Obama SURGES In New Polls


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama SURGES In New Polls
Business Insider ^ | 11/10/2011 | Zeke Miller

President Barack Obama is now polling even with a generic Republican candidate in a new Gallup poll — a measure by which he was down by eight percent in recent months — a sign that he is turning his presidency around after a miserable few months.

Incumbents running for reelection underperform in this sort of poll, which allows voters to imagine their ideal candidate running against Obama. When placed in a head-to-head match-up with the GOP field, Obama performs even better.

Obama has also gained tremendously among swing voters — who favored the generic Republican by over 20 points in September, but now are split between Obama and the dummy candidate.

In a separate poll from Quinnipiac University, Obama ties GOP front-runner Mitt Romney in the key swing states of Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania, and leads the rest of the Republican field.

His strategy of putting the screws to Congress for failing to pass his jobs bill and the lack of enthusiasm for his Republican opposition are certainly contributing to the bump. While by no means assuring him victory in 2012, the polls indicate that Obama has succeeded turning around months of bad poll numbers.

Obama SURGES In New Polls

It is IMPOSSIBLE for Extremist Herman Cain to get that center...It wouldn't surprise me if you republicans run him that Obama wins by a larger margin then 2008. Mitt Romney is about the only one that can carry that center over and win states like Florida. Also it's NOT Barack Obama that has to worry about the mass media ripping into him, but the republican, so you better consider that. Obama can only go upwards "if" the economy improves and it appears to be slowly doing so, and he gets us out of the middle east. Believe it or NOT the majority of the American people ARE SICK of nation building. If he gets us out of Afighastan and the economy improves to 8.2 by election day...OBAMA WINS.
hey, we all know that it all boils down to 5-7 states. you could take polls in New York,Cally and Illinois, Its gonna be Obama 55/45. But lets hear the real polls from Florida,Penn,Ohio,Virgina & Indiana. Like I have mentioned here a few times, he loses those states, Obama is done. and there are no polls showing him a head,,,not even close to 50% in any of those states.
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hey, we all know that it all boils down to 5-7 states. you could take polls in New York,Cally and Illinois, Its gonna be Obama 55/45. But lets hear the real polls from Florida,Penn,Ohio,Virgina & Indiana. Like I have mentioned here a few times, he loses those states, Obama is done. and there are no polls showing him a head,,,not even close to 50% in any of those states.

Well, The Republicans lose Penn, Ohio, Indiana by 5-10 points for any republican you run. Florida, Virgina are being lost by Herman Cain to Obama right now and if the economy improves will go to Barack Obama. Only Mitt has a tie or lead within states like Florida...The last time I looked Cain was losing Az, which isn't good. That's why I said Obama could increase his electoral vote.
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I'm getting quite bored with racists ranting about Cain, calling him an 'extremist'. Fucking lowlifes.

He is a fucking extremist to me. I'm fairly far to the right on most social issues, but theres no way in hell you're going to win a election with him. Americans are NOT heartless enough to throw millions of people onto the street and either am I. I'm sorry, but reality isn't the 18th century anymore and Cain needs to move into the 21st century...If someone is dieing they GET to GO TO THE ER and if they're living on the street and are disabled they get housing. We're better then what Cain wants for America. Sure, I believe in state rights and balancing a budget, but to lose our souls? Not me.

I'm the way I'm, because of the fact that it would lower our living standard, but close minding fools like you can't think 2 feet past your face.
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right, but how will Obama create 8 million jobs in a year? he would also have to take out Irans Nuclear Facilities.

Yay, get us into another decade long war with thousands of sons, dads, mothers and daughters killed. Really what the American people want...NO, the American people want us the fuck out of these wars.

