Obamacare Enrollment Passes 5 Million

This has absolutely nothing to do with coverage mandated by ACA.


Follow the conversation, the comment made was "hospitals can't refuse medicaid people its illegal" which is false.

I come to their emergency room... they hospital doesn't take medicaid . they refuse me right???noooooooooo they can't refuse you... even if you have medicaid... that's where the conversation was coming from ...you jumped right in the middle and said this stupid shit ... that was the point you missed ... it is illegal for them to refuse health care even if you have medicaid was my point...
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5 MILLIOM more than the Repubs *cough* "plan" had. Oh wait!!! :shock: the Repubs didn't have a plan unless you count being against everything the President proposes as being a plan :doubt: lol.

How many of those 5 million actually have health insurance?

There's more to it than just picking a plan on the exchange.

these numbers are numbers who have signed up and paid for their plan

You're SO mistaken, Billy! The 5 million are simply the number that have signed up. The Obama Administration will not release the numbers on how many have PAID for their plans. Gee, I wonder why THAT is? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

What will be amusing is the spin that's going to be coming our way when the REAL number of people who paid for plans is released...because THAT number is going to be WAY lower than 5 million! They'll be lucky to get half what they're now claiming...

they don't get that information who paid or who didn't thats not what they do they are just aq pathway to a insurer by you saying the haven't paid is just wisfull thinking on your part ... you see the send you a bill if you don't pay it then you are taken of the count ... you are no longer part of the 5 million..

it was BCBS health insurances about a month ago ...they said that 80% of the people have paid for their health care insurance through obama care ... the people who haven't paid yet are still on their plan and they haven't totally changed over their plan yet ... implying that they will be paying ... its idiots like you who want to make it look like nobody is paying, is comical at best ... you keep believing that and get left behind where you belong ...
5 MILLIOM more than the Repubs *cough* "plan" had. Oh wait!!! the Repubs didn't have a plan unless you count being against everything the President proposes as being a plan lol.


Failure x two for you!
That would be "TOO".....genius:eusa_whistle:

looks like the spell police is out ...can't debate, but make a spelling error and they are all over ya ... that's all they got ... are ya going to get me for not capitalizing the first word in my sentences too ??? see I got the "too" right too?? genius ... are ya going to get me for to many periods or question marks too ... I mean when ya can't debate an issue moron like you rely on spelling a grammar that's all they got ... keep trying ... some day you'll grow up to be a reel man ... for now you're just another "X" spelling bee champion that's has nothing else better to do ...

you can't spell AND you're a liar

stop crying
just for the recorded "to" isn't misspelled moron ... stop your whining !!!!:D:D:D liar

Personally, I think the ACA is a big 'ol flaming pile of bureaucratic, wealth-distributing horse shit shoved straight up our ass without lubricant by a bunch of narcissistic, corrupt, paid-off politicians who wanted to pretend they were doing something valuable for a change and a President who made shit up a few dozen times to get us to buy into it.

That said, elections have consequences, it is the law, and it seems to me we'd better fuckin' hope it works. First, Obama would sure as hell veto any attempt to repeal if the GOP were to gain the Senate. Second, all the "ideas" (cough) I've seen from the GOP seem to miss the fact that many people who are now covered by the ACA would be tossed back out on their ass. And third, Obama will be in office until 2017 and it would be a few years before anything that would replace the ACA could get fired up.

The GOP had either be careful what it's asking for, or come up with a plan that would keep people covered with affordable coverage from Day One. I don't see that yet.

...and my Health insurance company mutual fund stock has increased in value by 119% since Obama was first elected.

Of course it will. The law was written for the enrichment of the INSURANCE companies. Not to help the uninsured, idiot. "Screw the little guy, and make the rich richer" seems to be the mantra of the left these days.

I'm not sure that I understand how making good decisions on the stock market makes me an "idiot", but, having been a republican all my life until Bush II, I know enough to take advantage of any opportunity that the government loves to give to people who make money from money, instead of working for it!!!!!!!!

Still, if it had been my decision, I would have expanded Medicare to cover everyone, instead of the half assed ACA, but that is all that we could get from the Right. It was better than nothing, and a great investment opportunity!

