Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway
- By dropping charges against major arms targets, the administration infuriated Justice Department officials — and undermined its own counter-proliferation task forces."

In this article the author goes in great detail to provide the specifics of the prisoner release agreement and the specifics about who these Iranians were whose criminal charges were dropped and their release.

Right from the start many Americans were furious when they heard Obama had agreed to release / released Iranians being held by the US but refused to even ASK the Iranians for the release of US hostages, especially when Obama and the US had 'all the leverage in the world'. When Americans learn exactly who these Iranians are and how much of an impact they have not only on Iran's nuclear weapons program but also the negative impact they have on the US's ability to combat Iran's nuclear proliferation they should become much, much angrier.

To make a long story (below) short, the summary is this:

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of Americans in many different agencies spent years - thousands of hours - working on counter nuclear proliferation, working cases, attempting to get their hands on Iranian smugglers, thieves, scientists, operatives, etc in an effort to counter Iran's nuclear program and advance towards acquiring nuclear weapons. One such DOJ rep said the US had been trying to 'get in' for years and still only had bits and pieces of information....until they picked up a BIG TIME Iranian nuclear program insider.

Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili was / is a suspected Iranian nuclear procurement agent who had been charged with being part of a conspiracy that from 2005 to 2012 procured thousands of parts with nuclear applications for Iran via China. That included hundreds of U.S.-made sensors for the uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran whose progress had prompted the nuclear deal talks in the first place. The US also held his China-based associate, Sahai Cheng.

Having these two in US hands finally opened the door to learning everything about Iran's nuclear program and coming up with programs / ops to counter Iran's nuclear proliferation....

Except as part of Barry's personal, Un-Constitutional Treaty, Iran asked for Iranians to be held to be returned, to including Jamil...and Obama handed him over...without ever asking anything in return - not even our US citizens being held by Iran.

““This has erased literally years — many years — of hard work, and important cases that can be used to build toward other cases and even bigger players in Iran’s nuclear and conventional weapons programs,” said former Justice Department counterproliferation prosecutor David Locke Hall, adding that the swap demolished the deterrent effect that the arrests and convictions may have had.

Even though these men’s crimes posed a direct threat to U.S. national security, the [Obama] administration has essentially told them (agents who did all the work to capture Jamil-Cheng) their efforts have produced nothing more than political capital that can be traded away when politically expedient.”

All in all charges were dropped against 14 Iranians and they were returned to Iran.

"When federal prosecutors and agents learned the true extent of the releases, many were shocked and angry. Some had spent years, if not decades, working to penetrate the global proliferation networks that allowed Iranian arms traders both to obtain crucial materials for Tehran’s illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs and, in some cases, to provide dangerous materials to other countries.

They didn’t just dismiss a bunch of innocent business guys,” said one former federal law enforcement supervisor centrally involved in the hunt for Iranian arms traffickers and nuclear smugglers. “And then they didn’t give a full story of it.”

As a result of the prisoner release "key enforcement efforts are in limbo as the result of stalled or stymied investigations and prosecutions, and the trail of some high-value targets has gone cold".

All of this was done in the utmost secrecy - Only a 'handful' of people were told about this deal until it had been made.

“This is a scandal,” she said. “The cases bear all the hallmarks of exactly the kinds of national security threats we’re still going after. It’s stunning and hard to understand why we would do this.”

The article this link leads to is a well-written, thorough article on the details of the prisoner release, what it took to capture these prisoners, what holding them meant to and how much their release damaged / set back Iranian counter nuclear proliferation efforts. It is a little lengthy but worth the read.

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway
It was obviously a bad deal for the US. It was poorly negotiated. However, our President should be talking to as many leaders of nations as he can. There's nothing wrong with meeting and working out agreements. Trump should be on the horn everyday trying to set up meetings with leaders like Kim Jong Un, Khamenei, Assad, Duterte, and Putin. Our President should be talking to these people. Peace can be achieved, but it starts with talking.
It was obviously a bad deal for the US. It was poorly negotiated

Every other nation walked away from the negotiating table because they knew Iran was full of shite, acting like they held all the cards, and was threatening their nations during the negotiations.

During the negotiations, while the US stayed and remained the only nation at the table, Iran:
- Mocked Obama, calling him 'desperate' and 'weak'
- Had their military running bombing drills on mock US carriers
- Threatened to nuke / destroy the US
...still Barry remained at the table.

During the negotiations the media reported that Iran had been discovered to have violated one of the conditions of their already existing agreement.
...still Barry remained at the table.

