Obamacare will create millions of jobs.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
ObamaCare will insure 30 million people who did not have healthcare before. Will allow students to stay on their parents healthcare plan until age 26. Leaving the without the burden of paying for collect and healthcare. Twice the number of healthcare clinics will be create to service the 30 millions added to the healthcare system. Healthcare clinics will create millions of jobs. Not to mention the construction of these clinics and all that goes with constructing a clinic. Million of jobs will be created paying millions in taxes. The products and services that goes into building twice as many clinic as we have now and staffing then and care of them is astronomical.
ObamaCare has the possibility of being the one thing that turn the economy around.
Doctors that do not want to join into the running of ObamaCare can go to work at Wal-Mart or stay with ObamaCare. I think the will make the wise choice and join ObamaCare. One advantage of doctors joining ObamaCare is they will not have to pay for Malpractice insurance and the overhead of running an office.
Government run healthcare far more efficiently and cost effectively than private healthcare system because the government do no have to make a profit and pay CEOs big bonuses.
Obamacare headed back to court?...
Supreme Court opens door to another challenge to Obamacare
October 01, 2012 - 4th Circuit could take up mandate challenge early next year
Tucked inside the Supreme Court's lengthy list of orders on Monday was an indication that the fight over President Obama's health care law soon could be back before the high court. Since the court's June decision upholding the law's individual mandate to buy insurance, one of the first Obamacare plaintiffs has been fighting for a new hearing on challenges to other portions of the law.

Liberty University, a Christian college in Virginia, has been fighting the employer mandate since the law was enacted, while challenging the law on other constitutional grounds. The school got as far as the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which refused to hear the merits of the case. That federal court decided that the original Liberty University lawsuit was barred because of the Anti-Injunction Act, which would block any challenge to a "tax" before a taxpayer actually pays it, in this case referring to the penalties associated with failing to obtain health insurance.

In June, the Supreme Court ruled that the Anti-Injunction Act did not serve as a barrier to lawsuits challenging the health care law. On that basis, Liberty University immediately petitioned the court to allow it to renew its original case. On Monday, the Supreme Court noted the university's renewed request and gave the administration 30 days to respond to the request, suggesting that the justices are taking the Liberty request seriously. "I think they've got very good arguments that they're entitled to their day in court," says former senior Justice Department official Thomas Dupree Jr. As an attorney and well-respected court-watcher, Dupree thinks the government will have a challenging time shutting down Liberty's petition.

If it is granted, the case would return to the 4th Circuit, putting it on the fast track back to Washington, D.C. "Who knows, we might be back here in a year, arguing about the next great Supreme Court health care decision," Dupree speculated. Lead Liberty attorney Mat Staver called Monday's news "a very positive development." Given the opportunity, Staver plans to renew a number of challenges to the health care law, including arguments related to freedom of religious expression and religious objections to abortion.

Read more: Supreme Court opens door to another challenge to Obamacare | Fox News
So far, all I've heard that is happening concerning Obamacare and jobs is companies cutting employee's hours.
No one is building much of anything relating to ObamaCare....
You guys are gonna find out that this is not the great thing that you were promised.
And when it doesn't work out have the decency to admit Obama screwed up and don't
try to lay the blame elsewhere.
Obamacare will bring this Country to its knees-expect to to see millions of part-time, low wage, no benefit jobs in your future.


Ah yes, MILLIONS more FEDERAL workers ( all Unions for sure) that YOU get to pay for their wages and lucrative retirement plans for..on top of the fact THEY will be the ones making your health care decisions, some untrained desk jockey..

how sweet will that be,

we've heard wonderful horror stories from Canada and England..

can't wait
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Ah yes, MILLIONS more FEDERAL workers ( all Unions for sure) that YOU get to pay for their wages and lucrative retirement plans for..on top of the fact THEY will be the ones making your health care decisions, some untrained desk jockey..

These aren't government jobs.

November 2012 Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs (Labor)
  • Health care employment rose by 31,000 jobs in October 2012, above the 24-month average of 25,000.
  • Much of the health sector growth continues to be in ambulatory services (+25,000 jobs versus the average of 16,000), led by physician offices (+11,000) and home health (+8,000). Hospital job growth was average (+6,000). Nursing and residential care was flat and continues to show the weakest job growth in the health sector.
  • Total nonfarm jobs in October grew by 171,000 and previous months were revised upward by 84,000 jobs, based on the establishment survey. The companion household survey was also quite positive, with a growth of 410,000 employed, an increase in the labor force of 578,000, and an unemployment rate slightly up at 7.9%.
  • The health sector share of total employment is at the high mark of 10.81%.
ObamaCare will insure 30 million people who did not have healthcare before. Will allow students to stay on their parents healthcare plan until age 26. Leaving the without the burden of paying for collect and healthcare. Twice the number of healthcare clinics will be create to service the 30 millions added to the healthcare system. Healthcare clinics will create millions of jobs. Not to mention the construction of these clinics and all that goes with constructing a clinic. Million of jobs will be created paying millions in taxes. The products and services that goes into building twice as many clinic as we have now and staffing then and care of them is astronomical.
ObamaCare has the possibility of being the one thing that turn the economy around.
Doctors that do not want to join into the running of ObamaCare can go to work at Wal-Mart or stay with ObamaCare. I think the will make the wise choice and join ObamaCare. One advantage of doctors joining ObamaCare is they will not have to pay for Malpractice insurance and the overhead of running an office.
Government run healthcare far more efficiently and cost effectively than private healthcare system because the government do no have to make a profit and pay CEOs big bonuses.

What would be the incentive for future doctors to work in this market environment? The price you can charge is caped. Insurance is more and more paperwork.
Think...you have just described a healthcare shortage ...thus rationing of healthcare. 30 million people added to the healthcare pool....we will need to add 500,000 more doctors just to even it out.
Good luck,
No one is building much of anything relating to ObamaCare....
You guys are gonna find out that this is not the great thing that you were promised.
And when it doesn't work out have the decency to admit Obama screwed up and don't
try to lay the blame elsewhere.


Part and parcel with ObamaCare is upgrading Medical IT.

You can bet your bottom dollar it's creating lots and lots of jobs for people like me.


Ah yes, MILLIONS more FEDERAL workers ( all Unions for sure) that YOU get to pay for their wages and lucrative retirement plans for..on top of the fact THEY will be the ones making your health care decisions, some untrained desk jockey..

how sweet will that be,

we've heard wonderful horror stories from Canada and England..

can't wait

The Brits and Canucks have longer life expectancies then Americans.

The horror must be having to watch Brit and Canuck TV with all that extra time.

The GOP had an opportunity to be a part of this history making National Health Care Plan, but they've chosen not to be. I suspect they might come to regret their decision.
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The GOP had an opportunity to be a part of this history making National Health Care Plan, but they've chosen not to be. I suspect they might come to regret their decision.

Yeah, a lot of people didn't care to be part of having a Socialist PLAN implemented where the government gets to fine you...gezze I wonder why

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