Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America: The Syrian Scheme


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama thinks we could absorb another terrorist attack. Dead Americans are such a small price to pay for his plan to bring as many Muslims here as possible. Christian refugees aren't being helped the way Muslim refugees are. He ignored the slaughter of Christians at the hands of radical Muslims, but now that some Muslims are wanting help, he's on it. He discriminates against the Christians being tortured and killed by Muslims, yet doesn't care that ISIS members are hiding among the Muslim refugees. All footage of refugees across the globe prove that the majority are young Muslim males, yet the left insists that the photos lie. And countries that have taken in large numbers of refugees are seeing a total disruption in communities as too many refugees refuse to assimilate and are just plain ugly in many cases. Women are in more danger of being attacked, there are riots in the streets and the refugees are bold in their demands. Not seeing the appreciation for all the trouble of caring for them. They've bitched about the food, about the process taking too long, about the housing and some complained that cigarettes were not supplied.

Sorry, but the Muslims are much harder to get along with than the Christians, at least with the ones from Syria. While some refugees might be peaceful, they don't speak out or attempt to assimilate. What is with so many that they insist on setting up their own territory and even expect others to change for them? Some need their asses kicked, particularly when they oppose women dressing less conservatively than their own women, which virtually all non-Muslims do. So many warnings are issued to the local citizens to alter their behavior so as not to offend or rile the Muslim men.

The majority of people in this country are against accepting refugees that cannot be vetted. Obama is unconcerned about potential terrorist attacks as a result of his plan. He owns this 100% and when an attack occurs or when refugees disrupt communities in a very bad way, Obama must answer for it. We have more homeless of our own that we can handle and while they remain in the streets, unknown refugees will enjoy all the comforts that borrowed money from China can afford.

"Obasma’s occasional profession of fondness for the rule of law is hardly consistent, particularly since the Syrian refugees became a thing. He insists federal law must be followed regarding refugee resettlement, but hypocritically refuses to crack down on states with unlawful sanctuary cities.

For Thanksgiving, Obama compared the mostly male Syrian invaders of Europe to America’s pilgrim settlers— nice insulting touch for the holiday!

In response, more than half of the states’ governors have rejected Syrian refugees for their jurisdictions.

The Presidential decree to resettle Syrian Muslims (who cannot be screened because no database) is unpopular: a Rasmussen poll published November 19 found 60 percent of likely voters oppose the settling of Syrian refugees in the state where they live. An October Rasmussen survey (before the Paris jihad attacks) showed 56 percent of likely voters thought giving thousands of Syrians asylum will make America a more dangerous place.

On Saturday, Tucker Carlson discussed the Syrian refugee mess with J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department official. Adams thinks the Syrians will be dependable Democrat voters in the future, so any danger of mass jihad murder is a non-concern to the President in comparison. (Interestingly, Obama remarked to reporter Bob Woodward a few years back that America could "absorb" another terror attack. Is that any way for the nation’s commander in chief to think?)"

Sorry, but the Muslims are much harder to get along with than the Christians, at least with the ones from Syria. While some refugees might be peaceful, they don't speak out or attempt to assimilate. What is with so many that they insist on setting up their own territory and even expect others to change for them? Some need their asses kicked, particularly when they oppose women dressing less conservatively than their own women, which virtually all non-Muslims do. So many warnings are issued to the local citizens to alter their behavior so as not to offend or rile the Muslim men.

What gives you the idea thay don't "attempt to assimilate"? Do you have any idea what Syrians are like?

What's wrong with "opposing women dressing less conservatively"? This is America. We're allowed to oppose things. We do it all the time. It's national pastime.

How many times have you heard conservative Christians harangue about the slutty ways women dress these days?
Muslims are already here and have been for a long time...

And when they become a majority or gain power, they change things to suit themselves because they do not like our way of life.

This is what is happening in a city where a Muslim majority run the city. They are already making changes, all of which are conducive to a Muslim way of life. They claimed they would represent everyone, but a city that relied on an attractive nightlife isn't in line with Islam.

The changes are starting slowly. Businesses cannot serve alcohol if they are within a few block from mosques. People have to hear the Muslim call to prayer five times a day, which is loud and irritating. Don't they know what time they are supposed to go pray without the entire town having to hear the call? One woman said her dog howls when he hears it and that adds to the noise. A downtown building is being changed into a mosque, which means a business cannot go in there now. In a city hurting for jobs, you'd think they would do what is in everyone's best interest instead of just the Muslim population. And it means yet another loud call to prayer to make sure no one escapes the sound. And what will happen to the many night clubs that bring in revenue? Will alcohol be banned in them, too, after a mosque is built in the downtown area? They announced that they 'will show the Polish' after gaining control.

