Obama will let in how many potential murderers?


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
As we see in Paris its not a wise idea to let in muslims. How much blood will be on Obamas hands? We need a president like Trump who will enforce the borders.
It's amazing to watch Obama dance around the fact that his JV team just killed over 100 innocent people in France. This will doom Clinton's campaign. She helped to usher in Issl with her stupidity.
Now lets see Hillary come out for gun control. After watching this carnage in France I'm getting a carry permit before you can't.
Only candidate i trust to enforce the borders is Trump.
Obama like any progressive does not care about people. They just care about their politically correct agenda. Even this attack in PAris after other attacks in the world, will not dissuade them. They are stupid and bought the video excuse for BenGhazi
200,000 new U.S. Muslim residents are about to be invited over here for free food and housing.

And we have around 300,000,000 privately owned firearms waiting to greet them.
I fear alot of americans will die due to Obama and open border republicans like rubio.
As we see in Paris its not a wise idea to let in muslims. How much blood will be on Obamas hands? We need a president like Trump who will enforce the borders.
Obama is the worst thing that could happen to America. He has no sense when it comes to foreign affairs and doing his best to create a race war in our nation. So what is going to get in harms way first... a civil war or a terrorist attack? Thank you Mr. Obama.

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