obama's to America: You - $5 a gallon gas and a staycation, Us - Vacation like mad.


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
That's right America... gas is $4.93 a gallon in California and America still has a 15% unemployment rate, so Americans are hurting and tightening their belts, and with gas prices so high and CLIMBING, Americans are planning "staycations" instead of trips.

OOOOOOHHH BUT NOT THE OBAMA'S... holy hell NO... they're vacationing like there's NO TOMORROW, all on YOUR DIME... how do you like them now? I don't. There's never been a more repulsive, anti American bunch of commie shit stains in the White House in the history of our country.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations

First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner
That's right America... gas is $4.93 a gallon in California and America still has a 15% unemployment rate, so Americans are hurting and tightening their belts, and with gas prices so high and CLIMBING, Americans are planning "staycations" instead of trips.

OOOOOOHHH BUT NOT THE OBAMA'S... holy hell NO... they're vacationing like there's NO TOMORROW, all on YOUR DIME... how do you like them now? I don't. There's never been a more repulsive, anti American bunch of commie shit stains in the White House in the history of our country.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations

First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhYSgPZ41WU]Obama: I will not rest - YouTube[/ame]
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Michelle Obama has embarked on a skiing vacation with her daughters in Aspen, Colorado, according to the Aspen Daily News .

The first lady, who just returned last month from 17 days of relaxation in Hawaii, is skiing in Colorado on Presidents’ Day Weekend for the second year in a row. Last year she went to Vail.

Michelle’s decision to ski out West again instead of hitting slopes closer to Washington would seem an inopportune choice for a first lady who is helping her husband campaign on issues of “fairness.”

The Obama campaign has set itself up as the defender of the poor and the middle class against the “One Percent,” a theme which clashes with the image a first lady who is taking frequent and exclusive vacations.

Just last August, she sojourned on Martha’s Vineyard, and the month before she travelled to southern Africa for a trip that mixed official business with tourist outings like an African safari. In July 2010, she took an exorbitant excursion to the southern coast of Spain, flying out with friends and family on a large jet that often serves as Air Force 2 and then staying at a ritzy hotel.

What’s more, as the government struggles to cut the deficit, the symbolism of a first lady jetting out to Aspen with a security entourage at taxpayers’ expense to ski would seem to send the wrong message about cutting back on spending.

The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
You people who want to bomb Iran's supposedly nuclear weapons projects ought to factor that into your worries about the price of gas.

which one of ewe people do you refer too? is obummer the only one who can scratch that want? got news for ewe, he ain't worried about the price of gas.
Michelle Obama has embarked on a skiing vacation with her daughters in Aspen, Colorado, according to the Aspen Daily News .

The first lady, who just returned last month from 17 days of relaxation in Hawaii, is skiing in Colorado on Presidents’ Day Weekend for the second year in a row. Last year she went to Vail.

Michelle’s decision to ski out West again instead of hitting slopes closer to Washington would seem an inopportune choice for a first lady who is helping her husband campaign on issues of “fairness.”

The Obama campaign has set itself up as the defender of the poor and the middle class against the “One Percent,” a theme which clashes with the image a first lady who is taking frequent and exclusive vacations.

Just last August, she sojourned on Martha’s Vineyard, and the month before she travelled to southern Africa for a trip that mixed official business with tourist outings like an African safari. In July 2010, she took an exorbitant excursion to the southern coast of Spain, flying out with friends and family on a large jet that often serves as Air Force 2 and then staying at a ritzy hotel.

What’s more, as the government struggles to cut the deficit, the symbolism of a first lady jetting out to Aspen with a security entourage at taxpayers’ expense to ski would seem to send the wrong message about cutting back on spending.

The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

(Image: EIB )​
Remind all your friends on your way to the polls.

Whoever the republican nominee is, I'm planning on sending more money than I ever have before, and doing whatever else I can to help that person campaign against the kenyan.

You people who want to bomb Iran's supposedly nuclear weapons projects ought to factor that into your worries about the price of gas.

which one of ewe people do you refer too? is obummer the only one who can scratch that want? got news for ewe, he ain't worried about the price of gas.

