Odds are, Democrats have a brokered convention, that Bernie can NOT win!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
The Democratic primary season will soon be upon us. Lets talk about the reality of the situation, and how this stacks up for a Democratic meltdown AGAIN!

I ask you to remember what happened in 2016 with Bernie and Hillary, and we will address this later as it will be worse this time. I am pretty certain, that the rules have been changed, so that DEMOCRAT SUPER DELEGATES do NOT vote, until or unless there is a 2nd ballot.

CONTINUING ON------------------> from 1/2, to 2/3rds of the states are PLUARITY votes, which means what?

It means that is NOT winner take all, rather the delegates are split proportionally between the candidates, depending upon what % of the vote they carried. ERGO, if 25 delegates are up for grabs, Bernie could get 10, Biden could get 6, and the rest could be split amongst the remaining candidates.

After the 1st 4 to 6 primaries, more than likely, you will be down to 5 or 6 candidates, as support and financial backing drop for the candidates not winning, or having larger % vote tallies, making them unviable.

So what happens?

Well, whatever Delegates these people accrue, at the convention, the former candidate can ASK them to cast their vote for whomever they choose of the remaining candidates in the race, if none of those candidates have a winning vote tally already, by themselves.

So who are the 2, 800 pd Political operators on the ballot?

ANSWER----------> Bernie, and Joe Biden!

Can either of them break the threshold without having a brokered convention?

ANSWER------------->NOT LIKELY!

With so many candidates, and with it probably NOT dropping down to 2 before the last 5 to 8 primaries, the vote is going to be split to thinly for them to garner enough winning votes. Expect the Bern to be in the lead by a comfortable margin from youth support, and Biden trailing in 2nd place badly through most of the primaries.

You MUST remember-------------->in primaries, only 15 to 20% of party voters actually vote. This means that...…….the most ardent supporters behind a candidate, are the ones who show up. That would be BERNIE! While youth is wasted on the young, you better believe they will show up, which is how he almost beat Hillary the last time! Now, the vote will be watered down even MORE!

So, does ANYONE think that if Bernie does NOT get the required number of delegates to win on the 1st ballot, he will capture the Democratic nomination, for President, of These United States?!?!?!?!

If you said yes, hell yes, then you do not know how politics work! Bernie is not even a Democrat, he lists himself as an independent. Add to that, while he MIGHT carry the largest number of delegates into the convention, the Democrats know that if it was only he and Biden running by themselves, Biden would smoke him!

It is also a proven statement, then when Republican you run to the right in the primaries, just as the Democrats run left. But when the general arrives, BOTH political party's, run to the CENTER! Can anyone see Bernie running to the center? He probably only has 5000 videos out there, showing how he is a Socialist, has always BEEN a Socialist, and will ALWAYS be a Socialist! Call Democrats out of touch all you want, but DUMB they are NOT! The youth of America may embrace it, but middle America and anyone over the age of 40 will march down to their polling place, and insure that a SOCIALIST is NOT installed as their President!

And so, the point of this intellectual exercise is---------------->that Bernie has 0...…..let me spell that for you, Z-E-R-O chance of winning the nomination, unless he wins it on the 1st ballot, period, END OF STORY, unless of course the Democrats believe that there is no way, no how, no person running on their side, that can beat Trump! But that has danger written all over it! What if Bernie won, and the Democrats had to stand AGAINST him themselves, which they would, because Bernie policies are a narrative, lol. Even most Democrats know and understand...……...they do NOT work, and we can't afford them!

And so, expect if Bernie does NOT win on the 1st ballot, the SUPERDELEGATES will give the nod to Biden, or whomever they see as a better choice, and more likely to win.

And what will that do to the eventual nominee on the Democratic side, AND how will Bernie supporters react if he is IN THE LEAD, and it again is stolen from him?

That is what politics is made of, it really is! It is said (how true it is, I do not know) that Ted Kennedy running in the primary, cost Jimmy Carter re-election. Is that accurate? Probably, but you can't prove a negative, you can only speculate. Kennedy supporters, did NOT show at the polls in the general for Carter, and more than likely, we would have some of that today with Bernie supporters should his nomination be sidelined and he was in the lead.

