Obama's uncle gets to stay.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Obama's Uncle Granted Permission To Remain In U.S.

BOSTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle has been granted permission to stay in the U.S.

An immigration judge ruled Tuesday that 69-year-old Onyango Obama is a person of "good moral character."

Obama is the half brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained.

Onyango Obama and a longtime friend testified at a hearing that he has lived in the U.S. for 50 years, been a hard worker, paid income tax and been arrested only once.

His immigration status didn't become public until his 2011 drunken driving arrest. At the time, he allegedly told police, "I think I will call the White House."

Obama also has an illegal (aunt) living here. On welfare. Never paid taxes, or so I read somewhere. Something is wrong with this picture.

Your thoughts on this?
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Obama's Uncle Granted Permission To Remain In U.S.

BOSTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle has been granted permission to stay in the U.S.

An immigration judge ruled Tuesday that 69-year-old Onyango Obama is a person of "good moral character."

Obama is the half brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained.

Onyango Obama and a longtime friend testified at a hearing that he has lived in the U.S. for 50 years, been a hard worker, paid income tax and been arrested only once.

His immigration status didn't become public until his 2011 drunken driving arrest. At the time, he allegedly told police, "I think I will call the White House."

Obama also has an illegal (aunt) living here. On welfare. Never paid taxes, or so I read somewhere. Something is wrong with this picture.

Your thoughts on this?

Good moral character? With that quality he can get a CCW in California to boot!

Send them out of dodge on a rail with Obama, he's illegal too

What about Obama's cousin living in a hut? Doesn't he have relatives living in the White House as well - half-uncles and shit, living off the government's (our) teat? The whole Kenyan Muslin Hillbilly fucking family should be shipped back to the Goddamned jungle - STAT
Obama's Uncle Granted Permission To Remain In U.S.

BOSTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle has been granted permission to stay in the U.S.

An immigration judge ruled Tuesday that 69-year-old Onyango Obama is a person of "good moral character."

Obama is the half brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained.

Onyango Obama and a longtime friend testified at a hearing that he has lived in the U.S. for 50 years, been a hard worker, paid income tax and been arrested only once.

His immigration status didn't become public until his 2011 drunken driving arrest. At the time, he allegedly told police, "I think I will call the White House."

Obama also has an illegal (aunt) living here. On welfare. Never paid taxes, or so I read somewhere. Something is wrong with this picture.

Your thoughts on this?

links on Obama's aunt?
The case stirred controversy because the president’s uncle was arrested in 2011 for drunken driving in Framingham and was found to have an outstanding deportation order from 1992. Many accused the government of giving him special treatment at the same time President Obama is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants.

Why was he not deported before Oblama was president? I thought that Oblama did not deport illegals according to rabid RWer's.

But Shapiro said Onyango Obama was eligible for a green card under federal immigration law because he arrived in America before 1972 and had displayed “good moral character.” The judge said the 69-year-old paid taxes, volunteered in the community, and was a “kind and decent” person.

So it really has no bearing upon Oblama as president, I see.
Another worthless thread to only bash a man, for no good reason. I would hate to be related to the posters that seethe hate every day. What a waste of their lives, living so negatively.
Another worthless thread to only bash a man, for no good reason. I would hate to be related to the posters that seethe hate every day. What a waste of their lives, living so negatively.

Obama is the kind of guy you would like to run into at the bar. ....

oh nice

69 years old....

and will never contribute one cent into federal taxes. Another freeloading leach has just been allowed in.
Obama's Uncle Granted Permission To Remain In U.S.

BOSTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle has been granted permission to stay in the U.S.

An immigration judge ruled Tuesday that 69-year-old Onyango Obama is a person of "good moral character."

Obama is the half brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained.

Onyango Obama and a longtime friend testified at a hearing that he has lived in the U.S. for 50 years, been a hard worker, paid income tax and been arrested only once.

His immigration status didn't become public until his 2011 drunken driving arrest. At the time, he allegedly told police, "I think I will call the White House."

Obama also has an illegal (aunt) living here. On welfare. Never paid taxes, or so I read somewhere. Something is wrong with this picture.

Your thoughts on this?

Good moral character? This with a prior arrest. So why is the German family who was previously granted asylum now facing deportation? Does this mean that they don't have good moral character?

A German family that fled to the United States in 2008 to be free to homeschool their children is fighting deportation after a decision granting them asylum was overturned.

Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, devout Christians from the southwest of Germany who now have six children, initially took their three oldest children out of school in their native country in 2006. Shortly after, the German government started fining the family and threatening them with legal action.

Home schooling has been illegal in Germany since 1918, when school attendance was made compulsory, and parents who choose to homeschool anyway face financial penalties and legal consequences, including the potential loss of custody of their children.

To escape such legal action, the family fled to the United States in 2008 and was granted political asylum in 2010, eventually making their home in Tennessee. U.S. law states that individuals can qualify for asylum if they can prove they are being persecuted because of their religion or because they are members of a particular "social group."

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement challenged the decision to grant the Romeikes asylum to the Board of Immigration Appeals in 2012, claiming that Germany's stringent policy against homeschooling did not constitute persecution.
If your looking for fairness from the U.S. government you won't ever find it. Doesn't matter what puppet is in charge.
Another worthless thread to only bash a man, for no good reason. I would hate to be related to the posters that seethe hate every day. What a waste of their lives, living so negatively.

Yer an idiot. Where was I bashing? I was asking thoughts about it. Moron.

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