Obama’s Legacy? No more black presidents!

His legacy will be the fact that this country may very well NEVER have a Republican in the White House again... ever.

The public has tasted the true tit of Socialism and they'll never give it up.

Yes, and Obama care will get better with time if the retards don't destroy it as well. How did these yahoos think they could win an election, they do absolutely nothing for the American people, NOTHING!!!

The idea, I think, is to get out of the way and let Americans prosper.
Obama’s Legacy? No more black presidents!

So, what will President Obama leave behind him? Racial Divide. No balanced budgets. Scandals. Obamacare where the unions don’t even trust him any longer. Broken promises.

But above all else was the Racial Divide. That was in his heart. It was the Zimmerman case and it was Cambridge case. It was the African American Education Office. It was allowing schools to discipline the number of blacks equal to the number of whites when the rules broken were primarily broken by blacks. He sat quietly as his pal at the DOJ did nothing about the Black Panther case in Philadelphia in the voting case.

He didn’t know squat about how to run the country but he was ready for the racial questions and he ruled in favor of the blacks.

This president was important for the black candidates to come after him. Will the white people trust another black president? Obama was more important that just a president, he was important for black candidates to follow him. He did them a great injustice.

Only racists think this stupidly. Color isn't important, party is. No more Republicans would be better, for America and the world.
If you are all still alive, you're going to be so disappointed that your wet dreams about how history will view this President, didn't come to pass.

He will be viewed as a President who managed to accomplish more than many of his predecessors, with historic obstruction from the opposing party.

Yes, you get it. A man elected twice because of the color of his skin. Absolutely amazing that a con caught on. We might add, two con wantabes rejected for the color of their corporatist racism. You cons just make it so easy for America to pull the Dem lever.:clap2:

So, I see we have a new little bubble head on the board.

The kenyan's second term ain't over yet libtard. Your radical messiah still could be thrown out office on top of everything else he'll be hated and despised for in coming years. You people that elected him will be remembered for being first and foremost, racist, the rest, well, just STUPID, uninformed and LAZY. "GIMME, GIMME, GIMME."

Fuck off, moron.

And I see we have a guy can't defeat the messege, so attacks the messenger. Grow up!!

Of course Obama's term isn't over, but this OP isn't about his remaining term, or haven't you figured that out yet. Reading the Title would be a good place for you to start. lol!

Could be, might be, should be, wantabe is out there in fantasyland with the cons. Try reality and logic instead of 6 grade common burp-sense. Obama isn't going anywhere, but this nation is destined for the rat hole if the Retards don't get over their fixation on get the black man whatever it takes.

The word "racism" to cons means, "When a black man gets equality." We get the con code word just fine!:eusa_whistle:

And save your slurs for your immediete surroundings. That is also a sign that reflects directly on your low-life up bringing. Must have been rough learning those lessons in your home. You can actually overcome being a filthy con and move out of the trailer park.
His legacy will be the fact that this country may very well NEVER have a Republican in the White House again... ever.

The public has tasted the true tit of Socialism and they'll never give it up.

Yes, and Obama care will get better with time if the retards don't destroy it as well. How did these yahoos think they could win an election, they do absolutely nothing for the American people, NOTHING!!!

NoBamaCare was a trainwreck before it was passed. Quit embarrassing yourself.
No more liberal ideologues I hope. We need a leader - without a teleprompter. It is not difficult to mislead when you can carefully costruct your words, and regurgitate them charismatically on a crowd of low information voters that can't see past skin color. You can't vote for someone with the criteria of hope. We must have a proven leader. Apparently we did not learn that lesson with the peanut farmer.

Obama has now encouraged every flimflam artist with a silver tongue to run for office, and we still have the masses of touchy feely voters. Can dumb racist wise up? No. When the press is behind you, and memories are ephemeral - it's precarious at best.