He doesn't have to create 8 million jobs within the next year...All he has to do is improve things a little and he gets another 4 years. :eusa_whistle:
well, for now, it looks like Nitinyahoo is losing his patience with Iran. I wouldn't be surprised if he tossed a few bombs in Irans direction next spring or summer. But I will agree that Obama has to knock unemployment down to 7% to have a 50% chance of being re-elected,. but also keep in mind the %% of americans who will vote against Obama soley to kill the health-care bill.
Obama SURGES In New Polls
Business Insider ^ | 11/10/2011 | Zeke Miller

President Barack Obama is now polling even with a generic Republican candidate in a new Gallup poll — a measure by which he was down by eight percent in recent months — a sign that he is turning his presidency around after a miserable few months.

Incumbents running for reelection underperform in this sort of poll, which allows voters to imagine their ideal candidate running against Obama. When placed in a head-to-head match-up with the GOP field, Obama performs even better.

Obama has also gained tremendously among swing voters — who favored the generic Republican by over 20 points in September, but now are split between Obama and the dummy candidate.

In a separate poll from Quinnipiac University, Obama ties GOP front-runner Mitt Romney in the key swing states of Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania, and leads the rest of the Republican field.

His strategy of putting the screws to Congress for failing to pass his jobs bill and the lack of enthusiasm for his Republican opposition are certainly contributing to the bump. While by no means assuring him victory in 2012, the polls indicate that Obama has succeeded turning around months of bad poll numbers.

Obama SURGES In New Polls

It is IMPOSSIBLE for Extremist Herman Cain to get that center...It wouldn't surprise me if you republicans run him that Obama wins by a larger margin then 2008. Mitt Romney is about the only one that can carry that center over and win states like Florida. Also it's NOT Barack Obama that has to worry about the mass media ripping into him, but the republican, so you better consider that. Obama can only go upwards "if" the economy improves and it appears to be slowly doing so, and he gets us out of the middle east. Believe it or NOT the majority of the American people ARE SICK of nation building. If he gets us out of Afighastan and the economy improves to 8.2 by election day...OBAMA WINS.

I don't know about the poll but I did like this characterization of a generic GOP candidate. :lol:
well, for now, it looks like Nitinyahoo is losing his patience with Iran. I wouldn't be surprised if he tossed a few bombs in Irans direction next spring or summer. But I will agree that Obama has to knock unemployment down to 7% to have a 50% chance of being re-elected,. but also keep in mind the %% of americans who will vote against Obama soley to kill the health-care bill.

Nitinyahoo or what ever the heck his name is welcome to do what ever the hell he wishes, but Obama isn't likely to get us into another war.(At least not if he believes in his own upbringing). Not our war.

Also, if he is winning now within the polls then that must mean he would win even more if the economy approves slightly...Who's to say he is lieing about stopping us from going into another great depression? The mass media is telling it like this and using the republicans stopping him in the house as a card against the republicans. Watch Obama use it like a master and walk his way into another 4 years as President.
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If the economy improves and he gets us out of the middle east. He will win another 4 years. Take that to the bank.

If cow shit were butter you'd be a conservative but yer knot.. you a dumb assed liberal.
If the economy improves and he gets us out of the middle east. He will win another 4 years. Take that to the bank.

If cow shit were butter you'd be a conservative but yer knot.. you a dumb assed liberal.

Honestly, socially I'm(abortion, guns, states rights, trying to balance the budget), but the republicans(running Cain is a mistake!) have jumped the shark! Obama now appears rather moderate to me and most of America. NO MORE WORTHLESS WAR!
I don't think Obama would strike Iran either, unless they strike us. Of which I doubt. If anything, it will all happen in the east. I actually would rather we stay out of a conflict and hope its short lived. and can you imagine if IRAN gets rocked by an earthquake that rattles their nuclear facility?
I'm conservative for anyone that lives in Portland Oregon that is for sure.
so i hear there's a Global Warming Caused cold wave headed your way. it was on the weather channel. and whats with that ice superstorm headed into Alaska? I will wait to hear from Al Gore on what is causing it.

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