The higher the price of gas goes, the better obama likes it. It's all part of his plan to ruin our economy. His puppet master Soros is loving it.

In the meantime the kenyan and his wookie are partying like rock stars on the taxpayers back. They're collecting their reparations for being black. Reverend Wright is proud of them.
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That's right America... gas is $4.93 a gallon in California and America still has a 15% unemployment rate, so Americans are hurting and tightening their belts, and with gas prices so high and CLIMBING, Americans are planning "staycations" instead of trips.

OOOOOOHHH BUT NOT THE OBAMA'S... holy hell NO... they're vacationing like there's NO TOMORROW, all on YOUR DIME... how do you like them now? I don't. There's never been a more repulsive, anti American bunch of commie shit stains in the White House in the history of our country.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations

First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner

I live in California and paid $3.77 a gallon yesterday. Maybe a gas station in the middle of the Mohave Desert charged what you alleged, but given the rest of your post we know partisan rhetoric never needs facts or evidence to push an agenda. Hyperbole is much more effective in creating emotional reactions - reason, not so much.
That's right America... gas is $4.93 a gallon in California and America still has a 15% unemployment rate, so Americans are hurting and tightening their belts, and with gas prices so high and CLIMBING, Americans are planning "staycations" instead of trips.

OOOOOOHHH BUT NOT THE OBAMA'S... holy hell NO... they're vacationing like there's NO TOMORROW, all on YOUR DIME... how do you like them now? I don't. There's never been a more repulsive, anti American bunch of commie shit stains in the White House in the history of our country.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations

First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner

I live in California and paid $3.77 a gallon yesterday. Maybe a gas station in the middle of the Mohave Desert charged what you alleged, but given the rest of your post we know partisan rhetoric never needs facts or evidence to push an agenda. Hyperbole is much more effective in creating emotional reactions - reason, not so much.

The price was quoted in the article numb nuts, and it isn't based on one gas station where you live.

Try thinking for change, but try not to hurt yourself.
You people who want to bomb Iran's supposedly nuclear weapons projects ought to factor that into your worries about the price of gas.

which one of ewe people do you refer too? is obummer the only one who can scratch that want? got news for ewe, he ain't worried about the price of gas.

Act like an adult if you want to be treated like an adult.

That's right America... gas is $4.93 a gallon in California and America still has a 15% unemployment rate, so Americans are hurting and tightening their belts, and with gas prices so high and CLIMBING, Americans are planning "staycations" instead of trips.

OOOOOOHHH BUT NOT THE OBAMA'S... holy hell NO... they're vacationing like there's NO TOMORROW, all on YOUR DIME... how do you like them now? I don't. There's never been a more repulsive, anti American bunch of commie shit stains in the White House in the history of our country.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations

First lady Michelle Obama’s weekend jaunt to Aspen, Colorado for a President’s Day ski holiday with her daughters Sasha and Malia makes the 16th time members of the first family have gone on extended vacations during their three years in office.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner

I live in California and paid $3.77 a gallon yesterday. Maybe a gas station in the middle of the Mohave Desert charged what you alleged, but given the rest of your post we know partisan rhetoric never needs facts or evidence to push an agenda. Hyperbole is much more effective in creating emotional reactions - reason, not so much.

The price was quoted in the article numb nuts, and it isn't based on one gas station where you live.

Try thinking for change, but try not to hurt yourself.

Thanks for sharing and providing more evidence you're both a partisan hack and a fool. It's not one gas station genius, between my home and the freeway there are over half a dozen gas stations, all with price signs and all within pennies of the $3.77 I paid. Oh, and BTW, the POTUS has no control over the price of gas, so other than your partisanship do you have anything of substance to ad?
I live in California and paid $3.77 a gallon yesterday. Maybe a gas station in the middle of the Mohave Desert charged what you alleged, but given the rest of your post we know partisan rhetoric never needs facts or evidence to push an agenda. Hyperbole is much more effective in creating emotional reactions - reason, not so much.

The price was quoted in the article numb nuts, and it isn't based on one gas station where you live.

Try thinking for change, but try not to hurt yourself.

