Obama: Stop bashing my jeans


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
You go girl... er, Mr President.

Obama wants people to quit bashing his jeans ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) - President Barack Obama hit back at critics calling him out for his "mom jeans.

"I've been unfairly maligned about my jeans," Obama said Friday in an interview with radio host Ryan Seacrest.

"The truth is, generally I look very sharp in jeans. There was one episode like four years ago in which I was wearing some loose jeans, mainly because I was out on the pitcher's mound and I didn't want to feel confined while I was pitching, and I think I've paid my penance for that. I got whacked pretty good. Since that time, my jeans fit very well."
Aw, C'mom! Barry looks co cute, riding that girls bike, with his little helmet on, wearing his Mom jeans....

Biggest pussy on the planet.
He doesn't get it. His jeans aren't maligned. He's maligned because he deserves it.
OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and Obama is concerned about the fit and cut of his mom jeans :cuckoo:

Oh my God! :eek: The world is on fire? Save yourselves... women and children first! :eek:

I guess you haven't read the news lately....
The Liar of the Year
A missing 777
No Jobs
the open border
the IRS, EPA, NSA, DOJ out of control
the debt
obamacare failure
the middle east
These are just a few..

But I guess you right...Obamas Mom jeans are of much greater concern:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Mom jeans, girl's bike and helmet......
So very presidential...... if it was Hillary.

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The President doesn't have a leg to stand on with fashion when they push pajama boy on us
as the average American male!!

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