Obama's 'Hypocrite Tour 2016' Started Early


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Atty General Eric Holder: 3 Felony counts of Perjury - protected from punishment
ANYONE involved with Fast and Furious: NO ONE Fired, docked pay, despite over 35o civilians and 2 Americans being killed
Anyone in the IRS: Lois Lerner admitted her division unfairly targeted Conservatives, the final report specified procedures were not followed and people were 'targeted' but NO ONE was fired, demoted, or lost a dime
Obama lied his arse off about the ACA: no punishment
Hillary: Perjury and more - investigation still on-going - but he will make sure she is never punished
Obama: Refuses to enforce immigration law, protecting Sanctuary cities that are breaking federal Law, protecting violent illegals, ... There's a laundry list...

Obama Warns Opponents Of Gay Marriage ‘Nobody Is Above The Rule Of Law’
LINK: Obama Warns Opponents Of Gay Marriage ‘Nobody Is Above The Rule Of Law’ - Breitbart

All things that the right tried to turn into scandals but failed. Care for a tissue?

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