Obama's border policy increasing murder rate as violent gangs enter country...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
He just can't seem to do enough to raise the murder rate....he is currently cutting the number of prosecutions for gun crimes...and he is letting in drug gang killers into our country...but hey.....anything to push gun control...right?

Obama's Open Door Policy Allows Gangs to Slip Over Border, Rising Murder Rates - Breitbart

An immigration expert has testified that Obama’s loose border security policy has become an avenue for violent gangs — like MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang — to send foot soldiers across the border, causing a major rise in murder rates in cities across the country.
Jessica Vaughan, the policy director for the Center for Immigration Studies, testifiedbefore a House hearing on the border surge and said Obama’s open-door policy has caused a hike in both murder and violent crime.

Testifying before the February 4 hearing, Vaughan said, “Established gangs have been able to transfer an unknown number of experienced foot soldiers from Central America to help colonize new criminal territory in the United States.”

Vaughan warned that these violent gangs are finding fertile ground for recruitment in the United States and said, “The tide of new young people, many of whom have already been exposed or involved in street gangs at home, has provided a huge pool of new recruits for the gangs here. Gangs such as MS-13 and 18th Street are enjoying a brutal revival in certain parts of the country and are establishing themselves in new places.”
THAT is for sure. It's a lot worse, even, than you probably think.
The goal is to increase the murder rate, particularly to white Americans.

I completely understand why you are so upset. After all, you voted for all those new members of the house and senate because they promised to prevent all the things you worry about, or at least try to stop them from happening. Sadly, they haven't done a single thing they promised you. They aren't even trying to do what they promised you. I guess they just don't care. Were they such good liars till you believed them, or was it just stupidity on your part to believe all the promises that they had no intention of keeping?
All of our leaders have failed miserably when it comes to protecting our borders.
Every president from the '70's on are colossal failures when it comes to strictly enforcing our immigration laws, and securing our borders.

That's why I plan on saying adios to the late great America.
I completely understand why you are so upset. After all, you voted for all those new members of the house and senate because they promised to prevent all the things you worry about, or at least try to stop them from happening. Sadly, they haven't done a single thing they promised you. They aren't even trying to do what they promised you. I guess they just don't care. Were they such good liars till you believed them, or was it just stupidity on your part to believe all the promises that they had no intention of keeping?

You missed a spot..........there on your check............

Your an Obama fan aren't you......................
I completely understand why you are so upset. After all, you voted for all those new members of the house and senate because they promised to prevent all the things you worry about, or at least try to stop them from happening. Sadly, they haven't done a single thing they promised you. They aren't even trying to do what they promised you. I guess they just don't care. Were they such good liars till you believed them, or was it just stupidity on your part to believe all the promises that they had no intention of keeping?

You missed a spot..........there on your check............

Your an Obama fan aren't you......................

So when are all those newly elected republicans going to start doing what you elected them to do?
I completely understand why you are so upset. After all, you voted for all those new members of the house and senate because they promised to prevent all the things you worry about, or at least try to stop them from happening. Sadly, they haven't done a single thing they promised you. They aren't even trying to do what they promised you. I guess they just don't care. Were they such good liars till you believed them, or was it just stupidity on your part to believe all the promises that they had no intention of keeping?

You missed a spot..........there on your check............

Your an Obama fan aren't you......................

So when are all those newly elected republicans going to start doing what you elected them to do?
They are all buying brand new pens and phones...........

Works for the other side now doesn't it...........
Heard there will be another Operation Wetback.
I completely understand why you are so upset. After all, you voted for all those new members of the house and senate because they promised to prevent all the things you worry about, or at least try to stop them from happening. Sadly, they haven't done a single thing they promised you. They aren't even trying to do what they promised you. I guess they just don't care. Were they such good liars till you believed them, or was it just stupidity on your part to believe all the promises that they had no intention of keeping?

You missed a spot..........there on your check............

Your an Obama fan aren't you......................

So when are all those newly elected republicans going to start doing what you elected them to do?
They are all buying brand new pens and phones...........

Works for the other side now doesn't it...........
Heard there will be another Operation Wetback.

Let me know when they finish gathering their school supplies. I'm sure they will be impressive if they ever get started.
I completely understand why you are so upset. After all, you voted for all those new members of the house and senate because they promised to prevent all the things you worry about, or at least try to stop them from happening. Sadly, they haven't done a single thing they promised you. They aren't even trying to do what they promised you. I guess they just don't care. Were they such good liars till you believed them, or was it just stupidity on your part to believe all the promises that they had no intention of keeping?

You missed a spot..........there on your check............

Your an Obama fan aren't you......................
Yeah, methinks he is rubbing it in that we trusted the GOP establishment again, kind of like Charlie Brown holding that football.

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