Uhhhhh, ummmmmm, really? You really don't have a clue what I wrote do you.... Wow...

Personally, I think the ACA is a big 'ol flaming pile of bureaucratic, wealth-distributing horse shit shoved straight up our ass without lubricant by a bunch of narcissistic, corrupt, paid-off politicians who wanted to pretend they were doing something valuable for a change and a President who made shit up a few dozen times to get us to buy into it.

That said, elections have consequences, it is the law, and it seems to me we'd better fuckin' hope it works. First, Obama would sure as hell veto any attempt to repeal if the GOP were to gain the Senate. Second, all the "ideas" (cough) I've seen from the GOP seem to miss the fact that many people who are now covered by the ACA would be tossed back out on their ass. And third, Obama will be in office until 2017 and it would be a few years before anything that would replace the ACA could get fired up.

The GOP had either be careful what it's asking for, or come up with a plan that would keep people covered with affordable coverage from Day One. I don't see that yet.


The only wealth it distributes is from the middle class to the elites. The majority of the 99% get screwed while a tiny percentage get a nice break. The progressives hope that the few voices in the wilderness will convince you that you're getting fucked over for a good cause, when actually it's just so the rich can get richer.
Hospitals "refuse" insurance all the time.

Try to get cancer treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center with Wellcare or United Healthcare.

Telling the same lie twice does not make it true. I repeat. No health care facility will reject any insurance. They simply may not consider it full payment for services rendered. It would be like me telling you that I will not sell apples to you for 2 quarters. You must pay me with a 50 cent piece.

You are absolutely incorrect. Moffitt only admits patients who have insurance and only those who are on their list of insurers. I have 5 clients that were scheduled to be admitted into Moffitt until they dropped United Healthcare. They were refused admission and referred to Morton Plant.

On edit: I incorrectly stated "United Healthcare." It's actually "Universal Healthcare" a now-defunct Medicare Advantage Insurance Company.

Not buying it. incidentally, I used to be a senior underwriter at United Healthcare, and retired after 50 years in the business. I also worked for the largest hospital in New Orleans. The most any provider would do is to require verification that you can personally pay the difference between what the insured pays, and what they charge. If you can not prove that, then they will obviously turn you away. If what you said was true, Moffitt would turn away a billionaire sheik from Saudi Arabia who wanted to pay cash, and had no insurance at all. That would make no sense whatever, and nobody is going to do it.
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Of course it will. The law was written for the enrichment of the INSURANCE companies. Not to help the uninsured, idiot. "Screw the little guy, and make the rich richer" seems to be the mantra of the left these days.

I'm not sure that I understand how making good decisions on the stock market makes me an "idiot", but, having been a republican all my life until Bush II, I know enough to take advantage of any opportunity that the government loves to give to people who make money from money, instead of working for it!!!!!!!!

Still, if it had been my decision, I would have expanded Medicare to cover everyone, instead of the half assed ACA, but that is all that we could get from the Right. It was better than nothing, and a great investment opportunity!

more comical excuses for left-wing failure. the ACA is exactly what the dems wanted it to be

That's odd. I'm a democrat, and it is not even remotely what I wanted. I wanted a single payer system. Is there anything else that we want that I don't know about?
Of course it will. The law was written for the enrichment of the INSURANCE companies. Not to help the uninsured, idiot. "Screw the little guy, and make the rich richer" seems to be the mantra of the left these days.

I'm not sure that I understand how making good decisions on the stock market makes me an "idiot", but, having been a republican all my life until Bush II, I know enough to take advantage of any opportunity that the government loves to give to people who make money from money, instead of working for it!!!!!!!!

Still, if it had been my decision, I would have expanded Medicare to cover everyone, instead of the half assed ACA, but that is all that we could get from the Right. It was better than nothing, and a great investment opportunity!

Uhhhhh, ummmmmm, really? You really don't have a clue what I wrote do you.... Wow...

