ObamaGate is going NOWHERE....LOL

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Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
Here's the rabbit trail, Trump children....IF YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION SPAN TO READ....


In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
Nov 27, 2019
  • The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.
  • Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.
  • He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the report is also expected to undercut.
  • Sources told The Times and The Washington Post that while the report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

‘Remarkable’: DOJ Inspector General Slams Trump For Firing Intelligence Community Inspector General
Apr 4th, 2020
""""Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued an unqualified rebuke of his boss, President Donald Trump, in an official statement released early Saturday morning.

Horowitz’s missive, put out on official U.S. government stationary, is an unprecedented defense of his recently-fired colleague, now-former intelligence community inspector general Michael Atkinson, who oversaw the whistleblower complaint that eventually led to the the 45th president’s historic impeachment late last year.

“Inspector General Atkinson is known throughout the Inspector General community for his integrity, professionalism, and commitment to the rule of law and independent oversight,” Horowitz’s statement begins. “This includes his actions in handling the Ukraine whistleblower complaint, which the then Acting Director of National Intelligence stated in congressional testimony was done ‘by the book’ and consistent with the law.”""
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So Trump knows his peeps don't research or read or Google a damn thing, so he's pretty sure he can pull this out if his ass and you morons will believe it.
So Trump knows his peeps don't research or read or Google a damn thing, so he's pretty sure he can pull this out if his ass and you morons will believe it.

Interestingly, it is you who have posted information that anyone who does any research, at all, will quickly realize is dated and in no way resembles the findings of the actual prosecutor working on the case(s).
The IG had no power to compel.

Also interestingly President Trump's involvement in Obamagate is to watch from the oval office and comment like the rest of us.

The participants in the uncovering of Obamgate are also the participates in the Russia Hoax and assorted affairs.

These are all Democrats from the previous administration who said one thing in public and another under oath.
That is somewhat problematic.
The only role for the people not involved is to read what has transpired - which will tell it's own story.

I accept that it is not a story that someone of your ilk will read or comprehend.
But it is still a story.

A story that confirms what really, outside of the Democratic Bubble, most people already knew was true, or mostly true.

As Reverend Wright was heard to proclaim -
The Chickens
Are Coming Home
To Roost.
It will Sweater, hold on to your panties gonna be a ride.

There are already threads on Obamagate - in fact, the title is Obamagate - please add your post to existing threads rather than starting new ones.
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