They are doing things their way and are interested in what is good for them, not the entire town. Of course, the liberals are still bragging about diversity even as the city become less diverse and less friendly to non-Muslims. So many languages are spoken and it appears that there is no interest in assimilating. Many signs in Arabic are popping up. If they migrate here, can't they be like other immigrants and assimilate? Instead they just expect that they can make us deal with their way of doing things. I would not like to live near them and listen to a stupid loud call to prayer 5 fucking times a day. Where is the ACLU demanding that people don't have to deal with other people's religion while in their own home. One call to prayer starts at 6:00 a.m. so it disturbs peoples' sleep. WTF? Not to mention it will disturb shift workers sleep and children's naps. But that is what you get when you elect Muslims. You get to live in a Muslim town where your way of life isn't acceptable. This is what Obama would like to see across the country.

And when they become a majority or gain power, they change things to suit themselves because they do not like our way of life.

Same thing the Americans did to the Native Americans...Why do you fear what your ancestors did?
Muslims are already here and have been for a long time...

And when they become a majority or gain power, they change things to suit themselves because they do not like our way of life.

This is what is happening in a city where a Muslim majority run the city. They are already making changes, all of which are conducive to a Muslim way of life. They claimed they would represent everyone, but a city that relied on an attractive nightlife isn't in line with Islam.

The changes are starting slowly. Businesses cannot serve alcohol if they are within a few block from mosques. People have to hear the Muslim call to prayer five times a day, which is loud and irritating. Don't they know what time they are supposed to go pray without the entire town having to hear the call? One woman said her dog howls when he hears it and that adds to the noise. A downtown building is being changed into a mosque, which means a business cannot go in there now. In a city hurting for jobs, you'd think they would do what is in everyone's best interest instead of just the Muslim population. And it means yet another loud call to prayer to make sure no one escapes the sound. And what will happen to the many night clubs that bring in revenue? Will alcohol be banned in them, too, after a mosque is built in the downtown area? They announced that they 'will show the Polish' after gaining control.

They are doing things their way and are interested in what is good for them, not the entire town. Of course, the liberals are still bragging about diversity even as the city become less diverse and less friendly to non-Muslims. So many languages are spoken and it appears that there is no interest in assimilating. Many signs in Arabic are popping up. If they migrate here, can't they be like other immigrants and assimilate? Instead they just expect that they can make us deal with their way of doing things. I would not like to live near them and listen to a stupid loud call to prayer 5 fucking times a day. Where is the ACLU demanding that people don't have to deal with other people's religion while in their own home. One call to prayer starts at 6:00 a.m. so it disturbs peoples' sleep. WTF? Not to mention it will disturb shift workers sleep and children's naps. But that is what you get when you elect Muslims. You get to live in a Muslim town where your way of life isn't acceptable. This is what Obama would like to see across the country.

Seems like your oppsosed to religious freedoms you Godless heathen.
The changes are starting slowly. Businesses cannot serve alcohol if they are within a few block from mosques.

Where is that occurring exactly? And is it really blocks?

I know of lots of places that limit bars and taverns within several hundred feet of churches or schools but not blocks.
Yup, Tell me again WHY we have to take these people, when their neighbor, OIL RICH countries WON'T absorb them?

What gives you the idea thay don't "attempt to assimilate"? Do you have any idea what Syrians are like?

What's wrong with "opposing women dressing less conservatively"? This is America. We're allowed to oppose things. We do it all the time. It's national pastime.

How many times have you heard conservative Christians harangue about the slutty ways women dress these days?

You need to read more about what is happening in Germany, England and Paris. Women have been threatened and attacked for dressing in a way that the Muslims find inappropriate. Muslim men think they can tell women what to do and they don't seem to care that women have rights in some countries. They don't think liberty is something women should have and they aren't shy about expressing that view. It's not just about opposing something, it's about women actually being in danger. Many have been warned to dress more conservatively as a safety measure. That is insane considering they shouldn't have to worry about being attacked for offending Muslims by not covering their bodies completely. Why should the locals have to cater to people who think the world should live according to their religion? If these refugees were Christians, the left would actually care about the effect they are having on communities but because they are Muslims, the left is looking the other way and suddenly women's rights don't matter.

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