We need a great leader :eusa_pray:

Oh, the next black women president in 2016 will offer up new hope and change which America will eventually get. I enjoy a president that can articulate himself over a C grade redneck that couldn't put two sentences together, but that is such a minor issue in the scheme of things. You forget leaders are no better than those they lead, and until we remove every vestitage of Retards from congress this nation is doomed to suffer year after year. The do whatever it takes to get the black man idea just isn't winning Retards elections.:eusa_angel:

And where did you think a Retard would get a proven leader? LMAO!! That is more than a hope, that is miracle!!! lol!!


Yep, you lost the debate, and now your down to attack the messenger. Grow up!
Color isn't the problem, ideology is.

It isn't even that. Reason's for Obama's failures isn't the color of his skin or his ideology. His failure was his decision making, poor advice and a dysfunctional Congress.
The fact that not too far in the near future, the white population will be a minority, electing another black person president is highly likely.
If you are all still alive, you're going to be so disappointed that your wet dreams about how history will view this President, didn't come to pass.

He will be viewed as a President who managed to accomplish more than many of his predecessors, with historic obstruction from the opposing party.

Conservatives deny Bush was ever President anymore. And when they must acknowledge Bush, they deny he made any mistakes.
Color isn't the problem, ideology is.

It isn't even that. Reason's for Obama's failures isn't the color of his skin or his ideology. His failure was his decision making, poor advice and a dysfunctional Congress.
The fact that not too far in the near future, the white population will be a minority, electing another black person president is highly likely.
The reason Obama failed is because he is a failure.
Color isn't the problem, ideology is.

It isn't even that. Reason's for Obama's failures isn't the color of his skin or his ideology. His failure was his decision making, poor advice and a dysfunctional Congress.
The fact that not too far in the near future, the white population will be a minority, electing another black person president is highly likely.

Color isn't a factor. His decision making and advisors were all based on his ideology.
If you are all still alive, you're going to be so disappointed that your wet dreams about how history will view this President, didn't come to pass.

He will be viewed as a President who managed to accomplish more than many of his predecessors, with historic obstruction from the opposing party.

Conservatives deny Bush was ever President anymore. And when they must acknowledge Bush, they deny he made any mistakes.

Nonsense. Put the crack pipe down and slowly back away.
Oh, the next black women president in 2016 will offer up new hope and change which America will eventually get. I enjoy a president that can articulate himself over a C grade redneck that couldn't put two sentences together, but that is such a minor issue in the scheme of things. You forget leaders are no better than those they lead, and until we remove every vestitage of Retards from congress this nation is doomed to suffer year after year. The do whatever it takes to get the black man idea just isn't winning Retards elections.:eusa_angel:

And where did you think a Retard would get a proven leader? LMAO!! That is more than a hope, that is miracle!!! lol!!


Yep, you lost the debate, and now your down to attack the messenger. Grow up!
You are a blithering idiot with nothing to debate. You're spewing pure horse shit and libtard garbage.

The only thing left for you to do here is tell us all what sort of blunt force trauma it was you suffered to your head that made you so fucking stupid.
His legacy will be the fact that this country may very well NEVER have a Republican in the White House again... ever.

The public has tasted the true tit of Socialism and they'll never give it up.

Yes, and Obama care will get better with time if the retards don't destroy it as well. How did these yahoos think they could win an election, they do absolutely nothing for the American people, NOTHING!!!

The idea, I think, is to get out of the way and let Americans prosper.

That would be nice, when will the Retards get out of the way? Watch the video, you will be seeing it again in an updated version in 2016.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTevk8Au4EI]Republican lies and their systematic refusal to help America. Combined collection. - YouTube[/ame]
Obabble is not a disaster because he's black...he is a disaster because of his worldview and his political philosophy...which is shared by many white progtard s. so the lesson to learn is no more progtard presidents.

Lol! Talk about hope!!! That is another miracle among the cons failed scandals that isn't going anywhere, while giving Issa spending money for his next vacation.:eusa_angel:
It hasn't gone far yet - overtly, because the media are a bunch of ideologues too, but to everyone who served in the military, there is an indelible mark of betrayal seared into their hearts which will personify itself in the midterms. The coverup as well!
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