I would also like to divert a little to this---------------> if Trump DOES prove that it was a conspiracy against him, which seems more and more probable with each passing day, BERNIE is the LEAST touched by this as he is an independent. That independent moniker will serve him well, as he would certainly distance himself from the Obama Administration, and since he never ran against Obama, he could do so without being seen as a sellout. In essence, he could play BOTH sides of the fence. Out rage at what was done to Trump, while not having to defend the people who did it!

And so, I urge you political junkies to watch closely! If the BERN moves out quickly, pressure will be brought to bear instantaneously on lower level candidates to drop, so as their voters are free to vote for what as seen as a more MODERATE candidate, and they will be CHIDED TO ENDORSE; and trust me, it won't be Bernie!

This political theatre on the Democratic side, is going to teach a lot of people about politics, how it REALLY works, along with how nasty it really it is!

And, it should also tell you thinking individuals why they all HATE Trump so badly! He defied the odds, and pulled it off, and since the day he took office, both sides of ingrained politicians want him OUT OF THERE!

Can Bernie pull off the same thing again?

I would say no, because BOTH sides learned from what happened with Trump. They will NOT make the same mistake again, but one never knows! Maybe, Bernie can pull the proverbial rabbit out of a hat, ala Trump! But young Leftists, I wouldn't bet the farm on it, unless your wallet only has 5 or 6 bucks in it! Any more than that, and it is a very, very, bad, bet! Just think------------>if the swamp can tie Trump up for over 2 years, what do you think they can do to Bernie, when he doesn't have the power of the Presidency behind him. Sad, but true!
While obvious Barr going rabid dog after D states pulling unconstitutional stunts could upset your cxalculations.
While obvious Barr going rabid dog after D states pulling unconstitutional stunts could upset your cxalculations.
You know, you have been sticking your nose up Trumps crotch for 2 years. Fair enough. Now, you get the Republicans sticking their nose up your crotch!

Point is--------------> Special counsel could NOT do a damn thing. Oh, you can spin, bob, and weave all you want, but in the end, it is all a smokescreen your side is putting up.

Are you wrong? Maybe, maybe not, but here is the absolute truth-------------->you better be 75% correct now at the very least, or you are going to get your political a** handed to you! You have opened the door for everyone to DELVE into past practices, and trust me when I tell you------------>that is NOT a good thing.

The door is now open wide into those who reside in the back channels of politics. YOUR SIDE, controlled this! It has been this way since FDR!

Should you LOSE, or even be questioned, your side COULD lose more power than they gain, even if your side wins the Presidency!

Should your side be questioned, AND ALSO LOSE to Trump, you will have him unleashed, since he can NOT run for re-election. Yep, that is perfect storm, but if it happens, your side is SCREWED for years to come! And when I say years, I mean at least 2 decades!

You are basically asking the American People, to choose between SOCIALISM, and Trump! Unless you have something else in your quiver, even Mac will tell you----------->you will NOT WIN! Trump will become the anti-Nixon, who was hounded because of his conservative leanings.

I can tell you at this moment in time...…...FLORIDA is gone! Ohio is very close to being gone, and Wisconsin is on the cusp! (trust me, this is FACT)

So what are you going to do? This is the question of our time! You can either make HATE on Trump, or make a constructive policy change, and free college isn't going to work! It may buy your vote; but for every vote it buys, it will garner 2.5 against it. So you better have a plan, and so far, nobody sees it!
The Democratic primary season will soon be upon us. Lets talk about the reality of the situation, and how this stacks up for a Democratic meltdown AGAIN!

I ask you to remember what happened in 2016 with Bernie and Hillary, and we will address this later as it will be worse this time. I am pretty certain, that the rules have been changed, so that DEMOCRAT SUPER DELEGATES do NOT vote, until or unless there is a 2nd ballot.

CONTINUING ON------------------> from 1/2, to 2/3rds of the states are PLUARITY votes, which means what?

It means that is NOT winner take all, rather the delegates are split proportionally between the candidates, depending upon what % of the vote they carried. ERGO, if 25 delegates are up for grabs, Bernie could get 10, Biden could get 6, and the rest could be split amongst the remaining candidates.

After the 1st 4 to 6 primaries, more than likely, you will be down to 5 or 6 candidates, as support and financial backing drop for the candidates not winning, or having larger % vote tallies, making them unviable.

