Obama's deviousness vs. Trump's reliability


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Interesting article though the author is not quite as astute as one would hope he does seem focused on the truth.

Pure BS. He totally blows, independent of any other president. The things you mentioned of his traits of communication are indeed reprehensible. You left out his constant lying. His hate for anyone that stands up to him whether right or wrong. His denial of Russian interference while on the world stage, shamelessly sucking up to Putin. His stupid ideas not based in reality or 7th grade health, much less science. His love letters with Kim. His whole poorly thought out schtick. His canceling unilaterally the Iran treaty prompting them to accelerate the nuclear program far faster and more effectively than they were under the treaty. He totally sucks and America under his leadership is diminished, not made great. He sucks and those that still believe in him are blind, deaf and dumb.
No one is above the law....not even Obama/OBiden....their time to pay for their actions are nearing closer every day.....
Interesting article though the author is not quite as astute as one would hope he does seem focused on the truth.

Pure BS. He totally blows, independent of any other president. The things you mentioned of his traits of communication are indeed reprehensible. You left out his constant lying. His hate for anyone that stands up to him whether right or wrong. His denial of Russian interference while on the world stage, shamelessly sucking up to Putin. His stupid ideas not based in reality or 7th grade health, much less science. His love letters with Kim. His whole poorly thought out schtick. His canceling unilaterally the Iran treaty prompting them to accelerate the nuclear program far faster and more effectively than they were under the treaty. He totally sucks and America under his leadership is diminished, not made great. He sucks and those that still believe in him are blind, deaf and dumb.
OH STFU.....Russian bots tossing out memes and other shit about the Hildebeast on Facebook equals "interference" but the debunked Russian info given to defrocked liar MI5 agent Robert Steele funded by the Hildebeast campaign is "okey dokey"???. You are such a hypocritical sack of shit that I can smell the stench from here. Who the fuck are you to declare that anyone that believes in Trump lacks intelligence given the undying loyalty and fawning over that CIA spook Barrypuppet, the queer with the tranny wife? Clean out your own closet, pal.
Interesting article though the author is not quite as astute as one would hope he does seem focused on the truth.

Another right wing crazy fake news organization. This author is crazy. At least on healthcare Obama did something. Obamacare is more popular than Trump now. Voters support fixing it. The Republicans have been promising to repeal and replace for nearly a decade and nothing has come of it. Many experts also disagree with him on the Iran nuclear agreement. The fact is that voters have judged Trump and found his leadership appalling. He has made the coronavirus outbreak even worse. He has turned to race baiting when people want unity not division.

The bottom line is this. Trump has yet to break 50% in approval. Obama is at 65% and George W Bush's approvals stand around 58%.
I can't wait until Barr starts the ObamaGate trials.

---Obamagate? Barr Appoints Prosecutor---

There's not going to be any trials; Barr is just drawing it out until after the election when Vice President Susan Rice can clean up the mess she made.
Interesting article though the author is not quite as astute as one would hope he does seem focused on the truth.

Pure BS. He totally blows, independent of any other president. The things you mentioned of his traits of communication are indeed reprehensible. You left out his constant lying. His hate for anyone that stands up to him whether right or wrong. His denial of Russian interference while on the world stage, shamelessly sucking up to Putin. His stupid ideas not based in reality or 7th grade health, much less science. His love letters with Kim. His whole poorly thought out schtick. His canceling unilaterally the Iran treaty prompting them to accelerate the nuclear program far faster and more effectively than they were under the treaty. He totally sucks and America under his leadership is diminished, not made great. He sucks and those that still believe in him are blind, deaf and dumb.
OH STFU.....Russian bots tossing out memes and other shit about the Hildebeast on Facebook equals "interference" but the debunked Russian info given to defrocked liar MI5 agent Robert Steele funded by the Hildebeast campaign is "okey dokey"???. You are such a hypocritical sack of shit that I can smell the stench from here. Who the fuck are you to declare that anyone that believes in Trump lacks intelligence given the undying loyalty and fawning over that CIA spook Barrypuppet, the queer with the tranny wife? Clean out your own closet, pal.
You are a Russian interference denier like trump? Oh, look. I found a snapshot of you online.

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