Obama’s $5 Trillion Lie, the Ad


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by John Hinderaker @ Obama’s $5 Trillion Lie, the Ad | Power Line

Democrats reportedly are excited about David Axelrod assuming responsibility for preparing Barack Obama for his next debate with Mitt Romney. Yeah, that’s the ticket! With John Kerry now under the bus, the Democrats are concentrating on calling Romney a “liar”–that, supposedly, is how he made Obama look so foolish.

One of several problems with this strategy is that the Democrats can’t cite any actual lies. (In lefty lexicon, a “liar” is someone who disagrees with the party line.) Obama’s favorite example of a Romney “lie” is Mitt’s denial that his tax plan includes a $5 trillion cut. But here it is Obama, not Romney, who is making things up. He simply ignores the second half of Romney’s proposal, which involves limiting or eliminating deductions so that the tax base is broader, while marginal rates are lower. Somehow, this seems to be a concept that Democrats find hard to grasp.

So the Romney campaign has responded to Obama’s serial misrepresentations with this ad, “$5 Trillion.” Note that it features Obama’s hapless deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, who admitted on television, as we noted a few days ago, that Obama’s $5 trillion claim is false:

by John Hinderaker @ Obama’s $5 Trillion Lie, the Ad | Power Line

Democrats reportedly are excited about David Axelrod assuming responsibility for preparing Barack Obama for his next debate with Mitt Romney. Yeah, that’s the ticket! With John Kerry now under the bus, the Democrats are concentrating on calling Romney a “liar”–that, supposedly, is how he made Obama look so foolish.

One of several problems with this strategy is that the Democrats can’t cite any actual lies. (In lefty lexicon, a “liar” is someone who disagrees with the party line.) Obama’s favorite example of a Romney “lie” is Mitt’s denial that his tax plan includes a $5 trillion cut. But here it is Obama, not Romney, who is making things up. He simply ignores the second half of Romney’s proposal, which involves limiting or eliminating deductions so that the tax base is broader, while marginal rates are lower. Somehow, this seems to be a concept that Democrats find hard to grasp.

So the Romney campaign has responded to Obama’s serial misrepresentations with this ad, “$5 Trillion.” Note that it features Obama’s hapless deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, who admitted on television, as we noted a few days ago, that Obama’s $5 trillion claim is false:


Romney could easily clear things up.

Just needs to site what loophole and/or deduction he plans to do away with..and match those to his tax plan.

Instead he's just saying he's going to cut the amount of revenue the government takes in..but trust him..he make that up with um..something..after he's elected.

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