Obama wants to raise tobacco taxes - again...

Okay, so what do you like - that I can hate?


Shit, nothing there I can hate. Pepsi is my favorite drink - next to ice-cold milk.

BTW, Native Americans have a long history with tobacco - long before it was tainted with chemicals.

the Native Americans in New York have been in an embroiled battle

by this administrations attempts to tax them on their tobacco
I still remember when, while living in California, people voted for the Lottery because we were told that the money would all go to education. LOL! That of course was a lie.
This is one of the problems I have with politicians who claim to only want to tax the rich. The rich who produce products simply raise the prices of their products so it's the poor and middle class who end up paying more.
Make no mistake about one thing. This money will not be going where government says it will be going. It will be going to politicians who use the money to feed special interests. This is how it works.
Of course, the funny part is when smokers start turning to the black market then the government will raise taxes on something else. It really doesn't end unless you nip it in the bud.

Actually, people voted for the lottery so that they could have a chance at becoming rich (even if their chance were better for being hit by lightning).

And.....................the rich don't really produce anything....................case in point, what has Mittens RobMe (Mitt Romney) produced that benefits anyone other that the stockholders? All he did (Mittens) was move a couple of deals around and get them to sell their company to them under the cause of "restructuring". All it really meant was shipping jobs off to China where they could make more profits.

BTW...........................if your company is greedy, it's gonna die.
I still remember when, while living in California, people voted for the Lottery because we were told that the money would all go to education. LOL! That of course was a lie.
This is one of the problems I have with politicians who claim to only want to tax the rich. The rich who produce products simply raise the prices of their products so it's the poor and middle class who end up paying more.
Make no mistake about one thing. This money will not be going where government says it will be going. It will be going to politicians who use the money to feed special interests. This is how it works.
Of course, the funny part is when smokers start turning to the black market then the government will raise taxes on something else. It really doesn't end unless you nip it in the bud.

Actually, people voted for the lottery so that they could have a chance at becoming rich (even if their chance were better for being hit by lightning).

And.....................the rich don't really produce anything....................case in point, what has Mittens RobMe (Mitt Romney) produced that benefits anyone other that the stockholders? All he did (Mittens) was move a couple of deals around and get them to sell their company to them under the cause of "restructuring". All it really meant was shipping jobs off to China where they could make more profits.

BTW...........................if your company is greedy, it's gonna die.

California sold the idea of lottery tickets to Californians as an essential way of paying for our education system. I don't know about the internal motivations of individual voters but that wasn't the point anyway. The point was that the government often says and does two separate things. The lottery money earmarked for education slowly got dwindled down during politicians self voted for pay raises and special interest projects.
I was making a connection between California's lottery promises and Obama raising tobacco taxes. The reason for raising taxes often are attributed to saving, feeding and educating our children and yet poverty continues to rise and educational standards continue to plummet. At least the politicians are fat and happy though.
You then went on some sort of liberal- class warfare -evil -greedy -company- Mitt Romney- diatribe that wasn't very comprehensible so I'll just hope you got that out of your system and you feel better.
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John Burke society..........................look it up.

Oh wait.....................just another racist showing their ass....................
The people got what they voted for.

Everyone knew he wouldn't stop taxes.

It isn't that simple. He's taxing the wrong fucking people - again.

You'd be surprised what other taxes he's increased without you knowing it. He uses excise taxes to punish the producer who then passes the costs onto the consumer. This is why the cost of junk food has skyrocketed in the last 3 years. This is why gas will never go below $3/gal again. Not until he's out of office.
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

As an ex-smoker, I think we should tax the shit out of cigarettes, and I will tell you why. While it is unfair to those who are already addicted, the key to reducing smoking is to keep young people from starting. The more cigarettes cost, the more difficult it is for young teenagers and young adults to afford in the first place. That means a lot less young people start smoking and a lot less people become lifelong smokers.

The excuse that "it is my right to smoke" is all horseshit. Smokers who say that are just too afraid to quit because it's not easy, even though they know they should. Smoking doesn't add one positive thing to the smoker's life. Not one thing at all.

After smoking for 30 years and finally quitting, I have seen so many benefits to now being a non-smoker. I feel so much better. I was actually able to lose weight because I can now exercise and run. When I smoked, I used to get headaches a couple of times per week. Now I get a headache once every three months. My blood pressure is down to 110/65. My resting heart rate is down under 45. My cholesterol is down under 160. I can go on and on. My clothes don't smell like shit anymore. My hair doesn't smell like shit anymore. I've made a lot of new friends who are non-smokers. I probably will live much longer than if I continued to smoke, but the real benefit is that I will live those years well, and I will enjoy living them.

Yes, cigarette taxes are unfair, but I support raising them 100%.

I agree with your points, but maybe there is a better way to keep kids from smoking without penalizing those who are already addicted.

My thought was to make Tobacco by prescription only, with a doctor having to certify you are disease free and making efforts to help you to quit.

My problem with taxing tobacco is that it always seems about raising revenues and not actually helping people.

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