Obama / WH Will BLOCK The Release of ALL Hillary E-mails TO (..and from) Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Hmmm: White House will block release of Hillary e-mails to … Barack Obama"
LINK: Hmmm: White House will block release of Hillary e-mails to … Barack Obama

"Nothing to see here, nothing at all, and there is CERTAINLY NO SCANDAL - move along folks!" :confused:

"The White House will try to block the release of a handful of emails between President Obama and former Secretary of StateHillary Rodham Clinton, citing longstanding precedent invoked by presidents of both parties to keep presidential communications confidential, officials said Friday.

The State Department discovered the emails between Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton as part of its effort to release the former secretary’s emails, several thousand more of which were scheduled to be made public on Friday. Mr. Obama’s correspondence was forwarded for review to the White House, which has decided against release."

"....The Most TRANSPARENT Administration EVUH". :rolleyes:

In order to overcome that claim, Congress or a court would have to have cause to suspect that specific violations of the law exist.
- While completely immoral and unethical, not to mention despicable & pathetic, ignoring an Ambassador's pleas for his life, not only denying him additional security but TAKING AWAY 16 members of his security detail - after 2 previous terrorist attack and the call for attacks on Middle East Embassies AND for his assassination on 9/11/12, AND lying to America and the families of the 4 Americans who he and Hillary allowed to be murdered, NONE of that is technically a 'CRIME'. So there is no 'cause to suspect specific violations of the law' to claim in order to obtain Obama's e-mails.

The FACT is that Hillary Clinton's recent appearance and testimony before the Benghazi Committee demonstrated / showed beyond a shadow of a doubt - using Hillary's own e-mails to do so - that the State Department was completely incompetent and inept in the handling of the entire Benghazi situation - hired an AL QAEDA-associated militia to 'protect' the NOW DEAD US Ambassador, not only denied an Ambassador critically needed additional security he pleaded for but also REDUCED (took away 16 members of) his security force, 'doctored' an FBI report, lied to the nation, lied to the family members of the 4 Americans they allowed to die, and then finally almost a month later falsely blamed the video again and APOLOGIZED to the Muslim world while almost attempting to justify the murder of our 4 Americans ('It was an American-made video slandering Muhammad, and "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam").

The WORLD knows how incompetent, inept, pathetic, despicable, self-centered, self-protecting, lying, deceitful these two - Hillary and Obama - are and were in regards to the Benghazi attack that left 4 Americans needlessly dead, no matter the amount of professional propaganda or idiotic brainwashed morons who try to say otherwise. This has been proven and is now part of documented history that will be sued by history to judge their legacies.

There is nothing more that can be attained that can legally acted upon. Being stupid, incompetent, inept, unethical, immoral, deceitful and lying (even under oath it seems now) is criminally illegal. (If it were we would have very few politicians left in Washington...which wouldn't be completely a bad thing, starting over again after 'cleaning house'. Shutdown the Committee hearings, shut down the further investigations, and write the final report...on how Hillary / The State Dept failed to protect a US Ambassador - actually put him in jeopardy - and allowed him to die, how Hillary concocted the whole proven lie about a 'protest', and how she and Obama lied to the nation, to the grieving families, and to the world.
They were probably discussing Obama effort to use the Benghazi Embassy to supply arms to ISIS and Al Qaeda

No big deal
Well, yeah because you know that's how an administration who Promised to be the MOST TRANSPARENT EVER does things, isn't it?

vote out these liars come 2016 and do not vote them back in with Hillary the liar, or the 100 year old Senator Bernie, who has done nothing outstanding his life, but suck a living off us taxpayers for the last 40 YEARS
I find it stunning that all will be held back. All communications between the head of our State Dept and the President?

So much for transparency.
Hmmm, emails to the president?

wonder how many of those didn't contain classified information?

(although I'm sure the majority were pictures of the grandbaby)
This is a big picture issue. I really am not interested in making sitting presidents release internal communications to and from staff. Maintaining the privilege is a good idea.
This is a big picture issue. I really am not interested in making sitting presidents release internal communications to and from staff. Maintaining the privilege is a good idea.
I agree. Like I said, it's not needed. It's already been proven that he and Hillary are lying pieces of fecal matter who let Americans die and then lied to everyone, from the grieving families to Americans - to the world. Nothing is left to gain....
I don't want those running our government to be free from the scrutiny of playing with our nations security, economic well being, and its peoples well being, due to their own idealogical and political goals. We should be aware of their actions, so we can vote accordingly.

Classified material is something different.
I don't want those running our government to be free from the scrutiny of playing with our nations security, economic well being, and its peoples well being, due to their own idealogical and political goals. We should be aware of their actions, so we can vote accordingly.

Classified material is something different.

Part of that scrutiny is ensuring our elected officials are COMPETENT to handle classified information and are doing so. The level of classified information we are talking about in this case is TOP SECRET 'SI/TK' that by very DEFINITION if released / gets out could cause 'grave damage' to the United States. I don't care to KNOW what was on those e-mails. All I need to know is that Hillary Clinton has now released this information into the hands of our enemies. (Kerry admitted his server has been hacked so to think Hillary's UN-protected server was not is ridiculous.)

She has violated the law.
She has compromised our national security.
She has been compromised as a President - we have no idea what information may be out there those enemies can use against her.
The very fact that she allowed this to happen - by trying to be deceitful or by accident - should mean an immediate PERMANENT retraction of her Security Clearance and proves she is too 'old' / stupid to be entrusted with classified information.

Classified information is something different, and people don't need to know the classified information in Hillary's e-mails, for example, but they do need to know if our elected officials are breaking the law and are competently handling this nation's secrets or not.

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