Odd Votes, Odd Times And The Odds Of Vote Fraud


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Odd Votes, Odd Times And The Odds Of Vote Fraud

16 Nov 2020 ~~ By John F. DiLeo

Vote fraud was predicted before the 2020 election, so it certainly wasn’t a surprise to anyone.
In fact, vote fraud is predicted before all elections, because in fact there IS – virtually undeniably – a great deal of vote fraud in every election in the United States.
We have a secret ballot, which makes it difficult to build in the kinds of security that we install in every other aspect of our lives. Did you buy that wristwatch, that overcoat, that bottle of wine? Easy... check the receipt, and there’s the proof. Did you pay for a Timex but walk out with a Rolex? Did you pay for a polyester windbreaker but walk out with a cashmere London Fog? Again, the receipt has the details, and your credit card tracks the purchase and ties it directly to you, personally.
Oh, the talking heads had spin for it. “The first ballots counted were the Trump supporters, but the late night ballots were the mail-in votes, or the poorer precincts with computer problems, or the mail delays, or the absentees, or the provisionals... those would naturally go for Biden.” So we’re told.
But there were other reasons, reasons they didn’t admit to, and these were the whoppers.
Early in 2020, when a new virus hit Wuhan, China and quickly spread around the world, America’s Democrats hit on an idea. Lock down the economy, for weeks or months – telling people they wouldn’t be safe in public, wouldn’t be safe shopping at the mall, wouldn’t be safe at church or work or school, and wouldn’t be safe to vote at a public polling place.
Along with the massive destruction of private sector employment – long a goal of the modern Left – this would give them the opportunity to inflict on the nation a form of voting that has worked so well for them in the Pacific Northwest: the mail-in election.
In a normal, traditional election, each voter walks into a polling place and personally identifies himself (hopefully with state-issued identification), receives one ballot, and casts it there, in the presence of the poll-workers. The chain of custody from voter to ballot box is simple and direct. By contrast, with a mail-in election, the government just mails out millions of ballots – not in answer to specific requests as with absentee, but completely unsolicited... and if voters want to vote those ballots, they fill them out when they get around to it, then either drop them in the US mail or deposit them in an unguarded outdoor box.

On top of this flood of intentional “error” – some 10,000 dead people (according to government databases) voted this month in the state of Michigan alone – some of the other old-style corruption was ramped up this time. The government has collected depositions from government employees admitting that they were directed to destroy – and did – hundreds or even thousands of ballots with Trump votes on them.
Perusing the sworn depositions received this November, in the Democrat-run big cities of multiple battleground states, we learn that
  • Big city election workers destroyed thousands of ballots that had been cast for Donald Trump,
  • Big city election workers ran the same Biden ballots through the machines hundreds of times, as they desperately tried to keep up with the landslide of genuine Trump votes coming in from other parts of their states,
  • Big city election workers banned official Republican observers from watching them work as they “counted” (and fabricated) Biden ballots, even covering windows with paper so they couldn’t be watched or filmed by legally authorized pollwatchers,
  • Big city election workers unloaded boxes, coolers, and storage containers full of freshly-created ballots from Biden/Harris campaign vans in the middle of the night.
This can’t possibly have been their original plan. They got desperate, and they rushed so fast, the crimes couldn’t help but be noticed. If they had just performed their usual level of vote fraud, they might have failed to catch up with President Trump, but they could probably have gotten away with enough fabrication to steal the close downballot races like state legislator and county offices. But no, they were greedy; they had to beat President Trump, so they turned up the machine and got caught.... most strikingly with this last one:
We are told that Joe Biden – a man who hid in his basement for six months and promised to destroy the very industries that employ the American people – drew more support than any prior Democrat candidate. We are told that Biden blew Hillary Clinton’s numbers out of the water. That he even blew Barack Obama’s numbers out of the water. Does anyone actually believe that, considering the fact that Trump’s vote only grew, and he lost virtually no one who supported him last time?
Between the Trump votes given to Biden and the Biden votes that were totally manufactured, it is clear that Biden’s numbers are inflated by millions of votes, and the difference in the battleground states alone, when honestly counted, is more than sufficient to deliver the Electoral College majority to President Trump.
Where is the proof, you ask? In the thousands of depositions, copies of servers, and forensic reviews that will be produced for the American legal system in the weeks and months to come.
Be patient, and watch state after state finally be called for the actual, honest winner, hopefully not only for the presidency, but for downballot races as well.
And watch the airports too; it would be shocking if a lot of well-known names don’t quickly retire - to countries that lack USA extradition treaties - in the weeks to come.
It has taken a long time, but... as the old saying goes: The truth will out.

I suggest you all read the completely.....
Kudo's to John... He's put it all together concisely and precisely. Real and honest Journalism is not dead.
I'd post this on Twitter and Facebook but certainly it would quickly disappear down the black hole..
I voted for Trump this time around, just saying.

Unless irrefutable and overwhelming evidence that several swing states went to Biden shows up in court very very soon, Biden will be sworn in as president in January.
I voted for Trump this time around, just saying.

Unless irrefutable and overwhelming evidence that several swing states went to Biden shows up in court very very soon, Biden will be sworn in as president in January.

Then you're the biggest rube going if you believe Hiden Joe for six months could draw tha much of a vote nationally.
I voted for Trump this time around, just saying.

Unless irrefutable and overwhelming evidence that several swing states went to Biden shows up in court very very soon, Biden will be sworn in as president in January.

