there is an understanding of history and human nature.......

So the guy selling the gun out of his trunk has to do a background check on the person buying it?

No, moron, not if it is his private property....... but the criminal knows that they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and when caught with the gun, can already be arrested and convicted for it.....we already have this covered.

12 mass public shootings in 2018...... 93 killed.

12 crazy people out of 320 million....

Knives kill over 1,500 people every year...

Bees, Wasps, Dogs, Lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass shooters do....

Do you want to ban dogs? Since they are deadlier than guns used in mass public shootings?

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.

Thanks for confirming you were lying earlier. We all knew it but it was good to hear you admit it.

So there is no law against mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place. Thanks for clearing that up. Hopefully you’ll try to be more honest in the future but we both know you’re not capable.

We need to close that loophole and do background checks on anyone buying a firearm.

It’s that simple.

I’m really perplexed at the burning desire you have to avoid background checks. It seems as though the only ones who would have a problem with someone else passing one is if they too were mentally incompetent and crazy.
And you're ignorant to the core. Government is incompetent at best, and over bearing and controlling at worst.

The Founders wanted us to keep the government under control, and not the other way round.

Not allowing mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place isn’t the government controlling it’s people. It’s the government protecting the people.

Your paranoia is hilarious.

We already have laws for both...you dumb ass. There is no paranoia here, there is an understanding of history and human nature.......

So the guy selling the gun out of his trunk has to do a background check on the person buying it?

No, moron, not if it is his private property....... but the criminal knows that they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and when caught with the gun, can already be arrested and convicted for it.....we already have this covered.

12 mass public shootings in 2018...... 93 killed.

12 crazy people out of 320 million....

Knives kill over 1,500 people every year...

Bees, Wasps, Dogs, Lawn mowers kill more people every year than mass shooters do....

Do you want to ban dogs? Since they are deadlier than guns used in mass public shootings?

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.

Thanks for confirming you were lying earlier. We all knew it but it was good to hear you admit it.

So there is no law against mentally ill people to buy guns in the parking lot of a store that refused to sell the whack job the gun in the first place. Thanks for clearing that up. Hopefully you’ll try to be more honest in the future but we both know you’re not capable.

We need to close that loophole and do background checks on anyone buying a firearm.

It’s that simple.

I’m really perplexed at the burning desire you have to avoid background checks. It seems as though the only ones who would have a problem with someone else passing one is if they too were mentally incompetent and crazy.

Moron...... it is against the law for someone who fails a background check to buy a gun from anyone ....you doofus. There is no loophole...if you fail a background check you already know you can't buy, own or carry a gun.....no loophole.

Since Background checks have already failed over and over again....and criminals avoid them by using straw buyers, people who can pass any background check, and mass public shooters pass background checks or get their guns illegally....

You can't show any benefit to background checks.......

They violate the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, and the 5th Amendment.....but as a fascist, you don't care about individual human Rights...those mass graves gotta be filled....
Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

No, they murdered 12 million people because they had a war and there were too many guns floating about...

Wow... what a dummy.

12 mass public shootings in 2018...

Nope, it was 323... we've been over this.

Tell you what... since all your numbers are unadulterated NRA bullshit I'm going to ignore, how about not wasting my time with them.
The left keeps them in the inner cities killing each other over drugs and "territory"! Easier to hide the destruction when you control the Media and just don't report it!

Or we have a racist media that doesn't care... and only treats it as a local story.

the fact is, we have 15,000 gun murders a year. We only pay attention when it's lots of people killed at a time... which also happens WAY too often. Those are usually white guys with issues.

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