Guring the negotiations Iran demanded their 14 people back...and barry refused to ask for our US hostages back. He later stated he was afraid doing so would jeopardize the Treaty he so badly wanted (apparently at almost any cost).
- On top of the billions Barry agreed to return to Iran in addition to lifting economic sanctions, Obama later agreed to give Iran even more money when he paid a ransom for those US hostages.

Although he held ALL of the leverage, Obama negotiated from a position of weakness. He gave Iran almost everything they wanted while the US received agreements and conditions on the Iran Nuclear program that they have already violated.
It was obviously a bad deal for the US. It was poorly negotiated

Every other nation walked away from the negotiating table because they knew Iran was full of shite, acting like they held all the cards, and was threatening their nations during the negotiations.

During the negotiations, while the US stayed and remained the only nation at the table, Iran:
- Mocked Obama, calling him 'desperate' and 'weak'
- Had their military running bombing drills on mock US carriers
- Threatened to nuke / destroy the US
...still Barry remained at the table.

During the negotiations the media reported that Iran had been discovered to have violated one of the conditions of their already existing agreement.
...still Barry remained at the table.

Guring the negotiations Iran demanded their 14 people back...and barry refused to ask for our US hostages back. He later stated he was afraid doing so would jeopardize the Treaty he so badly wanted (apparently at almost any cost).
- On top of the billions Barry agreed to return to Iran in addition to lifting economic sanctions, Obama later agreed to give Iran even more money when he paid a ransom for those US hostages.

Although he held ALL of the leverage, Obama negotiated from a position of weakness. He gave Iran almost everything they wanted while the US received agreements and conditions on the Iran Nuclear program that they have already violated.

I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.
I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.
I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.

You have to engage. Obama and Kerry did negotiate a terrible deal for the US, but Obama was on the right track. Our President should be talking with these leaders. There's nothing wrong with engaging in conversation. Trump especially, is known for his deal-making abilities. He needs to get on the phone and at least talk to these leaders. Good peace deals can be made.
You have to engage. Obama and Kerry did negotiate a terrible deal for the US, but Obama was on the right track. Our President should be talking with these leaders. There's nothing wrong with engaging in conversation. Trump especially, is known for his deal-making abilities. He needs to get on the phone and at least talk to these leaders. Good peace deals can be made.

(Just curious - did you cut and past that from your last response or did you type all that again? :p Just Kidding)
I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.
So, to sum it all up.

Everything Democratic and Obama, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican and Trump, good, good, good.


"Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway
- By dropping charges against major arms targets, the administration infuriated Justice Department officials — and undermined its own counter-proliferation task forces."

In this article the author goes in great detail to provide the specifics of the prisoner release agreement and the specifics about who these Iranians were whose criminal charges were dropped and their release.

Right from the start many Americans were furious when they heard Obama had agreed to release / released Iranians being held by the US but refused to even ASK the Iranians for the release of US hostages, especially when Obama and the US had 'all the leverage in the world'. When Americans learn exactly who these Iranians are and how much of an impact they have not only on Iran's nuclear weapons program but also the negative impact they have on the US's ability to combat Iran's nuclear proliferation they should become much, much angrier.

To make a long story (below) short, the summary is this:

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of Americans in many different agencies spent years - thousands of hours - working on counter nuclear proliferation, working cases, attempting to get their hands on Iranian smugglers, thieves, scientists, operatives, etc in an effort to counter Iran's nuclear program and advance towards acquiring nuclear weapons. One such DOJ rep said the US had been trying to 'get in' for years and still only had bits and pieces of information....until they picked up a BIG TIME Iranian nuclear program insider.

Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili was / is a suspected Iranian nuclear procurement agent who had been charged with being part of a conspiracy that from 2005 to 2012 procured thousands of parts with nuclear applications for Iran via China. That included hundreds of U.S.-made sensors for the uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran whose progress had prompted the nuclear deal talks in the first place. The US also held his China-based associate, Sahai Cheng.

Having these two in US hands finally opened the door to learning everything about Iran's nuclear program and coming up with programs / ops to counter Iran's nuclear proliferation....

Except as part of Barry's personal, Un-Constitutional Treaty, Iran asked for Iranians to be held to be returned, to including Jamil...and Obama handed him over...without ever asking anything in return - not even our US citizens being held by Iran.

““This has erased literally years — many years — of hard work, and important cases that can be used to build toward other cases and even bigger players in Iran’s nuclear and conventional weapons programs,” said former Justice Department counterproliferation prosecutor David Locke Hall, adding that the swap demolished the deterrent effect that the arrests and convictions may have had.

Even though these men’s crimes posed a direct threat to U.S. national security, the [Obama] administration has essentially told them (agents who did all the work to capture Jamil-Cheng) their efforts have produced nothing more than political capital that can be traded away when politically expedient.”

