Obama’s immigration solution


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Everything he plan, come down to “amnesty.” Amnesty will secure the border. Amnesty will stop illegal hiring. Amnesty will stop illegal aliens crime. Promise of amnesty is the problem. Obama thinks if there is no law against illegal immigration, illegal aliens will not exist. If there is no illegal aliens, there will be no illegal hiring. Problem of illegal immigration is solved by Immigration Reform. (Amnesty) Been there in 1986 and it has been proven not to work. Why go there again and again if the does not work? Because our government is broken. We need to reform our government; president, house and senate, so they will enforce the laws they make and work for Americans and not corporations and self interest,

Obama want to give amnesty to 30 million illegal aliens because we cannot round them up, put them on busses and deport them? And we cannot separate them from their 5 million anchor babies? Well, we do neither. That is just left wing nut rhetoric. Just enforce our work place law that makes it illegal to hire illegal aliens and if they cannot work they will leave. Millions have already left because of the economy and the took their anchor babies with them. Their anchor babies are Mexicans and they already speak the language and know the culture of Mexico so they will be like going home. Not like Afro-Americans going back to Africa, home of their ancestors because they don’t know the language or the culture. Too many generations have passed.

Immigration Reform is not the answer, it is the problem. It may be the answer for Obama in the form of Hispanic votes but not the answer for millions of Americans who will pay for Immigration Reform in so many ways they cannot afford.
Obama, other democrats and Calderone is against Arizona law because it means enforcement and deportation. Deportation means the $35 billion going to Mexico will stop and the millions of future Hispanics votes will be gone. All political. For the people of Arizona it means their lives and livelihood.
I don't think they (or any other illegals) should have amnesty for any reason. What happens when the next wave of illegals comes into the US. Amnesty again? Screw that. Send the people back to their country of origin.
Does BO want amnesty for 30 million Illegals because it is the right thing to do or does he just want 30 million new voters for the Democratic Party:eusa_think:

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