Then you're the biggest rube going if you believe Hiden Joe for six months could draw tha much of a vote nationally.
What I believe is irrelevant. How the courts rule is what is relevant.
Odd Votes, Odd Times And The Odds Of Vote Fraud

16 Nov 2020 ~~ By John F. DiLeo

Vote fraud was predicted before the 2020 election, so it certainly wasn’t a surprise to anyone.
In fact, vote fraud is predicted before all elections, because in fact there IS – virtually undeniably – a great deal of vote fraud in every election in the United States.
We have a secret ballot, which makes it difficult to build in the kinds of security that we install in every other aspect of our lives. Did you buy that wristwatch, that overcoat, that bottle of wine? Easy... check the receipt, and there’s the proof. Did you pay for a Timex but walk out with a Rolex? Did you pay for a polyester windbreaker but walk out with a cashmere London Fog? Again, the receipt has the details, and your credit card tracks the purchase and ties it directly to you, personally.
Oh, the talking heads had spin for it. “The first ballots counted were the Trump supporters, but the late night ballots were the mail-in votes, or the poorer precincts with computer problems, or the mail delays, or the absentees, or the provisionals... those would naturally go for Biden.” So we’re told.
But there were other reasons, reasons they didn’t admit to, and these were the whoppers.
Early in 2020, when a new virus hit Wuhan, China and quickly spread around the world, America’s Democrats hit on an idea. Lock down the economy, for weeks or months – telling people they wouldn’t be safe in public, wouldn’t be safe shopping at the mall, wouldn’t be safe at church or work or school, and wouldn’t be safe to vote at a public polling place.
Along with the massive destruction of private sector employment – long a goal of the modern Left – this would give them the opportunity to inflict on the nation a form of voting that has worked so well for them in the Pacific Northwest: the mail-in election.
In a normal, traditional election, each voter walks into a polling place and personally identifies himself (hopefully with state-issued identification), receives one ballot, and casts it there, in the presence of the poll-workers. The chain of custody from voter to ballot box is simple and direct. By contrast, with a mail-in election, the government just mails out millions of ballots – not in answer to specific requests as with absentee, but completely unsolicited... and if voters want to vote those ballots, they fill them out when they get around to it, then either drop them in the US mail or deposit them in an unguarded outdoor box.

On top of this flood of intentional “error” – some 10,000 dead people (according to government databases) voted this month in the state of Michigan alone – some of the other old-style corruption was ramped up this time. The government has collected depositions from government employees admitting that they were directed to destroy – and did – hundreds or even thousands of ballots with Trump votes on them.
Perusing the sworn depositions received this November, in the Democrat-run big cities of multiple battleground states, we learn that
  • Big city election workers destroyed thousands of ballots that had been cast for Donald Trump,
  • Big city election workers ran the same Biden ballots through the machines hundreds of times, as they desperately tried to keep up with the landslide of genuine Trump votes coming in from other parts of their states,
  • Big city election workers banned official Republican observers from watching them work as they “counted” (and fabricated) Biden ballots, even covering windows with paper so they couldn’t be watched or filmed by legally authorized pollwatchers,
  • Big city election workers unloaded boxes, coolers, and storage containers full of freshly-created ballots from Biden/Harris campaign vans in the middle of the night.
This can’t possibly have been their original plan. They got desperate, and they rushed so fast, the crimes couldn’t help but be noticed. If they had just performed their usual level of vote fraud, they might have failed to catch up with President Trump, but they could probably have gotten away with enough fabrication to steal the close downballot races like state legislator and county offices. But no, they were greedy; they had to beat President Trump, so they turned up the machine and got caught.... most strikingly with this last one:
We are told that Joe Biden – a man who hid in his basement for six months and promised to destroy the very industries that employ the American people – drew more support than any prior Democrat candidate. We are told that Biden blew Hillary Clinton’s numbers out of the water. That he even blew Barack Obama’s numbers out of the water. Does anyone actually believe that, considering the fact that Trump’s vote only grew, and he lost virtually no one who supported him last time?
Between the Trump votes given to Biden and the Biden votes that were totally manufactured, it is clear that Biden’s numbers are inflated by millions of votes, and the difference in the battleground states alone, when honestly counted, is more than sufficient to deliver the Electoral College majority to President Trump.
Where is the proof, you ask? In the thousands of depositions, copies of servers, and forensic reviews that will be produced for the American legal system in the weeks and months to come.
Be patient, and watch state after state finally be called for the actual, honest winner, hopefully not only for the presidency, but for downballot races as well.
And watch the airports too; it would be shocking if a lot of well-known names don’t quickly retire - to countries that lack USA extradition treaties - in the weeks to come.
It has taken a long time, but... as the old saying goes: The truth will out.

I suggest you all read the completely.....
Kudo's to John... He's put it all together concisely and precisely. Real and honest Journalism is not dead.
I'd post this on Twitter and Facebook but certainly it would quickly disappear down the black hole..

"Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence."
I voted for Trump this time around, just saying.

Unless irrefutable and overwhelming evidence that several swing states went to Biden shows up in court very very soon, Biden will be sworn in as president in January.
I learned anti trumpers aren't necessarily NEVER trumpers
when 3 different friends told me they voted for Trump...I was shocked

They said they voted for Trump cuz they didn't want Biden...or Harris
they all voted for Hillary though in '16

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