Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf'

Sorry, I can't prove that he's actually lynched anyone yet. There's not much at this point to do other than prove he holds racist beliefs, and the only way you can get that information is to look at his actions, since he lies and backpedals when anybody tries to get an answer out of him.

“I think the caricature that is being painted of him is not accurate,” Obama said (of Wright).

This from a Fox News article, http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/0...sermon-official-schedule-places-him-in-miami/

I think that pretty much says it all. He just doesn't think Wright is racist, which tells me he's racist as well.

Add to that his planned speech about the nuances of racism if you're black or white (you know, if you're black you have a right to be racist).
“I think the caricature that is being painted of him is not accurate,” Obama said (of Wright).

This from a Fox News article, http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/0...sermon-official-schedule-places-him-in-miami/

I think that pretty much says it all. He just doesn't think Wright is racist, which tells me he's racist as well.

What he is clearly saying there (to anyone with half a mind) is that the picture of Wright as a racist is a caricature. Hence, the picture of Wright as a racist is not wholly (or maybe even partially) accurate. In other words, it is a gross simplification. That is no proof.

Add to that his planned speech about the nuances of racism if you're black or white (you know, if you're black you have a right to be racist).

I watched the speech. Neither I nor any commentator I have seen or read has noted the rampant racism in it. Please show me the parts of the speech that prove his racism. I eagerly await your proof.

If you have no proof, that is cool. As a brutally honest conservative, I am sure you will admit it.
The insistence that there are two different standards, one for blacks and one for whites, is racism, genius. As I said. People who agree with it don't admit it's racism. If you don't know what racism is, nothing I can say will "prove" to you that Obama is a racist.
The insistence that there are two different standards, one for blacks and one for whites, is racism, genius. As I said. People who agree with it don't admit it's racism. If you don't know what racism is, nothing I can say will "prove" to you that Obama is a racist.

Okay, show me where Obama says it is okay for a black person to do something that he says is forbidden for a white person to do. (I hope this is something substantial).
I didn't say that. Ask me to prove something I've actually said, which is that he espouses two standards.

From his speech:

"Understanding this reality requires a reminder of how we arrived at this point. As William Faulkner once wrote, "The past isn't dead and buried. In fact, it isn't even past." We do not need to recite here the history of racial injustice in this country. But we do need to remind ourselves that so many of the disparities that exist in the African-American community today can be directly traced to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow."

This is typical of Obama double-speak. He says he's not a liberal, but he believes in gun control, abortion, withdrawal of troops and reduction of military spending.

He says Wright's comments are divisive, but then excuses and justifies them.
What the key proof (to find) would be to find an instance where Obama has verbally criticized a white-man for using the term "typical-black person".

Or what Obama's view is on white churches that preach racism towards black.

Where most of us call it double-standard...it could be simply defined each race thinking differently about the subject. Imagine that....
What the key proof (to find) would be to find an instance where Obama has verbally criticized a white-man for using the term "typical-black person".

Provided it is used in the same context of course.

Or what Obama's view is on white churches that preach racism towards black.

I wonder if that would qualify. I would view it differently. Does that make me racist against whites, or just mindful of history and context?

Where most of us call it double-standard...it could be simply defined each race thinking differently about the subject. Imagine that....

... which is what I guess you are saying here. Well done.
Okay, we can start by you telling me what the two standards are - but be sure they are normative and not just descriptive.

The fact that Obama will let his people screech at G. Ferraro that she's a racist, while at the same time claiming that a black person who makes truly outrageous racial commentary (Wright) needs to be understood pretty much shows the disparity in a nutshell.
Or what Obama's view is on white churches that preach racism towards black.

Actually, that wouldn't work either because he denounced it. Still, there might be a valid question of standards if he (as we can assume) would be less tolerant of a parishoner at such a church. But then you get back to history and context, or otherwise, I am racist and filled with self-loathing.
Provided it is used in the same context of course.

