Obama on capitalism vs. communism: ‘Just choose from what works’

James Moore

Active Member
Mar 18, 2016
Obama on capitalism vs. communism: ‘Just choose from what works’

So barry admits he's ok with communism...he likes it...not really news but now its officially out there...Obama is a communist. And a Muslim!

There is nothing more amazing to me in this world than the fact that this person has been allowed to continue to destroy America and that out of a nation of 340 million people not a single person has done something to remove him by any means necessary. Obama is a rank amateur when it comes to national security. What’s more, he hates America with a passion.
People knew he favored re-distribution of wealth heading into the election and I can more easily accept being a member of the minority that doesn't buy into that philosophy. Removal by any means possible? I favor it by doing it the American way of having the GOP nominate somebody that's electable. Hope looks bleak this year as we're well on way of choosing somebody without any chance.

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