Obama's Dirty Trick November Surprise


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?
Thankfully, Mitt's never been divorced. Maybe obama will claim Mitt has used cocaine? Pot? Announced his candidacy in the home of a domestic terrorist? Won't release his college records? “Fundamentally change America”?

Shit! I give up.
After last night's debate, he looks desperate and hostile.

Any dirty tricks at this point will just make him look more so.

Basically, it's game over.
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?

Obama need not try this shit.

He played the dirtiest trick ever when he lied to all Americans about Libya, and caused one of our own citizens to have to go into hiding.

Obama is a joke, unfortunately the joke has been on us for the last 4 years
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?

Didn't you see my thread? Gloria Allred is going to Mass tomorrow to try to get a gag order lifted in a case Romney, then Bishop Romney testified in.

The wicked witch from the west is to arrive in court tomorrow morning. Boston Globe is going to cover it.

Nothing of course will come of it. I'll have to get you my thread link but the DNC will suck up all the airtime on the last few days of the campaign.
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?

Obama need not try this shit.

He played the dirtiest trick ever when he lied to all Americans about Libya, and caused one of our own citizens to have to go into hiding.

Obama is a joke, unfortunately the joke has been on us for the last 4 years

but Bush, Yellowcake Plame and Iraq lies were ok?
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?

Obama need not try this shit.

He played the dirtiest trick ever when he lied to all Americans about Libya, and caused one of our own citizens to have to go into hiding.

Obama is a joke, unfortunately the joke has been on us for the last 4 years

but Bush, Yellowcake Plame and Iraq lies were ok?

And I used to think you weren't a hack
Another nutter circle jerk. You clowns are hilarious. Lame, very lame, but hilarious.
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?

Obama need not try this shit.

He played the dirtiest trick ever when he lied to all Americans about Libya, and caused one of our own citizens to have to go into hiding.

Obama is a joke, unfortunately the joke has been on us for the last 4 years

but Bush, Yellowcake Plame and Iraq lies were ok?

Nope. But last I heard bush isn't president anymore.
Obama has used dirty tricks his entire political career and this will be the nastiest by far. He unsealed the Ryan's divorce record, what will he try to do to Mitt?

I think Mitt Romney is Obama's worst nightmare as an opponent: a person with no dirty secrets for Obama to invade.

I figure they couldn't get exhumation papers on Seamus the dog to see if he'd been abused, and the dressage story didn't work or the blouse story, they've had to run with this.

Gloria from what I've picked up is trying to get a gag order lifted so this woman who Romney as Bishop in his Church advised her against getting an abortion (shockers! want to use her in their meme of "War on Women".

And we're talking 30 years ago. I smell desperation :D and I love it!
Obama need not try this shit.

He played the dirtiest trick ever when he lied to all Americans about Libya, and caused one of our own citizens to have to go into hiding.

Obama is a joke, unfortunately the joke has been on us for the last 4 years

but Bush, Yellowcake Plame and Iraq lies were ok?

And I used to think you weren't a hack

I just see that both sides suck to claim only one side sucks is hackery.

I am not voting for Obama nor Romney.
He cant do anything. Mitt's clean

I think it may have to do with the Staples divorce. I here that was pretty ugly. Something about having dirt on Romney

my dad was a bishop and a stake president. At one time he had 7500 members in his stake.
He had some pretty tough issues come up during his tenure.

I don't suppose the general public realize what a chore it is.

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