Thanks for sharing and providing more evidence you're both a partisan hack and a fool. It's not one gas station genius, between my home and the freeway there are over half a dozen gas stations, all with price signs and all within pennies of the $3.77 I paid. Oh, and BTW, the POTUS has no control over the price of gas, so other than your partisanship do you have anything of substance to ad?

For Christ sake... do you need someone to follow you around and baby sit you because you're too fucking stupid to care for yourself? The price quoted was an AVERAGE for the state, not the tiny little radius where YOU drive. What fucking part of that is hard for you to understand? Your brain the size of a pea?

And don't fucking tell me the kenyan has no control over the price of gas. That's about the biggest lie I've heard in months. Can you say "THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE?" Or how about a "MORATORIUM AGAINST DRILLING FOR OIL IN THE GULF AND ALASKA?" You need to get a clue and learn something. Your ignorance on display here is ugly, as well as YOUR LIBERAL HACK stupidity and LIES.
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Now, notice there are a couple of theads on the cost of gas today. Here's why:

The GOP is seeking anything which might afford traction no matter how absurd or dishonest. It's rather sad, needing to run away from the latest failure of Voodoo economics their struggle for relevancy is sadly comical.

In the past the GOP has branded itself as fiscally responsible and strong on defense. There is no evidence to prove either claim are true given the failure of recent military adventurism and the near economic collapse of our economy during the Great Recession (2007 - 2009).

All the GOP has left is cultural war - currently engaged in as a (not so) civil war among those who want to be the GOP standard bearer in November as well as ain't it awful the sky is falling rhetoric, name calling (Marxism!!!) and it's ALL OBAMA'S FAULT.

The newest iteration of "it's Obama's fault" is the cost of gas. Simple minded partisans want others to believe there is only one cause for the rise of the price of gas and that single cause is Obama.
Republicans voted to cut funding of enforcement against oil speculators by 30%.

Are you suggesting that speculation isn't playing a role in the current high oil prices?
You people who want to bomb Iran's supposedly nuclear weapons projects ought to factor that into your worries about the price of gas.

which one of ewe people do you refer too? is obummer the only one who can scratch that want? got news for ewe, he ain't worried about the price of gas.

Act like an adult if you want to be treated like an adult.


ewe said ewe people who want to bomb Iran... who would that ewe be? can ewe answer that question?
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I live in California and paid $3.77 a gallon yesterday. Maybe a gas station in the middle of the Mohave Desert charged what you alleged, but given the rest of your post we know partisan rhetoric never needs facts or evidence to push an agenda. Hyperbole is much more effective in creating emotional reactions - reason, not so much.

its 4 dollars and above here in Orange County and this sure aint the Mohave desert....so i guess we know who is using a little bit of partisan bullshit...
The price was quoted in the article numb nuts, and it isn't based on one gas station where you live.

Try thinking for change, but try not to hurt yourself.

Thanks for sharing and providing more evidence you're both a partisan hack and a fool. It's not one gas station genius, between my home and the freeway there are over half a dozen gas stations, all with price signs and all within pennies of the $3.77 I paid. Oh, and BTW, the POTUS has no control over the price of gas, so other than your partisanship do you have anything of substance to ad?

For Christ sake... do you need someone to follow you around and baby sit you because you're too fucking stupid to care for yourself? The price quoted was an AVERAGE for the state, not the tiny little radius where YOU drive. What fucking part of that is hard for you to understand? Your brain the size of a pea?

And don't fucking tell me the kenyan has no control over the price of gas. That's about the biggest lie I've heard in months. Can you say "THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE?" Or how about a "MORATORIUM AGAINST DRILLING FOR OIL IN THE GULF AND ALASKA?" You need to get a clue and learn something. Your ignorance on display here is ugly, as well as YOUR LIBERAL HACK stupidity and LIES.

Oh, an emotional rant, how cute. Listen Moron, the tiny little area where I live is a county of over one million residents in the sixth largest metro area in the nation.
Don't forget refiners go off line, there is more demand for gas (China and India), the Iranian situation, OPEC, etc. etc. Charts of the cost for a gallon are on line, inform yourself as to the variables which effect it's cost.

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