Well, I confess that after you called me an idiot for buying stock at $5,000 when Obama was elected that is worth over $11,000 now( because I knew that the insurance companies were going to make out like bandits with the passage of ACA), I kind of lost your drift, because I was laughing so hard. Perhaps you are going to claim that democrats just love insurance companies, which is even more amusing!

political contribution by insurance industry to republicans 58.9%
political contribution by health industry to republicans 55.5%

Interest Groups | OpenSecrets
I'm not sure that I understand how making good decisions on the stock market makes me an "idiot", but, having been a republican all my life until Bush II, I know enough to take advantage of any opportunity that the government loves to give to people who make money from money, instead of working for it!!!!!!!!

Still, if it had been my decision, I would have expanded Medicare to cover everyone, instead of the half assed ACA, but that is all that we could get from the Right. It was better than nothing, and a great investment opportunity!

Uhhhhh, ummmmmm, really? You really don't have a clue what I wrote do you.... Wow...

Well, I confess that after you called me an idiot for buying stock at $5,000 when Obama was elected that is worth over $11,000 now( because I knew that the insurance companies were going to make out like bandits with the passage of ACA), I kind of lost your drift, because I was laughing so hard. Perhaps you are going to claim that democrats just love insurance companies, which is even more amusing!

political contribution by insurance industry to republicans 58.9%
political contribution by health industry to republicans 55.5%

Interest Groups | OpenSecrets

Proving yet again that you either don't understand what I am saying, or.... you're a coldhearted asshole, who doesn't care that the poor and middle class are getting fucked so long as you get to make a buck off of them.

Thanks for making that patently clear.
The conservatives on the right are as panicked about the country
as the left was during Bush's military spending on the Iraq Wars.

In that case, the issue was the AMOUNT of spending, in the trillions
each month that war was going on; and now it is more about the PRINCIPLES being thrown out the window with federal mandates on state and private issues of health care.

Both sides were panicking for different reasons, and blaming it on the President;
But I DON'T see the hatred being as nasty as it was against Bush.

If you look at how the Republicans admonished Ted Nugent for his remarks about Obama, he even issued a correction "sticking to Constitutional principles and points" as his peers insisted on.

Sorry, but I don't see any Democrats (except for John Cusack) demanding that slams against GOP leaders be refined and refocused to Constitutional arguments.

I think the peak of rightwing hate was earlier against Clinton and abortion clinics in the 90s, and reduced after that. I think the increase in conservative media outlets since then has allowed the rightwing to express and organize themselves outside the "liberal media monopoly" so there is not the same "fear of exclusion" as before when Clinton first took office. The Tea Party is still actively growing, and promoting positive focus; the group in Kingwood enforces an inclusive approach of welcoming all people of all parties and views, and specifically disallows any hateful or negative politicking or protesting at their events.

It is much more positive, much less hateful than when the left/right division came out in the 90s with the prochoice/prolife campaigns going into full swing. Even the worst issues about gay marriage do not compare to the bombing of clinics and stalking or shooting doctors.

We've come a long way, you have to give credit to both prochoice and prolife activists.
The worst I heard recently was actually from the prochoice camp, where people were caught with feces planning to throw that during the legislative session in Austin, Texas.

I think the left has always been more on the defensive, because they view the right as being the dominant "default" position. The rightwing do not need to be in power to prove their position, but will know it is right anyway as long as it is based on Constitutional authority. But the left depends on voting in their party reps or agenda, where it is not based on the Constitution. Their political agenda depends on overruling or outnumbering votes and views of the opposition, whereas any position based on Constitutional principles defends itself. so that is where the left depends more on negative hate campaigns in the media where they aren't using Constitutional authority to back their positions.

the rw hate force is strong in this thread.

Maybe people would love the Democrat Party again
if they actually paid for the programs they claim to support.

For example: The Democrats have argued against the death penalty.
Why not encourage States to reform their criminal justice systems
and use THOSE resources to expand medical schools, programs, and facilities.

I found out there was a whole faction and movement of Republicans
for decriminalization to stop losses of life and resources on failed drug policies.
Whoa! Now there's a unifying issue that could bring Libertarians back in.
Why not use THAT focus to reform health care at the same time?

So much opportunity here. Shame to waste more media and money
pushing ACA as is, when even the left who want Singlepayer oppose the mandates
and interference by the insurance companies into the exchanges.

If left and right could "unite in their opposition", they could take back govt
AND control of both their parties again both hijacked while they remain divided.

