Obama Raises Record $32.5 Million

from knowing liberals

hey...you are the self proclaimed conservative foregoing supporting a bunch of conservatives in the republican field to go with the moderate, pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control moderate from new york. you don't have to sell ME on anything.....we both know you are a hack who willingly abandons his principles.
hey...you are the self proclaimed conservative foregoing supporting a bunch of conservatives in the republican field to go with the moderate, pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control moderate from new york. you don't have to sell ME on anything.....we both know you are a hack who willingly abandons his principles.

So we should stay home and let Hillary win?

Nice try - hack

Rudy is much better then what we would have with her
So we should stay home and let Hillary win?

Nice try - hack

Rudy is much better then what we would have with her

of course not.

you should try to get one of the conservative republican candidates nominated!

but that would require you to get off your fat ass and leave your mother's trailer and actually DO something and we both know that ain't gonna happen!
of course not.

you should try to get one of the conservative republican candidates nominated!

but that would require you to get off your fat ass and leave your mother's trailer and actually DO something and we both know that ain't gonna happen!

With 52% sayign they will not vote for Hilary, you have enough to worry about with your own party
With 52% sayign they will not vote for Hilary, you have enough to worry about with your own party

we are not talking about my party...we are talking about how you have willingly abandoned your principles and the republican candidates who espouse them.

I will not support Hillary in the primary. and you, apparently, have already decided to turn your back on true conservative republicans seeking YOUR vote.

we are not talking about my party...we are talking about how you have willingly abandoned your principles and the republican candidates who espouse them.

I will not support Hillary in the primary. and you, apparently, have already decided to turn your back on true conservative republicans seeking YOUR vote.


but you will bust a gut to vote for her in Nov 08
we are not talking about my party...we are talking about how you have willingly abandoned your principles and the republican candidates who espouse them.

I will not support Hillary in the primary. and you, apparently, have already decided to turn your back on true conservative republicans seeking YOUR vote.


I will VOTE for Hillary, if she is my party's nominee...but I am doing all I can do to make sure that Maine's delegates do NOT go to the convention bound to her on the first ballot.

You, on the other hand, have abandoned those conservatives who are seeking your support in the primaries....

I will VOTE for Hillary, if she is my party's nominee...but I am doing all I can do to make sure that Maine's delegates do NOT go to the convention bound to her on the first ballot.

You, on the other hand, have abandoned those conservatives who are seeking your support in the primaries....



You will vote for Hillary?

What a shocker!!
The primary process has pressed Democrat candidates so far to the left that they will have a very difficult time recovering to the middle for the general election. Where can the Democrat candidate go after supporting socialized medicine, increased taxes, and abandoning Iraq to Al Qaeda? Are John Edwards and Obama running for President of America or Belguim? Is Hillary running for President or Mayor of San Francisco? In contrast, the primary process has not pressed the Republican candidates as far to the right as the Democrats have gone to the left. The influence of the religious right seem less than in the previous two election cycles. The Republican candidate will be more readily able to recover to the center than the Democrat. In my opinion, the center is where there is no socialized medicine, no increased taxes, and no victory for Al Qaeda in Iraq.
The primary process has pressed Democrat candidates so far to the left that they will have a very difficult time recovering to the middle for the general election. Where can the Democrat candidate go after supporting socialized medicine, increased taxes, and abandoning Iraq to Al Qaeda? Are John Edwards and Obama running for President of America or Belguim? Is Hillary running for President or Mayor of San Francisco? In contrast, the primary process has not pressed the Republican candidates as far to the right as the Democrats have gone to the left. The influence of the religious right seem less than in the previous two election cycles. The Republican candidate will be more readily able to recover to the center than the Democrat. In my opinion, the center is where there is no socialized medicine, no increased taxes, and no victory for Al Qaeda in Iraq.

The funny thing is, not one lib has defended Hillary in this thread


They are going to be stuck with her - another Northeastern liberal being their choice for President
The primary process has pressed Democrat candidates so far to the left that they will have a very difficult time recovering to the middle for the general election. Where can the Democrat candidate go after supporting socialized medicine, increased taxes, and abandoning Iraq to Al Qaeda? Are John Edwards and Obama running for President of America or Belguim? Is Hillary running for President or Mayor of San Francisco? In contrast, the primary process has not pressed the Republican candidates as far to the right as the Democrats have gone to the left. The influence of the religious right seem less than in the previous two election cycles. The Republican candidate will be more readily able to recover to the center than the Democrat. In my opinion, the center is where there is no socialized medicine, no increased taxes, and no victory for Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Dems have scored a big endorsement


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The funny thing is, not one lib has defended Hillary in this thread


They are going to be stuck with her - another Northeastern liberal being their choice for President
That's right. They will be stuck with Hillary, or worse: Obama or Edwards. There's no middle ground. The best Dem shot was when they did not nominate a NE liberal, but Gore could not even carry his home state. 2008 will hinge upon which candidate carries Florida, Ohio, and New Mexico. Rudi or Thompson (whoever gets the nomination), should spend most of their time campaigning in those states. Few of the other reds and blues are up for grabs.
That's right. They will be stuck with Hillary, or worse: Obama or Edwards. There's no middle ground. The best Dem shot was when they did not nominate a NE liberal, but Gore could not even carry his home state. 2008 will hinge upon which candidate carries Florida, Ohio, and New Mexico. Rudi or Thompson (whoever gets the nomination), should spend most of their time campaigning in those states. Few of the other reds and blues are up for grabs.

