Obama's Speech Transcript

RW: I believe it wasn't due to the speech itself per se, but rather the "worksheets" that followed.

If you were concerned about the worksheets wouldn't you call the schools and urge them not to use the worksheets rather than boycott the speech?
I believe the "worksheets" were supposed to be just as important as the speech...kinda like having math class with interactive equation solving. You can't have one without the other.
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RW: I believe it wasn't due to the speech itself per se, but rather the "worksheets" that followed.

If you were concerned about the worksheets wouldn't you call the schools and urge them not to use the worksheets rather than boycott the speech?
I believe the "worksheets" were supposed to be just as important as the speech...kinda like having math class with interactive equation solving. You can't have one without the other.

Why not urge schools to dump the worksheets only? They were never mandatory only suggestions. Nobody ever said schools have to do both

How bout the real reason conservatives didn't want Obama speaking to their children?
They feared their children would support the president
RW: I believe it wasn't due to the speech itself per se, but rather the "worksheets" that followed.

If you were concerned about the worksheets wouldn't you call the schools and urge them not to use the worksheets rather than boycott the speech?
I believe the "worksheets" were supposed to be just as important as the speech...kinda like having math class with interactive equation solving. You can't have one without the other.

You realize that schools today, primarily because of NCLB, HAVE to have lesson plans/worksheets to justify anything going on in the classroom? Even a Presidential speech. If you can't count it, it doesn't count.
Hey! Psst. YOU! Leftwinger! Who are you "arguing with?" We agree that the President's drafted "speech" is, as written, just fine.
BOTH posts immediately preceding yours pretty much said as much.

In fact, we applaud his inclusion of conservative values and his simple exhortation to students to put some effort into it.


I've been telling you for days it wasn't going to be that bad. It reflects previous speeches he has made to students in black communities and reflects the same values

You've been telling who for days? I don't believe you and I had discussed it at all prior to today.
How can he sign off with "God Bless America" when in 8 months he STILL hasn't found a suitable Black Separatist Church to replace Rev. Wright and he's yet to say anything good about America?
Florida's Rep. Party Chairman Jim Greer is eating Crow on CNN. He says that his kids will listen to the president's speech.
Agreed - good speech focused on the merits of hard work and eventual rewards.

Very conservative ideals.

Perhaps this signals Obama's move to the political center?

Hopefully so...

And yes, I am certain this is not the original speech planned - a quick revision quite likely took place...

As was the re-Wirte of the "Lesson Plan" from the Education Department.

A Department I see you've not had any interaction with.

And we have the other one up here who "SACANNED" the speech......
As was the re-Wirte of the "Lesson Plan" from the Education Department.

A Department I see you've not had any interaction with.

And we have the other one up here who "SACANNED" the speech......

Oh my goodness! I missed a typo and YOU, Contessa None-too-Sharpa, God bless your heart, CAUGHT it! :clap2:

I am, naturally, quite concerned that you may not be able to stop from crying over it.

So, rest easy Contessa None-too-Sharpa! I have edited the massively offending typo!

And, you're quite welcome for the copy and paste of the President's speech.

P.S. Proper grammar suggests you ought not start a sentence with the word "And." Further, the ellipsis is formed by three or four periods (usually periods) separated by spaces. Six periods separated by nothing is just simply incorrect. Attend to that.
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A Department I see you've not had any interaction with.

And we have the other one up here who "SACANNED" the speech......

Oh my goodness! I missed a typo and YOU, Contessa None-too-Sharpa, God bless your heart, CAUGHT it! :clap2:

I am, naturally, quite concerned that you may not be able to stop from crying over it.

So, rest easy Contessa None-too-Sharpa! I have edited the massively offending typo!

And, you're quite welcome for the copy and paste of the President's speech.

You were going to tell us why YOU weren't able to make it to high office, or to law school, or through college, and what it was in your life that you blame because you can never accomplish what PRESIDENT Obama has......

I am waiting.......
And we have the other one up here who "SACANNED" the speech......

Oh my goodness! I missed a typo and YOU, Contessa None-too-Sharpa, God bless your heart, CAUGHT it! :clap2:

I am, naturally, quite concerned that you may not be able to stop from crying over it.

So, rest easy Contessa None-too-Sharpa! I have edited the massively offending typo!

And, you're quite welcome for the copy and paste of the President's speech.

You were going to tell us why YOU weren't able to make it to high office, or to law school, or through college, and what it was in your life that you blame because you can never accomplish what PRESIDENT Obama has......

I am waiting.......

I was?

Please quote the post where I "was going to" do any such thing.

I'm waiting.

In the interim, you have typos and/or grammatical errors to attend to.

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