I wonder if that would qualify. I would view it differently. Does that make me racist against whites, or just mindful of history and context?

... which is what I guess you are saying here. Well done.

That's what White Supremacists say. They're just being mindful of their whiteness, their white history and white context. So I guess they aren't racist, either.

What a load.
The fact that Obama will let his people screech at G. Ferraro that she's a racist, while at the same time claiming that a black person who makes truly outrageous racial commentary (Wright) needs to be understood pretty much shows the disparity in a nutshell.

I am sorry, but you really have to do better than this. First, I don't attribute what other people said to Obama. Second, even if you could attribute what other people said to Obama, questions remain regarding what they said about Ferraro and whether in fact, what Ferraro said was racist.

Please. You think you can prove that Obama is racist because someone else called Geralidine Ferraro racist? Surely you could have come up with something better than that.
I am sorry, but you really have to do better than this. First, I don't attribute what other people said to Obama. Second, even if you could attribute what other people said to Obama, questions remain regarding what they said about Ferraro and whether in fact, what Ferraro said was racist.

Please. You think you can prove that Obama is racist because someone else called Geralidine Ferraro racist? Surely you could have come up with something better than that.

So, even if he's completely surrounded by racism, goes to a racist church, and publicly states that we need to "understand" where black racism is coming from...so long as he says, "Gosh no, I'm not a racist. I just think we're coming from different places" he's better than the white supremacist who says, "Gosh, I'm no racist, I just think we have different perspectives...."

Give me a break. You don't see it because you agree with it. It's racism. Racism floated into Europe under the auspices of liberalism, too.
So, even if he's completely surrounded by racism,

You characterize his church as racist, but I haven't seen anything else.

Sogoes to a racist church

You noted you felt his church was racist, although you have no idea how often racist sentiments might have been preached.

Soand publicly states that we need to "understand" where black racism is coming from

What is wrong with understanding where bitterness (and yes, racism) comes from. Shouldn't we all be doing that? Are sociologists racist? Are BrianH and I racist for discussing it earlier?

Because I know you are an honest conservative, I know you will quickly either provide the proof of the fact of his racism (your standard by the way), or it admit it is not a fact at all, but just your assumption.
You don't understand or sympathize with white racists, I don't see how anyone can then turn around and sympathize with colored racists and still say they aren't racist themselves.

Racism is defined by having different standards/behaviors for different people based upon their color. That's WHAT RACISM IS.

The church is racist. Go to their website and take a look around. And if you don't think that's racism, then you define racism by the color of the person who is perpetrating hatred, and that makes you a racist as well. If their own racially motivated tenets, mission statement and covenent don't prove to you they're racist, then you don't know what the word means.

Which, ultimately, is the problem. You don't know what racism is, and you think it's okay to be racist if you have a legitimate beef.

It's not.
You don't understand or sympathize with white racists, I don't see how anyone can then turn around and sympathize with colored racists and still say they aren't racist themselves.

Racism is defined by having different standards/behaviors for different people based upon their color. That's WHAT RACISM IS.

Actually, this is the definition of "racism:"
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races

The church is racist. Go to their website and take a look around. And if you don't think that's racism, then you define racism by the color of the person who is perpetrating hatred, and that makes you a racist as well. If their own racially motivated tenets, mission statement and covenent don't prove to you they're racist, then you don't know what the word means.

I went to their website yesterday. I read the mission statement. Feel free to show me where it is racist - although that still doesn't make your case.

Which, ultimately, is the problem. You don't know what racism is, and you think it's okay to be racist if you have a legitimate beef.

It's not.

I know what it is. I just gave you the definition.

This has really gone on long enough. Enough with the church statements and definitions of racism. Just show me the proof already.
I went to their website yesterday. I read the mission statement. Feel free to show me where it is racist - although that still doesn't make your case.

:eusa_doh: are you sure you went to the right web site?

didn't notice how they keep mentioning diaspora and not being ashamed of their african roots?

and to top it off all the pastors are black!!!

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