Obama's Hair Trigger should frighten us all


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Let's be honest about what happened here, Obama had Shirely Sherrod dispatched before any of the facts came in. Along with the BP Extortion, this is is now the second time the Community Organizer has decided to circumvent tradition, facts and all common sense to have an outcome that appeals to his absurd sense of importance and sensibilities.

Any normal person in any other organization would at least have had the common sense and courtesy to hear Sherrod's side of the story before taking action.

But Obama was in such a mad frenzy to paint the Tea Party as racists, he pulled the trigger without taking aim.


Does Obama "Fire! Ready.... meh....aim" strategy concern anyone else?
This coming from you of all people Frank is hilarious. Speaking of facts, find the other 12 and a half million illegals who were supposedly deported during Operation Wetback?
This coming from you of all people Frank is hilarious. Speaking of facts, find the other 12 and a half million illegals who were supposedly deported during Operation Wetback?

Not sure I understand what you're asking (yeah, that's unusual) Are you asking if Operation Wetback was real?
Not sure I understand what you're asking (yeah, that's unusual) Are you asking if Operation Wetback was real?

You posted a thread claiming Operation Wetback deported 13 million illegals. It deported no more than 500,000.
Someone should pull the trigger on him ... we have the facts
Not sure I understand what you're asking (yeah, that's unusual) Are you asking if Operation Wetback was real?

You posted a thread claiming Operation Wetback deported 13 million illegals. It deported no more than 500,000.

I was very clear about what I posted, I posted an email that was forwarded to me.

I didn't write it, I didn't link it, I just copied it and reported it as such to show what prior President have done with respect to illegal immigration
I was very clear about what I posted, I posted an email that was forwarded to me.

I didn't write it, I didn't link it, I just copied it and reported it as such to show what prior President have done with respect to illegal immigration

Right. Except everything about the email was wrong. If you didn't believe in what you posted, you wouldn't of posted it. The fact you can be so easily tricked by such emails does not speak well of your intelligence.
Not sure I understand what you're asking (yeah, that's unusual) Are you asking if Operation Wetback was real?

You posted a thread claiming Operation Wetback deported 13 million illegals. It deported no more than 500,000.

I was very clear about what I posted, I posted an email that was forwarded to me.

I didn't write it, I didn't link it, I just copied it and reported it as such to show what prior President have done with respect to illegal immigration

While you were taking the bait to derail your thread, FOX News reported that "Russia Has ICBM's" and Obama declared DEFCON 1.
What does Operation Wetback have to do with the OP????
Someone's confused and I don't think Its' C-Frank.

Yes C-Frank, it is disconcerting that an inexperienced Chicago thug politico is in charge of our nuclear arsenal. Any Prez that blinks in the face of one media outlet, is, yes indeedee, a danger.
What does Operation Wetback have to do with the OP????
Someone's confused and I don't think Its' C-Frank.

Yes C-Frank, it is disconcerting that an inexperienced Chicago thug politico is in charge of our nuclear arsenal. Any Prez that blinks in the face of one media outlet, is, yes indeedee, a danger.

It speaks of Frank's lack of intelligence.

As for this, you know what? If Obama ends up starting World War 3 and kills us all, you can come on USMB and post that I was wrong and I'll agree. How's that sound? :)
Fox also reported that Giseppi's Italian Ices made some money last month, Obama has proposed an "Italian Ice Tax". Next on the agenda... the knish market.
Gotta love it.... the ship of fools is Breitbart, Fox News, the NAACP, USDA and Obama. Who'd a thunk it?

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