Same tactic that kept "poor field slaves" jealous and fighting against "privileged house slaves" so the masters stayed in charge of enslaving both classes by manipulating them.
Both "blaming the other" using parties to blame the rich or the poor who are both victims.

We are getting closer to rising above our differences because of our common interests at stake. Out of pure necessity, when we realize we can better get what we want by uniting.

As the karma backlash between Bush and Obama runs its course, we'll see where we end up after that. What the next stage is in the political process of developing our government.
Uhhhhh, ummmmmm, really? You really don't have a clue what I wrote do you.... Wow...

Well, I confess that after you called me an idiot for buying stock at $5,000 when Obama was elected that is worth over $11,000 now( because I knew that the insurance companies were going to make out like bandits with the passage of ACA), I kind of lost your drift, because I was laughing so hard. Perhaps you are going to claim that democrats just love insurance companies, which is even more amusing!

political contribution by insurance industry to republicans 58.9%
political contribution by health industry to republicans 55.5%

Interest Groups | OpenSecrets

Proving yet again that you either don't understand what I am saying, or.... you're a coldhearted asshole, who doesn't care that the poor and middle class are getting fucked so long as you get to make a buck off of them.

Thanks for making that patently clear.

Actually, West, it was my 50 years off working in health insurance companies that made me support ACA 100%, because I spent 50 years turning down applications from people for pre-existing conditions, as an underwriter, knowing that I was handing them a death sentence, because they had cancer, heart disease, etc. I celebrate every day since ACA was passed, making what I did illegal. However, it could not have happened without the change in the law. if one company does not decline people for health conditions, and every other company does decline them, than that single company will be out of business within a few short months.
I'm not sure that I understand how making good decisions on the stock market makes me an "idiot", but, having been a republican all my life until Bush II, I know enough to take advantage of any opportunity that the government loves to give to people who make money from money, instead of working for it!!!!!!!!

Still, if it had been my decision, I would have expanded Medicare to cover everyone, instead of the half assed ACA, but that is all that we could get from the Right. It was better than nothing, and a great investment opportunity!

more comical excuses for left-wing failure. the ACA is exactly what the dems wanted it to be

That's odd. I'm a democrat, and it is not even remotely what I wanted. I wanted a single payer system. Is there anything else that we want that I don't know about?

Hi V: do you see ACA as a stepping stone, a "positive" step to push for singlepayer?

or do you see it as a negative or minus, like forcing people to compromise where no one is happy, to compel reforms?

One friend told me all the Singlepayer advocates he knows are vocally opposed to ACA.

He and I are the only ones who see the opportunity to push for criminal justice reform
in order to get health care paid for without the messes that people oppose.

Now I'm trying to align with legalization advocates, to see if we can push reforms together, and everyone can get closer to their goals. Also with replacing the death penalty with more cost effective consequences deterrence and restitution, and saving resources that way.

What state are you in? Are there reps or is the Governor pushing for reforms to ACA?
What do you think of the idea of separating the tracks by Party, so even if people do not agree WHAT to replace the insurance mandates with, they could go through their own parties and access the options they prefer without interfering with other people's choices.

What reforms or approach do you think will accommodate the different plans people want?
How many of those 5 million actually have health insurance?

There's more to it than just picking a plan on the exchange.

these numbers are numbers who have signed up and paid for their plan

You're SO mistaken, Billy! The 5 million are simply the number that have signed up. The Obama Administration will not release the numbers on how many have PAID for their plans. Gee, I wonder why THAT is? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

What will be amusing is the spin that's going to be coming our way when the REAL number of people who paid for plans is released...because THAT number is going to be WAY lower than 5 million! They'll be lucky to get half what they're now claiming...

While I generally agree with your point, remember that this or any administration usually crafts these talking points months ahead of time and then has contingency plans.

I suspect that when the "real" number comes out and it's around 3 million, there will be a massive push by the employers of Navigators to find anyone and everyone to enroll, for pennies per day - paid for by the social organization receiving a grant, to get the paid enrollments up to 5 million "paid" plans. Then a few days later the official number will be released to the public an it will be technically accurate.

