Obama War Crime Trial - UK?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Britain may be under new management one day and The Labour Party is swiftly positing one of the world's few remaining virulent Marxists to be Prime Minister.

That would be Jeremy Corbyn. The man who lets anyone join the party for a fee of about $4.70, no questions asked. Most observers says he has not a snowball's chance in Hell of being PM but his own claque rivals America's Obamabots for untrammeled belief.

Corwyn is telling the world Osama bin Laden should have been tried - not killed:

Jeremy Corbyn said Osama bin Laden should have been tried, not killed

"In a clip from the Press TV show the Agenda, Corbyn is heard complaining that there had been “no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest him and put him on trial, to go through that process”. He went on: “This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy."

Note that Corbyn uses the word "attempt" that shows he, like so many Americana harbours doubts that Osama really was killed; he, like all of us, never saw a body. Still, murder is a crime and, who knows, if Corbyn gets his own shot at being an emperor, would Obama dare visit Britain? If he does would he learn the true meaning of "Star Chamber"?
Britain may be under new management one day and The Labour Party is swiftly positing one of the world's few remaining virulent Marxists to be Prime Minister.

That would be Jeremy Corbyn. The man who lets anyone join the party for a fee of about $4.70, no questions asked. Most observers says he has not a snowball's chance in Hell of being PM but his own claque rivals America's Obamabots for untrammeled belief.

Corwyn is telling the world Osama bin Laden should have been tried - not killed:

Jeremy Corbyn said Osama bin Laden should have been tried, not killed

"In a clip from the Press TV show the Agenda, Corbyn is heard complaining that there had been “no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest him and put him on trial, to go through that process”. He went on: “This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy."

Note that Corbyn uses the word "attempt" that shows he, like so many Americana harbours doubts that Osama really was killed; he, like all of us, never saw a body. Still, murder is a crime and, who knows, if Corbyn gets his own shot at being an emperor, would Obama dare visit Britain? If he does would he learn the true meaning of "Star Chamber"?

Ya mean bin Laden wasn't taken out and it was a hoax like the Moon Landings? Boy am I pissed now!
Britain may be under new management one day and The Labour Party is swiftly positing one of the world's few remaining virulent Marxists to be Prime Minister.

That would be Jeremy Corbyn. The man who lets anyone join the party for a fee of about $4.70, no questions asked. Most observers says he has not a snowball's chance in Hell of being PM but his own claque rivals America's Obamabots for untrammeled belief.

Corwyn is telling the world Osama bin Laden should have been tried - not killed:

Jeremy Corbyn said Osama bin Laden should have been tried, not killed

"In a clip from the Press TV show the Agenda, Corbyn is heard complaining that there had been “no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest him and put him on trial, to go through that process”. He went on: “This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy."

Note that Corbyn uses the word "attempt" that shows he, like so many Americana harbours doubts that Osama really was killed; he, like all of us, never saw a body. Still, murder is a crime and, who knows, if Corbyn gets his own shot at being an emperor, would Obama dare visit Britain? If he does would he learn the true meaning of "Star Chamber"?

Corwyn is telling the world Osama bin Laden should have been tried - not killed:

well if thats the case,then Bush should be on trial for war crimes as well since any serious researcher who looks at the facts knows Bin Laden was killed off just a couple weeks later after 9/11. that the evidence that he was killed under Obamas watch is flimsy and laughable.

the only ones in denial on this that he was killed just a couple weeks after 9/11 are the fruitcakes who still to this day believe oswald killed JFK.:cuckoo::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

same as with with oswald being killed off because he knew too much who the players were involved,history has repeated itself.
Anyone attempting to put any American president in front of any international kangaroo court should be prevented from doing so by any means necessary.

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