So what happens?

Well, whatever Delegates these people accrue, at the convention, the former candidate can ASK them to cast their vote for whomever they choose of the remaining candidates in the race, if none of those candidates have a winning vote tally already, by themselves.

So who are the 2, 800 pd Political operators on the ballot?

ANSWER----------> Bernie, and Joe Biden!

Can either of them break the threshold without having a brokered convention?

ANSWER------------->NOT LIKELY!

With so many candidates, and with it probably NOT dropping down to 2 before the last 5 to 8 primaries, the vote is going to be split to thinly for them to garner enough winning votes. Expect the Bern to be in the lead by a comfortable margin from youth support, and Biden trailing in 2nd place badly through most of the primaries.

You MUST remember-------------->in primaries, only 15 to 20% of party voters actually vote. This means that...…….the most ardent supporters behind a candidate, are the ones who show up. That would be BERNIE! While youth is wasted on the young, you better believe they will show up, which is how he almost beat Hillary the last time! Now, the vote will be watered down even MORE!

So, does ANYONE think that if Bernie does NOT get the required number of delegates to win on the 1st ballot, he will capture the Democratic nomination, for President, of These United States?!?!?!?!

If you said yes, hell yes, then you do not know how politics work! Bernie is not even a Democrat, he lists himself as an independent. Add to that, while he MIGHT carry the largest number of delegates into the convention, the Democrats know that if it was only he and Biden running by themselves, Biden would smoke him!

It is also a proven statement, then when Republican you run to the right in the primaries, just as the Democrats run left. But when the general arrives, BOTH political party's, run to the CENTER! Can anyone see Bernie running to the center? He probably only has 5000 videos out there, showing how he is a Socialist, has always BEEN a Socialist, and will ALWAYS be a Socialist! Call Democrats out of touch all you want, but DUMB they are NOT! The youth of America may embrace it, but middle America and anyone over the age of 40 will march down to their polling place, and insure that a SOCIALIST is NOT installed as their President!

And so, the point of this intellectual exercise is---------------->that Bernie has 0...…..let me spell that for you, Z-E-R-O chance of winning the nomination, unless he wins it on the 1st ballot, period, END OF STORY, unless of course the Democrats believe that there is no way, no how, no person running on their side, that can beat Trump! But that has danger written all over it! What if Bernie won, and the Democrats had to stand AGAINST him themselves, which they would, because Bernie policies are a narrative, lol. Even most Democrats know and understand...……...they do NOT work, and we can't afford them!

And so, expect if Bernie does NOT win on the 1st ballot, the SUPERDELEGATES will give the nod to Biden, or whomever they see as a better choice, and more likely to win.

And what will that do to the eventual nominee on the Democratic side, AND how will Bernie supporters react if he is IN THE LEAD, and it again is stolen from him?

That is what politics is made of, it really is! It is said (how true it is, I do not know) that Ted Kennedy running in the primary, cost Jimmy Carter re-election. Is that accurate? Probably, but you can't prove a negative, you can only speculate. Kennedy supporters, did NOT show at the polls in the general for Carter, and more than likely, we would have some of that today with Bernie supporters should his nomination be sidelined and he was in the lead.

I would also like to divert a little to this---------------> if Trump DOES prove that it was a conspiracy against him, which seems more and more probable with each passing day, BERNIE is the LEAST touched by this as he is an independent. That independent moniker will serve him well, as he would certainly distance himself from the Obama Administration, and since he never ran against Obama, he could do so without being seen as a sellout. In essence, he could play BOTH sides of the fence. Out rage at what was done to Trump, while not having to defend the people who did it!

And so, I urge you political junkies to watch closely! If the BERN moves out quickly, pressure will be brought to bear instantaneously on lower level candidates to drop, so as their voters are free to vote for what as seen as a more MODERATE candidate, and they will be CHIDED TO ENDORSE; and trust me, it won't be Bernie!

This political theatre on the Democratic side, is going to teach a lot of people about politics, how it REALLY works, along with how nasty it really it is!

And, it should also tell you thinking individuals why they all HATE Trump so badly! He defied the odds, and pulled it off, and since the day he took office, both sides of ingrained politicians want him OUT OF THERE!