All in all charges were dropped against 14 Iranians and they were returned to Iran.

"When federal prosecutors and agents learned the true extent of the releases, many were shocked and angry. Some had spent years, if not decades, working to penetrate the global proliferation networks that allowed Iranian arms traders both to obtain crucial materials for Tehran’s illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs and, in some cases, to provide dangerous materials to other countries.

They didn’t just dismiss a bunch of innocent business guys,” said one former federal law enforcement supervisor centrally involved in the hunt for Iranian arms traffickers and nuclear smugglers. “And then they didn’t give a full story of it.”

As a result of the prisoner release "key enforcement efforts are in limbo as the result of stalled or stymied investigations and prosecutions, and the trail of some high-value targets has gone cold".

All of this was done in the utmost secrecy - Only a 'handful' of people were told about this deal until it had been made.

“This is a scandal,” she said. “The cases bear all the hallmarks of exactly the kinds of national security threats we’re still going after. It’s stunning and hard to understand why we would do this.”

The article this link leads to is a well-written, thorough article on the details of the prisoner release, what it took to capture these prisoners, what holding them meant to and how much their release damaged / set back Iranian counter nuclear proliferation efforts. It is a little lengthy but worth the read.

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway
All we are missing is the in depth story of the "other side", the Administration.
I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.
So, to sum it all up. Everything Democratic and Obama, bad, bad, bad.
No. To keep from sounding so stupid, why don't you actually READ threads and address the specific individual topics instead of childishly posting the same 'denial / butt-hurt' response every time?

But thanks for your daily 'snowflake drive-by'. good to see you're doing ok...
I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.
So, to sum it all up.

Everything Democratic and Obama, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican and Trump, good, good, good.



I don't feel that way. I do think Obama and Kerry negotiated a terrible deal for the US, but i also think he was on the right track. Our Presidents do need to engage our so-called 'Enemies.' We even talked to the Soviets during the height of the Cold War. There's no reason why Trump shouldn't get on the horn with Kim Jong Un, Khamenei, Assad, Duterte, Putin, and so on. He should engage.
All we are missing is the in depth story of the "other side", the Administration.
You mean like Obama's justification for UN-Constitutionally negotiating and signing his own personal Treaty with a foreign Power that directly harms what is in the best interest of the United States while aides Iran's nuclear proliferation...and his Justification for UN-Constitutionally taking that UN-Constitutional Treaty straight to the U.N. for ratification before allowing the U.S. government to even read it?!

Yeah, that will be an 'awesome read'.... :p
I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.
So, to sum it all up. Everything Democratic and Obama, bad, bad, bad.
No. To keep from sounding so stupid, why don't you actually READ threads and address the specific individual topics instead of childishly posting the same 'denial / butt-hurt' response every time?

But thanks for your daily 'snowflake drive-by'. good to see you're doing ok...
You're so predictable. My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

Like I said, SSDD.

I agree. A bad deal for the US, a great deal for Iran. But our President should be engaged with even leaders of nations we don't currently have good relations with. The idea he should ignore them and allow things to spiral into brutal war, is pretty ignorant. He should pick up the phone and contact Kim Jon Un, Khamenei, Assad, Putin, and so on. There's nothing wrong with talking.

I think Trump is communicating with foreign leaders.

In Obama's case - great, talk to other nations...but when our allies walk away while the opposing nation threatens to destroy your nation and kill your people, while they mock you and make fun of you for being weak while negotiating for THEIR best deal - and you are holding all the cards, you walk away.

In regards to North Korea, they aren't going to listen to us. China has the biggest influence on them, so he is smart to negotiate with China.

In regards to Al-Assad - we have no business being there.
1. Making one of our goals replacing him while Russia remains loyal to them is absurd - not going to happen.

2. Assad is gassing his own people? That's why the UN was created - to handle world problems like that. (Where are all the lefties who used to scream how the US is not the world's policeman?)

3. They are in the middle of a civil war, and the US should have learned by now that kicking a ruler out only de-stabilizes the country and allows terrorists etc to come in and take over.
So, to sum it all up. Everything Democratic and Obama, bad, bad, bad.
No. To keep from sounding so stupid, why don't you actually READ threads and address the specific individual topics instead of childishly posting the same 'denial / butt-hurt' response every time?

But thanks for your daily 'snowflake drive-by'. good to see you're doing ok...
You're so predictable. My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

Like I said, SSDD.

Thank you for proving you actually don't read anything I post - you just childishly post this same 4th grade retort over and over. I have criticized both parties, several times today.

You know, you would make a great Democratic Party politician - they don't read anything they are told to push / support either. :p

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