Obama To Name Guided Missile Destroyer After Carl Levin, A Democrat Who Never Served In The Military

Quit whining.
The comments after that pearl clutching outrage peiece are hysterical. What a bunch of crybabies!
well of course of he would. if he can find anyway to spit on us and our military, he will find it. this better not happen. that dork/boring nobody Levin: sucked enough life from us taxpayers while making a Career sitting on his butt in our Congress.
these are the types of people Obama puts in office. Isn't he just so special. he can go off and do as he wants. and I'll be, all of his picks have been DEMOCRATS.

An examination by The Washington Times of the 71 Arleigh Burke monikers shows Mr. Levin is the only one — except Winston Churchill — who does not meet the Navy guideline for destroyers.

Most Arleigh Burke honorees are naval war heroes; a significant number earned the Medal of Honor. There are several Navy secretaries. Capt. Patrick McNally, Mr. Mabus’ spokesman, told The Times: “He names ships for American heroes and considers Senator Levin’s long commitment to the nation worthy of recognition ….

The naming conventions are guidelines set by the secretary. He can deviate from them if he desires.” Capt. McNally said Mr. Mabus has named a number of destroyers after Medal of Honor recipients.

They include the Ralph Johnson, the Thomas Hudner, the Harvey Barnum and the Daniel Inouye, the late Democratic senator from Hawaii. Mr. Mabus announced in January that an Expeditionary Sea Base will carry the name of Hershel “Woody” Williams, a World War II Medal of Honor recipient.

Other Senate Armed Services chairmen have been so honored for other ship classes. The George W. Bush administration named a Virginia-class attack submarine after former Sen. John Warner, who also served as a Marine enlisted man in World War II and as a Navy secretary. Democrat John C. Stennis of Mississippi, a legendary defense hawk, has an aircraft carrier in his name. Democrat Richard B. Russell of Georgia championed defense spending as Armed Services chairman. Like Mr. Warner, his name is on an attack submarine. In the House, the late Democratic congressman Carl Vinson has his name on an aircraft carrier because he championed a large, “blue water” Navy able to operate in all oceans. “Carl Levin is no Carl Vinson, Richard Russell or John Stennis,” said a congressional defense staffer. “He has presided over the dismantlement of the U.S. military, which is an accomplishment for the Obama administration.”

Mr. Mabus, a former Democratic governor of Mississippi, has irked some Republicans for veering from tradition by naming warships after social activists and politicians with no link to the military. Since the start of the Obama administration, Mr. Mabus has named combat logistics supply ships after civil rights leader Medgar Evers and leftist farmworker Cesar Chavez. -

See more at: Barack Obama DESTROYS Military, Names NAVY Ship Something That Has Americans INFURIATED - Tea Party News
This is ridiculous partisan nonsense. There have been many many military vessels, vehicles, and weapons throughout American history dating back to the 1700's named after people who never served in the military.

I don't have a problem with the naming of naval ships, or the names they choose, so reading the article won't ne necessary.
Apparently, you have never served.

You're an idiot for thinking stupid shit like that, has relevance in anything.

I don't have a problem with the naming of naval ships, or the names they choose, so reading the article won't ne necessary.
Apparently, you have never served.

You're an idiot for thinking stupid shit like that, has relevance in anything.
It has relevance to everything dumass. Nobody I have ever served with would want to serve on a ship named after a leftist. Since you have obviously never served your country, your opinion is irrelevant.
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