Can Bernie pull off the same thing again?

I would say no, because BOTH sides learned from what happened with Trump. They will NOT make the same mistake again, but one never knows! Maybe, Bernie can pull the proverbial rabbit out of a hat, ala Trump! But young Leftists, I wouldn't bet the farm on it, unless your wallet only has 5 or 6 bucks in it! Any more than that, and it is a very, very, bad, bet! Just think------------>if the swamp can tie Trump up for over 2 years, what do you think they can do to Bernie, when he doesn't have the power of the Presidency behind him. Sad, but true!

The truth is simple-----------> The Left can crow all they want. The reality is--------------->someone is going to get screwed! How will the Leftists handle the screw job?

That is the question 2020 calls us to answer!

The DNC is in a quandry! What WILL they do! How will they handle this? And will they handle it well enough to make people in different spheres of the political spectrum on the Left, happy!


What you are going to see, is the left eating itself! They have...……...to their credit I will remind you...………..brought together, a disparate group of people. Problem is...…...each FACTION believes, that their figurehead should lead the party!! When that doesn't happen, and their SIGNATURE person gets HOSED by their own people, it will be Katie Bar the DOOR-)

I will remind the Leftists-----------> that MOVEMENTS only work, when they MOVE! Can YOU get the BURN to win?

No, nada, forget about it!

Your own party is going to hose you, and now you will learn something------------->That it REALLY isn't about the votes, it isn't about the primaries...……...rather...…..it is about YOUR PARTY!.

Now, kiss the ring, and accept Joe Biden as your hero-)
Bernie was soundly defeated by Hillary
He will be soundly defeated again
The Democratic primary season will soon be upon us. Lets talk about the reality of the situation, and how this stacks up for a Democratic meltdown AGAIN!

I ask you to remember what happened in 2016 with Bernie and Hillary, and we will address this later as it will be worse this time. I am pretty certain, that the rules have been changed, so that DEMOCRAT SUPER DELEGATES do NOT vote, until or unless there is a 2nd ballot.

CONTINUING ON------------------> from 1/2, to 2/3rds of the states are PLUARITY votes, which means what?

It means that is NOT winner take all, rather the delegates are split proportionally between the candidates, depending upon what % of the vote they carried. ERGO, if 25 delegates are up for grabs, Bernie could get 10, Biden could get 6, and the rest could be split amongst the remaining candidates.

After the 1st 4 to 6 primaries, more than likely, you will be down to 5 or 6 candidates, as support and financial backing drop for the candidates not winning, or having larger % vote tallies, making them unviable.

So what happens?

Well, whatever Delegates these people accrue, at the convention, the former candidate can ASK them to cast their vote for whomever they choose of the remaining candidates in the race, if none of those candidates have a winning vote tally already, by themselves.

So who are the 2, 800 pd Political operators on the ballot?

ANSWER----------> Bernie, and Joe Biden!

Can either of them break the threshold without having a brokered convention?

ANSWER------------->NOT LIKELY!

With so many candidates, and with it probably NOT dropping down to 2 before the last 5 to 8 primaries, the vote is going to be split to thinly for them to garner enough winning votes. Expect the Bern to be in the lead by a comfortable margin from youth support, and Biden trailing in 2nd place badly through most of the primaries.

You MUST remember-------------->in primaries, only 15 to 20% of party voters actually vote. This means that...…….the most ardent supporters behind a candidate, are the ones who show up. That would be BERNIE! While youth is wasted on the young, you better believe they will show up, which is how he almost beat Hillary the last time! Now, the vote will be watered down even MORE!

So, does ANYONE think that if Bernie does NOT get the required number of delegates to win on the 1st ballot, he will capture the Democratic nomination, for President, of These United States?!?!?!?!

If you said yes, hell yes, then you do not know how politics work! Bernie is not even a Democrat, he lists himself as an independent. Add to that, while he MIGHT carry the largest number of delegates into the convention, the Democrats know that if it was only he and Biden running by themselves, Biden would smoke him!

