Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

Buddy, Americans are getting sick and tired of the Zionists and their shit...
That's not what the Gallup Polls say.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

February 23, 2015

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Even as relations between the leaders of Israel and the United States reportedly deteriorate over disagreement about how to handle Iran's nuclear program, Israel has retained its broadly favorable image in the U.S. over the past year. Seventy percent of Americans now view that country favorably, and 62% say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Mideast conflict. By contrast, 17% currently view the Palestinian Authority favorably, and 16% sympathize more with the Palestinians.


Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

...Pretty Awesome deal Obama struck with Iran, eh?
Non sequitur.

Especially regarding questionable terms, in an agreement about (maybe) reaching an agreement in June.

Wake me up when it's been signed and executed.

Then wake me up again, once Congress has ratified it.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

You actually think the Muslims want a two state system?

Dear Lord why are liberals such ignoramuses.

Palestinians fire thousands of rockets into Israel and the liberals here are mostly silent. If the Palestinians fired thousands of rockets into the USA we would utterly destroy them. Its pretty simple, either we destroy the liberals or the liberals will destroy the USA.
Buddy, Americans are getting sick and tired of the Zionists and their shit...
That's not what the Gallup Polls say.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

February 23, 2015

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Even as relations between the leaders of Israel and the United States reportedly deteriorate over disagreement about how to handle Iran's nuclear program, Israel has retained its broadly favorable image in the U.S. over the past year. Seventy percent of Americans now view that country favorably, and 62% say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Mideast conflict. By contrast, 17% currently view the Palestinian Authority favorably, and 16% sympathize more with the Palestinians.


Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

...Pretty Awesome deal Obama struck with Iran, eh?
Non sequitur.

Especially regarding questionable terms, in an agreement about (maybe) reaching an agreement in June.

Wake me up when it's been signed and executed.

Then wake me up again, once Congress has ratified it.

Gee, more Americans have a "favorable opinion" of Israel, than our current President!
Of course, WHAT ELSE IS NEW!!!!! :)
Just stop attempting to have any logical or respectful dialogue with any of these sacks of left wing shit.

It is entirely useless. At this point I am waiting for when it will be ok to punch one of thesefaggots in the fucking face.

They sure as shit do not respect anyone that differs withthem. Like the fucking intolerant bloviated arrogant hypocritical sheep they all are.

I have literally been pissing on their graves. Such a delight.
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Where do you get your history from ? Yo are full of so much lies, it's incredible.

Well, I don't folow the official "Kosher" history. The one were the Zionshits are the victims and ignore that blonde we just ran over with a bulldozer.
No, you believe the Palestinian story. The one full of lies.

Pretty pathetic that you have to bring up a 12 year old incident where the victim stood in front of a custom bulldozer with the wind shield covered in chicken wire. The incident that was deemed an accident. Unless of course you have proof that it was done intentionally....
Buddy, Americans are getting sick and tired of the Zionists and their shit.

Pretty Awesome deal Obama struck with Iran, eh?
Hateful scum like you do not represent most Americans..

Oh, and Israel and America are STILL allies, America STILL gives Israel $3 billion a year (your tax money...assuming you even pay taxes) and AIPAC is alive and well.
Just stop attempting to have any logical or respectful dialogue with any of these sacks of left wing shit.

It is entirely useless. At this point I am waiting for when it will be ok to punch one of thesefaggots in the fucking face.

They sure as shit do not respect anyone that differs withthem. Like the fucking intolerant bloviated arrogant hypocritical sheep they all are.

I have literally been pissing on their graves. Such a delight.

It's incredible how deluded some of them are.
The US does the same thing, "The government takes land from citizens and gives it to other people", specifically, land-developers".
It is called "eminent domain".
Gee, the mexicans face wage and employment discrimination in the USA.
At one time, the Irish faced wage and employment discrimination in the USA too.
"1953: Jewish religious courts are recognized as part of the formal judicial system of Israel and are awarded exclusive jurisdiction over matters of personal status. The courts are under the supervision of the Supreme Rabbinical Council which is exclusively controlled by the Orthodox rabbinical establishment."
israel palestine conflict timeline 1948-1967
Your opinions and figures come from a anti-Israel, pro-terrorist propaganda site!!!
HELL, you might as well quote an anti-Israel, Iranian propaganda site, or an anti-jew Nazi propaganda site!!
Put down the crack pipe!!!!
Did you go to a segregated school?
"Why are Palestinian students channeled into a segregated school system within Israel lasting from 1st grade through high school? Segregation for Israel’s Palestinian students, who make up roughly 20 percent of the country’s student population, is a result of rigid geographic and residential segregation. Palestinian Israelis live largely in Arab villages or neighborhoods and rarely mix with Jewish Israelis until they begin working or until they attend university. Israeli governments have never tried to promote the integration of Israel’s public school system."
The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign s discussion Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.
Your opinions and figures come from a anti-Israel, pro-terrorist propaganda site!!!
HELL, you might as well quote an anti-Israel, Iranian propaganda site, or an anti-jew Nazi propaganda site!!
Put down the crack pipe!!!!
Did you go to a segregated school?
"Why are Palestinian students channeled into a segregated school system within Israel lasting from 1st grade through high school? Segregation for Israel’s Palestinian students, who make up roughly 20 percent of the country’s student population, is a result of rigid geographic and residential segregation. Palestinian Israelis live largely in Arab villages or neighborhoods and rarely mix with Jewish Israelis until they begin working or until they attend university. Israeli governments have never tried to promote the integration of Israel’s public school system."
The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign s discussion Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.