The goal here isn't to cover people, it's to get the program into entitlement status so that it is like Medicare.
actually obama and his lying administration still refuse to say exactly how many of the sign-ups have actually cut a check or paid for them in some manner the last time i checked. so they cant know how many have enrolled
To be fair they have no way of knowing. In the same way the number of people adversely affected by Ocare appears to be greater proportionally and in absolute numbers in blue and purple states so I expect both major parties to radicalize ever further through at least 2020. I expect the Rs to overplay their hand as usual but the Ds may well shift so far left that they cease to be a credible opposition force in upto 30 states. I simply do not have credible data to work with.

They do have a way of knowing. When someone signs up in the exchange and picks a plan, they are flagged as "enrolled." When the policy is issued they are flagged as "covered." I'm not positive on the actual field names for "enrolled" and "covered" but I know that someone who has picked a plan but has not paid for it applies again they are put through the same process to pick a plan again. When someone who has already paid for a plan and the policy is issued applies again, the system tells them a variation of "we show that you are already covered. Please contact your current health provider or....."

So yes, they know EXACTLY how many people have paid the first premium. That's one of the issues, some of my clients have paid premiums but don't have their insurance cards yet. When they call their insurer, the insurer refunds the premium and tells them to apply again. So the go to the trusty Hindenburg.gov and are told they can't apply for coverage because they already have it.

On edit:

This is a relatively new "bug" in the system so the constraint might be removed soon allowing duplicate federal certifications for subsidies tied to a specific plan. But as of yesterday, when a client of mine did it right in front of me, that constraint was in place.
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well look at the fox news site they say 6.12 million sign up for medicaid a right wing source ... a right wing nut source ... the insurance industry check any one of them they will tell you that 3.2 million people who are under 26 have signed up on their parents plan ... their words not mine ... and of cours the currant press release that you right wing nuts just hate to
recognized, cause that puts you in the stupid mode of denial, cause you just can't stand it to be true, that puts you laughing like the jack ass you are, cause ya got nuttin' else ... :D:D:D:D

Still no proof.

You really don't know what you are talking about.

Included in that 6.2 million who have enrolled in Medicaid are all those who were decertified and recertified. It's a game that Medicaid plays, decertify millions in December when the audit happens and then recertify those same millions in January. The people under 26 who are now covered under their parents' plans are included in the 5 million ACA enrollments if their parents purchased plans on the exchange. The 5 million enrollments in ACA plans is a count of unique applications that have been completed. I just did 5 of those applications this morning because I couldn't read the handwriting for a client. First I put the SSN in wrong, then on the next one I put the DOB for one of the kids in wrong. On the third attempt I fat-fingered the street address. The 4th application went through all the way to approval and subsidy verification but the client called back to say that the income was too high. By the 5th complete application we have the final result.

About half of my clients have at least two completed FFM applications.

All of the people listed on those completed applications are considered "unique people" regardless of whether there are duplicates and regardless of whether they actually have a health insurance policy issued.

BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a liar you are ... just goes to show ya these repub-lie-tiurds will lie about everything they can ... its their nature ... I suppose that the 3.2 million on their parents plan were recertified too... how can ya recertrify when you were never on ??? oh I know lie about it to the posters here ... yeah we goy your number liar ....

No, the 3.2 million on their parents' plans were not recertified too. Those that were put onto their parents' plans through the FFM are including in the 5 million enrollments number though.

I've been quite objective about the facts of the Affordable Care Act. My personal opinion as quite biased and my political persuasion is certainly something way different than yours, but I am federally certified and state licensed as an insurance broker. The facts of how this program works and the functionality of the processes are not opinions and I have never been uncivil nor have I embellished anything on them.

You are obviously not concerned with both the good and the bad of this program. You're only concerned with calling an expert a liar because you don't like the analysis.
5 MILLIOM more than the Repubs *cough* "plan" had. Oh wait!!! :shock: the Repubs didn't have a plan unless you count being against everything the President proposes as being a plan :doubt: lol.


Really? The GOP plan didn't cancel millions of policies.

What's the net positive so far? In my estimation:

3 million new insured through the exchange
4 million new Medicaid recipients
5 million cancelled policies

Sounds like 2 million people have health insurance now that didn't before (just a guess on my part).

If that was the goal all along, why disrupt so much for everyone?

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