It is also a proven statement, then when Republican you run to the right in the primaries, just as the Democrats run left. But when the general arrives, BOTH political party's, run to the CENTER! Can anyone see Bernie running to the center? He probably only has 5000 videos out there, showing how he is a Socialist, has always BEEN a Socialist, and will ALWAYS be a Socialist! Call Democrats out of touch all you want, but DUMB they are NOT! The youth of America may embrace it, but middle America and anyone over the age of 40 will march down to their polling place, and insure that a SOCIALIST is NOT installed as their President!

And so, the point of this intellectual exercise is---------------->that Bernie has 0...…..let me spell that for you, Z-E-R-O chance of winning the nomination, unless he wins it on the 1st ballot, period, END OF STORY, unless of course the Democrats believe that there is no way, no how, no person running on their side, that can beat Trump! But that has danger written all over it! What if Bernie won, and the Democrats had to stand AGAINST him themselves, which they would, because Bernie policies are a narrative, lol. Even most Democrats know and understand...……...they do NOT work, and we can't afford them!

And so, expect if Bernie does NOT win on the 1st ballot, the SUPERDELEGATES will give the nod to Biden, or whomever they see as a better choice, and more likely to win.

And what will that do to the eventual nominee on the Democratic side, AND how will Bernie supporters react if he is IN THE LEAD, and it again is stolen from him?

That is what politics is made of, it really is! It is said (how true it is, I do not know) that Ted Kennedy running in the primary, cost Jimmy Carter re-election. Is that accurate? Probably, but you can't prove a negative, you can only speculate. Kennedy supporters, did NOT show at the polls in the general for Carter, and more than likely, we would have some of that today with Bernie supporters should his nomination be sidelined and he was in the lead.

I would also like to divert a little to this---------------> if Trump DOES prove that it was a conspiracy against him, which seems more and more probable with each passing day, BERNIE is the LEAST touched by this as he is an independent. That independent moniker will serve him well, as he would certainly distance himself from the Obama Administration, and since he never ran against Obama, he could do so without being seen as a sellout. In essence, he could play BOTH sides of the fence. Out rage at what was done to Trump, while not having to defend the people who did it!

And so, I urge you political junkies to watch closely! If the BERN moves out quickly, pressure will be brought to bear instantaneously on lower level candidates to drop, so as their voters are free to vote for what as seen as a more MODERATE candidate, and they will be CHIDED TO ENDORSE; and trust me, it won't be Bernie!

This political theatre on the Democratic side, is going to teach a lot of people about politics, how it REALLY works, along with how nasty it really it is!

And, it should also tell you thinking individuals why they all HATE Trump so badly! He defied the odds, and pulled it off, and since the day he took office, both sides of ingrained politicians want him OUT OF THERE!

Can Bernie pull off the same thing again?

I would say no, because BOTH sides learned from what happened with Trump. They will NOT make the same mistake again, but one never knows! Maybe, Bernie can pull the proverbial rabbit out of a hat, ala Trump! But young Leftists, I wouldn't bet the farm on it, unless your wallet only has 5 or 6 bucks in it! Any more than that, and it is a very, very, bad, bet! Just think------------>if the swamp can tie Trump up for over 2 years, what do you think they can do to Bernie, when he doesn't have the power of the Presidency behind him. Sad, but true!

The truth is simple-----------> The Left can crow all they want. The reality is--------------->someone is going to get screwed! How will the Leftists handle the screw job?

That is the question 2020 calls us to answer!

The DNC is in a quandry! What WILL they do! How will they handle this? And will they handle it well enough to make people in different spheres of the political spectrum on the Left, happy!


What you are going to see, is the left eating itself! They have...……...to their credit I will remind you...………..brought together, a disparate group of people. Problem is...…...each FACTION believes, that their figurehead should lead the party!! When that doesn't happen, and their SIGNATURE person gets HOSED by their own people, it will be Katie Bar the DOOR-)

I will remind the Leftists-----------> that MOVEMENTS only work, when they MOVE! Can YOU get the BURN to win?

No, nada, forget about it!

Your own party is going to hose you, and now you will learn something------------->That it REALLY isn't about the votes, it isn't about the primaries...……...rather...…..it is about YOUR PARTY!.

Now, kiss the ring, and accept Joe Biden as your hero-)

The poor bastards only have bad medicine to take and it was all their own doing. Stick a fork in em because they're done. :21:

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