I for one am delighted with their choices

Hillary, Obama, Edwards - the 2008 version of the Three Stooges

You will vote for Hillary?

What a shocker!!

you miss my point...as always.

I will do everything I can do to get a democratic candidate other than Hillary and one who more closely lines up with my specific viewpoints.

If Hillary IS nominated, I will vote for her because regardless of my disagreements and issues with HER, they pale when compared to the disagreements and issues I have with your party.

YOU, on the other hand, claim to be a conservative, yet you have abandoned the conservative republicans running for your party's nomination and you are, instead, supporting a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control northeastern moderate.

you are an unprincipled hack... but trust me, that comes as no surprise to anyone here.
and that hale (the turn coats) have got to go

and they will in 08

Weed out the impure ones! Sieg Heil Comrade!

I got a plan where we trick all these impure Republicans into setting themselves on fire in Scotland. This way we kill two sqaws with one stone. We get rid of the impure Republicans and we rev up the sacred war on terror into high gear.
The primary process has pressed Democrat candidates so far to the left that they will have a very difficult time recovering to the middle for the general election. Where can the Democrat candidate go after supporting socialized medicine, increased taxes, and abandoning Iraq to Al Qaeda?

You don't know what far left is, son. You are so right wing that you think centre-left is far left.

The Republican candidate will be more readily able to recover to the center than the Democrat. In my opinion, the center is where there is no socialized medicine, no increased taxes, and no victory for Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Thats the center? So....the 34% who think we should keep doing what we are doing now represents mainstream America? Sorry, but no. It represents the far right.

While the springtime surge in U.S. troops to Iraq is now complete, more Americans than ever are calling for U.S. forces to withdraw. Sixty-six percent say the number of U.S. troops in Iraq should be decreased, including 40 percent who want all U.S. troops removed. That’s a 7-point increase since April.
Everyone knows that a poll result is dependent on how you ask the question. The poll results on Iraq are no different. The question "do you want to bring home US troops from Iraq" yields a much different answer than "do you want to lose the battle of Iraq and leave the country to Al Qaeda." In a February poll, 57 percent of Americans agreed with the statement "I support finishing the job in Iraq, that is, keeping the troops there until the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security" Of course, you will never find CNN or NBC asking the Iraq poll question in such a manner. Where is the polling data that says Americans want to lose the battle of Iraq? http://www.pos.org/inthenews/20070220.cfm.

The only Dem candidate that even ties Giuliani has zero chance of getting the nomination. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/pub...didates_running_in_2008_presidential_election.

Giuliani (49%) Biden (38%)
Giuliani (46%) Clinton (45%)
Giuliani (44%) Dodd (39%)
Giuliani (45%) Edwards (45%)
Giuliani (51%) Obama (39%)
Giuliani (44%) Richardson (38%)

On national security, unaffiliated voters prefer the GOP by a 44% to 37% margin, i.e., people who skip primaries and vote in the general election: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/pub..._issue_dems_trusted_more_on_nine_other_issues.


A 71 percent to 15 percent majority of adults do not think "it is necessary to increase taxes to reduce the budget deficit". Large majorities of Republicans, Democrats and Independents feel this way. Even if taxes "had to be raised", very large majorities oppose raising the estate tax (64%) gas taxes (82%), income taxes (81%), the social security tax (83%), and the Medicare tax (87%) http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=746.


The Zogby Interactive poll of 8,300 adults nationwide finds just 3% of Americans viewing Congress's handling of the immigration issue in favorable terms, while 9% say the same of the President-even as respondents in the survey rated it the second most important issue facing the country, after the war in Iraq. http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1328.

Socialized Medicine

A majority favor "universal health care." That has such a pleasant ring to it. But ask these questions: Percent who say they would still support a universal health insurance system even if it meant they would pay higher premiums or higher taxes: 35%. If it meant there were waiting lists for non emergency treatments: 33%. If it meant their choice of doctors was limited: 28%. If it meant some treatments currently covered would no longer be covered: 18%. All of these things happen in socialized medicine. At least they have happened in Western Europe, Canada, and Australia. http://www.kff.org/kaiserpolls/upload/7572.pdf. Source: ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today Health Care in America Survey(conducted September 7-12, 2006)

These are the four most important issues. How the candidates sort out on these will play the largest part in who wins. Democrats are clearly on the wrong side of taxes and immigration. Who will be able to favorably spin national security and health care for their candidacy?

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