There ya go with that Nazi-like site again!!!!
Stay away from those terrorist sites and put down the anti-jew propaganda sheet, and stop with the crack-pipe.
Buddy, Americans are getting sick and tired of the Zionists and their shit...
That's not what the Gallup Polls say.

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

February 23, 2015

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Even as relations between the leaders of Israel and the United States reportedly deteriorate over disagreement about how to handle Iran's nuclear program, Israel has retained its broadly favorable image in the U.S. over the past year. Seventy percent of Americans now view that country favorably, and 62% say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Mideast conflict. By contrast, 17% currently view the Palestinian Authority favorably, and 16% sympathize more with the Palestinians.


Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

...Pretty Awesome deal Obama struck with Iran, eh?
Non sequitur.

Especially regarding questionable terms, in an agreement about (maybe) reaching an agreement in June.

Wake me up when it's been signed and executed.

Then wake me up again, once Congress has ratified it.

Gee, more Americans have a "favorable opinion" of Israel, than our current President!
Of course, WHAT ELSE IS NEW!!!!! :)
No, that's not what the polls say.

The polls say that vastly more Americans support Israel than those who support the Palestinians.

Regardless of which Yahoo-du-jour is currently occupying the Oval Office.

A trend that has been extant since 1948, roughly, and one that shows no signs of a substantive slackening.

The Failed Messiah (Obumble) has very little to do with that, when examining the long-term macro-level view.

And, with respect to that small-ish subset of Liberals and Democrats who take sides the with Palestinians instead (and most of 'em know that's not the way to go, actually), well, it's great kabuki theater, watching them do back-flips, trying to convince folks that the numbers of support of Israel are nowhere near what they actually are in the Real World.

Fun stuff, that... you can't make that shit up... and it's hilarious, watching them do a slow-burn over it, and piss and moan, as part of a great wailing and gnashing of teeth...


The Universe is unfolding just the way it should...

Jews win...

Palestinians lose...

Ahhhhhhhh... life is good.
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There ya go with that Nazi-like site again!!!!
Stay away from those terrorist sites and put down the anti-jew propaganda sheet, and stop with the crack-pipe.
" Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC) joins a growing number of national and international groups using direct education through public forums, church presentations, school presentations, and other face to face presentations to discuss how U.S. support for Israel enables Israel’s continued oppression and subjugation of the Palestinian people. Along with educational presentations and materials, SeaMAC uses mainstream media to inform the public about the effects of U.S. support for Israel's war crimes and policies, and to increase public awareness of U.S. taxpayer complicity in Israel’s denial of Palestinian rights. Beyond alerting citizens, SeaMAC will provide the resources for community discussion and the tools necessary to equip individuals to take direct action against this unacceptable use of taxpayer dollars."
Point out the "Nazis"
The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign Who We Are
There ya go with that Nazi-like site again!!!!
Stay away from those terrorist sites and put down the anti-jew propaganda sheet, and stop with the crack-pipe.
" Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC) joins a growing number of national and international groups using direct education through public forums, church presentations, school presentations, and other face to face presentations to discuss how U.S. support for Israel enables Israel’s continued oppression and subjugation of the Palestinian people. Along with educational presentations and materials, SeaMAC uses mainstream media to inform the public about the effects of U.S. support for Israel's war crimes and policies, and to increase public awareness of U.S. taxpayer complicity in Israel’s denial of Palestinian rights. Beyond alerting citizens, SeaMAC will provide the resources for community discussion and the tools necessary to equip individuals to take direct action against this unacceptable use of taxpayer dollars."
Point out the "Nazis"
The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign Who We Are

The "NAZI" part is what they want to do with jews, "EXTERMINATE", I.E. murder all jews in Israel, march them into the Mediterranean Sea.
The PLO charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
The Hamas calls for the killing of all jews.
Iran, who funds the Hamas, says it will wipe Israel of the face of the map, and is currently working on a nuclear bomb to fulfill it's promise.
Then we have you American freaks that parrot, worded differently but the same shit none-the-less, what these terrorist groups tell you to parrot.
How does it feel, knowing that you are helping to set up the Israelis to be murdered by the millions ...... another Holocaust, as it were.
The "NAZI" part is what they want to do with jews, "EXTERMINATE", I.E. murder all jews in Israel, march them into the Mediterranean Sea.
Except there's nothing in my link calling for the extermination or murder of all Jews in Israel.
"We oppose racism against Jews, Arabs, or any other people.

"Criticism of Israel is not criticism of the Jewish people. Israel is a nation-state, and should be held accountable to the same international humanitarian and legal standards as any other country. Any state that gives special rights to people of a particular religion or ethnicity is morally unacceptable."
Is there any reason why the Jews running Israel should NOT be held accountable to the same international humanitarian and legal standards as any other country?

The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign Who We Are
The PLO charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
The Hamas calls for the killing of all jews.
What does Likud offer?
"Both Hamas and the Israeli Likud party have demonstrated evolutions in their stated political agendas. In the 1988 Hamas charter or covenant there are calls for the abolishing/ obliteration/ elimination of Israel.

"The original Likud platform of 1977 states 'Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty'.[31] Both sides thereby denied the right of the opponent state to exist."
Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How does it feel, knowing that you are helping to set up the Israelis to be murdered by the millions ...... another Holocaust, as it were.

didn't they set themselves up for that by stealing someone else's land?

Kind of like if you jump into a tiger cage, and i told you it was a bad idea, is it my fault when the Tiger eats you?
No kinda like blaming a rape victim for being hot looking.

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