**Obamacare Is Coming Undone**

The dupes have been lied to for so long they're absolutely clueless LOL.

This is the only delay so far, in reaction to fear mongered morons- 4% of these businesses. Obama thought no mandate was even needed, once people see how it works...

OP- Yeah, sure, all you have to do is lie to the IRS LOL, chumps.
Only a complete moron would want the government to manage their health care. Only a vile despot would propose such.

It's hilarious how you people think that the government will be managing your healthcare when you will either have insurance though your employer or privately. Only those on Medicare will have government controlled healthcare, and that already exists for low income earners. You guys crack me up.
By mandate from....Gubmint.

You nanny statists crack me up.
Only a complete moron would want the government to manage their health care. Only a vile despot would propose such.

It's hilarious how you people think that the government will be managing your healthcare when you will either have insurance though your employer or privately. Only those on Medicare will have government controlled healthcare, and that already exists for low income earners. You guys crack me up.
By mandate from....Gubmint.

You nanny statists crack me up.

I would have no problem allowing people to opt out of buying insurance, with the understanding that if they can afford the insurance but choose not to purchase it, then they must be able to prepay or show means of being able to pay for any medical treatment they receive. If they are diagnosed with cancer and cannot pay or show means to pay, then we send them away without any treatment whatsoever. When they are dying and the pain is unbearable, they cannot receive pain killers or anything and cannot be admitted into a hospital. They must die at home or on the street if they've already lost their home and job.

See, I can be reasonable.
It's hilarious how you people think that the government will be managing your healthcare when you will either have insurance though your employer or privately. Only those on Medicare will have government controlled healthcare, and that already exists for low income earners. You guys crack me up.
By mandate from....Gubmint.

You nanny statists crack me up.

I would have no problem allowing people to opt out of buying insurance, with the understanding that if they can afford the insurance but choose not to purchase it, then they must be able to prepay or show means of being able to pay for any medical treatment they receive. If they are diagnosed with cancer and cannot pay or show means to pay, then we send them away without any treatment whatsoever. When they are dying and the pain is unbearable, they cannot receive pain killers or anything and cannot be admitted into a hospital. They must die at home or on the street if they've already lost their home and job.

See, I can be reasonable.
What you have no problem with and the Obolshevikcare mandates are on two different planets.

But hey...As long as you're good with just letting people die in the street because they won't do what you say they should be forced to do.....
This is the only delay so far, in reaction to fear mongered morons- 4% of these businesses...

Let's not forget the 1,600+ waivers that have been granted, with a disproportionate percentage favoring businesses that employ union workers. Who needs a delay when you can buy waivers with campaign donations?

Of course, you're also ideologically obligated to defend this pig of a law, so spin away.

Yup. Ol Frankass thinks it wonderful.

Of course he's completely forgetting Pelosi's, "We have to pass it before we know what in it." statement. The Dem idiots didn't even read the damned thing. Idiot one and all. Glad the GOP wasn't involved because when the shit hits the fan over this it will be entirely on the Dems.

Well now they are catching a damned clue about whats in it. Its a POS and should never have been passed. Hell. They had to bribe, threaten and cajole Dems to pass it.

This POS bill is a trainwreck and the Dems are now getting an idea of exactly what they landed on we the taxpayer. Subsidize my ass. Those of us who have insurance will be paying for ourselves and every freeloader in the USA. Good Gawd. Talk about bankrupt.
This is the only delay so far, in reaction to fear mongered morons- 4% of these businesses...

Let's not forget the 1,600+ waivers that have been granted, with a disproportionate percentage favoring businesses that employ union workers. Who needs a delay when you can buy waivers with campaign donations?

Of course, you're also ideologically obligated to defend this pig of a law, so spin away.


I thought the waivers are only intended to tide employers over until 2014 when the ACA exchanges kick in?
It is not going to be a train wreck. It won’t even be that bad, for now.

The problem with the ACA has never been what it is going to turn into in the next five years. If it was going to be a train wreck, that would be better. Instead, this new entitlement is going to grow, change and essentially turn into another unsustainable program that does not deliver on promises but can never be changed or reformed because people will not give up entitlements once they are gained.

If there was going to be a train wreck then we can deal with it. The way it is going though there is no train wreck coming and it will be far too late to do anything once the real problems with such legislation start to appear.
The Republicans were too busy shaking their heads "no" and holding up "Keep Government Out of Medicare" signs to produce any kind of coherent plan.

So, drunk with power and excitement, the Democrats put this steaming pile of bureaucratic crap together.

Now, you may harbor some partisan ideological obligation to defend this mess, that's your call. I'm under no such obligation.

Shit is shit, and I don't care WHO shat it.


Wrong. The GOP put together several plans. Of course being a minority party in both houses of Congress it was doomed.
The Democrats' biggest objectors were people in their own party. Thus the Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase and other sterling examples from the msot honest and open Congress in history.

Examples with links please.

Go fuck yourself. This board spent months demonizing the Ryan plan and related ones, claiming it would throw granny off a cliff and give vouchers. Instead we have a plan where everyone gets shitty healthcare. Thanks a bunch.
It's hilarious how you people think that the government will be managing your healthcare when you will either have insurance though your employer or privately. Only those on Medicare will have government controlled healthcare, and that already exists for low income earners. You guys crack me up.
By mandate from....Gubmint.

You nanny statists crack me up.

I would have no problem allowing people to opt out of buying insurance, with the understanding that if they can afford the insurance but choose not to purchase it, then they must be able to prepay or show means of being able to pay for any medical treatment they receive. If they are diagnosed with cancer and cannot pay or show means to pay, then we send them away without any treatment whatsoever. When they are dying and the pain is unbearable, they cannot receive pain killers or anything and cannot be admitted into a hospital. They must die at home or on the street if they've already lost their home and job.

See, I can be reasonable.

Do you have a problem allowing people to pay the minimal penalty and go without and then sign up for health insurance once they get sick, sucking gov't subsidies because no one in his right mind would insure someone like that?
Because that's what Obamacare does.
Go fuck yourself.
Only a complete moron would want the government to manage their health care. Only a vile despot would propose such.

It's hilarious how you people think that the government will be managing your healthcare when you will either have insurance though your employer or privately. Only those on Medicare will have government controlled healthcare, and that already exists for low income earners. You guys crack me up.

It amazes me that someone could be as naive to think that govt isn't trying to manage health care.
Government is getting way too deep into the private lives of our citizens. We've already had a government medical plan in force for decades - it's called Medicaid - and we can see how frucked up that is. Government needs to get out of a whole lot of things it should never become involved in in the first place. Another thing that has come up in the last few days is the penalties for smokers - seems the computer programming has some kind of "glitch" that can't figure out how to deal with penalties for older smokers and younger smokers.

Right now I pay $756/year for private insurance (Gap) coverage and $1,176/year for Medicare coverage. Medicare doesn't provide coverage for a whole lot of things; my private insurance (BC/BS) is a dream come true over the Gap coverage I had before (Humana).
the law as written simply won’t work.

well dohhhh, no shit :up:
Nancy Piglosi: "We Have To Pass The Health Care Bill So That You Can Find Out What's In It"

now we know why liarberal politicians are so stupid, they do not read bills/laws, they just pass them, then find out what the law says and it's consequences, then it takes years of feuding with the truth tellers..., Conservatives, to get the liarberals to admit they are wrong ! :up: then more years to get the stupid law rescinded.

ahhhhh.., the sheer stupidity of LIARberals/DEMON CRATS when will it ever end ??

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