Obama’s sneaky treaties


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Dick Morris: Obama

President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are entering negotiations over — or seeking ratification of — five treaties that could radically limit our national sovereignty and the reach of our democratic institutions. Particularly scary is that the treaties, once signed and ratified, have the same status as constitutional law and cannot be altered or eclipsed by Congress or state legislatures. And their provisions must be enforced by U.S. courts.
Sneaky? How does one sneak a treaty past the US Senate, exactly?
Oh, please...not this shit again.

We have 3,000 nuclear weapons, 12 aircraft carriers, thousands of aircraft......

The only thing threatening America is the Republican Party.
Sneaky? How does one sneak a treaty past the US Senate, exactly?

That's what I was wondering, plus some of these treaties are just urban myths or gross mis-characterization, The law of the sea and the space treaties have been in force for a long time. Lousy article.
Oh, please...not this shit again.

We have 3,000 nuclear weapons, 12 aircraft carriers, thousands of aircraft......

The only thing threatening America is the Republican Party.

The Democrat Party is what threatens the American people. All the people who used to be communists now call themselves "Democrats."
Sneaky? How does one sneak a treaty past the US Senate, exactly?

That's what I was wondering, plus some of these treaties are just urban myths or gross mis-characterization, The law of the sea and the space treaties have been in force for a long time. Lousy article.

Wrong. They may have been adopted by the U.N., but the Senate hasn't ratified them.
International courts have always been a bad idea, since different countries have different set of laws. This infringes on our self-governance!
International Criminal Court — Clinton has reversed George W. Bush’s policy and entered into negotiations over U.S. participation in the court. Specifically, the leftists who are sponsoring the court wish to create a new crime of “aggression,” which is essentially going to war without the approval of the United Nations. If we submit to the court’s jurisdiction, our presidents and Cabinet officials could be prosecuted criminally for going to war without U.N. approval. This would, of course, give Russia and China a veto over our military actions. Clinton says she will stop our military’s hands from being tied, but we all must realize that once we accept the International Criminal Court, we go down a slippery slope. The court could even prosecute Americans who have been cleared by our own judicial system.

Are you FUCKING kidding me. Why do we want our oil producers to share their profits with other countries? No country in the world does that. Guarantee the big oil producers do not do that! What is Lugar thinking! Shit hole needs to go!
• The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) has been signed, and the Obama administration — with the aid of RINO Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.) — will push for its ratification as soon as Lugar’s primary in Indiana is over this year. LOST requires that the United States pay an international body half of its royalties from offshore drilling. The body would then distribute the funds as it sees fit to whichever nations it chooses. The United States would only have one vote out of 160 regarding where the money goes. LOST will also oblige us to hand over our offshore drilling technology to any nation that wants it … for free.

Another infringment on the 2nd amendment!
• Small-arms control — Clinton is about to negotiate on a global ban on export of small arms. It would only apply to private citizens but, of course, most small-arms deals come not from individuals or private firms but from governments, specifically those of the United States, Russia, China and Israel. The treaty would require each nation to adopt measures to stop exportation of small arms. It is easy to see how this could be a backdoor way to require national registration of all guns and to assert federal regulation over firearms. It would also require the registration of all ammunition to track its source once a gun is fired. The Second Amendment be damned!

On it's face it's a righteous quest, but it's going to be used to prevent space exploration, usage of satelites and other unintended negative consequences. America should just do it unilaterally!
• Outer Space Code of Conduct — Under the guise of stopping debris from accumulating in outer space, the European Union has enlisted Clinton in negotiations over a code of conduct. The code would prohibit activities that are likely to generate debris in outer space — space littering. The code might inhibit or prohibit the United States from deploying anti-missile missiles on platforms in space, denying us the key weapon we need to counter Iranian, Chinese and North Korean missile threats. European leftists reacted angrily when G.W. Bush opted out of the ABM treaty banning defensive weapons. Now they seek to reimpose it under the guise of a code of conduct.

Whenver you put the name child on a bill, leftist try to make you seem heartless in fighting it. But this boneheaded expensive bills requires welfare for 3rd world nation (I wonder if China, Brazil and Mexico will be considered 3rd world or industrialized). Look how well welfare has done to bring up the African American community! Either way its ripe for corruption and mismanagement. The aid earmarked for the children will probably line corrupt politicians and other organizations pockets. This also take out of our hands what we do with our foreign aid. How utterly incompetent!
• Rights of the Child — Even more fanciful is a treaty Clinton plans to negotiate setting forth a code of rights for children, to be administered by a 14-member court set up for the purpose. The draft treaty obliges rich nations to provide funds for shelter, food, clothing and education for children in poor nations. This provision could create grounds to litigate to challenge the level of foreign aid we give as inadequate to meet our treaty obligations. Already, leftists in the United Kingdom are using the treaty to attack welfare cuts by the Cameron government.
Now don't confuse Pattycake with reality.

We are not confused by your drinking of the kool-aid...................

I see. Then Treatys don't have to be approved by the Senate? Perhaps you consider enlightening us with how that they are ratified?

I wasnt commenting on the thread but taking a direct swipe at you.

To clear up any confusion. When I want the opinion of an Obama knee pad, you will be who is sought.

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