Obama Offical: Freed Gitmo Terrorist Killed Americans

James Moore

Active Member
Mar 18, 2016
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Obama Official: Freed Gitmo Terrorists Killed Americans

This administration has been serving a man that has enabled the killing of innocents worldwide. He has actively pursued the promotion of Jihad but employs double speak to convince the masses that he's doing the opposite. To him until America doesn't matter, his job's incomplete. He's made a mockery of the esteemed post of "POTUS." So, no, American lives don't matter. He mourns thugs and invites hate mongers and a Muslim boy that was insolent, disobedient to teachers and police and created a bomb scare, to the WH. He was raised and educated in Madrasas. He memorized the Koran and speaks of it and Mohammad with reverence. He plays golf, attends baseball games and goes on vacation after fatal attacks against our citizens, soldiers, cities, outposts and allies. He encourages riots and goes to the nerd prom while they take place. All the while, he destroys America's credibility and validates scumbag third world dictator when they tell us that WE are evil.
8 years of demoralizing shame and degradation. I won't miss him. I wish our leaders would rake him across the justice system's coals and destroy him and his every successful maneuver to destroy us from within and without. That is his only legacy. Eternal shame.
How many years of right wing radio did it take to turn your mind into such a dark, nasty, hate filled place? Do you feel anything but hate, or ever see the sunlight?
The great beast in dc thinks he knows what he's doing, JackAss obongo...
The Gitmo Exodus
Obama's rush to empty Guantanamo Bay prison and set free high-risk terrorists.
April 13, 2016
Matthew Vadum

Despite warnings that Muslim terrorists remain a grave threat to the United States, President Obama gave two dangerous veteran jihadists at Guantanamo Bay get-out-of-jail-free cards earlier this month.

Emptying out Guantanamo is a longtime goal of Obama. Shuttering the terrorist detention facility located on U.S.-held territory in Cuba has been a goal of President Obama, going back at least to the campaign trail in 2008. He wants to close the prison camp and unleash the worst of the worst among Islamic terrorists, allowing them to wreak havoc and kill more Americans. Violent Muslim militants are merely misunderstood people from a foreign culture, in Obama's view, and setting them free is just the right thing to do as he sees it.

Obama doesn't give a farthing's cuss about the prospect of these hardened terrorists returning to the glories of jihad-fighting after leaving Gitmo. Terrorists, freedom fighters -- why quibble? They're all more or less the same to the president.

The first newly freed detainee, Salem Abdul Salem Ghereby (also known as Rafdat Muhammad Faqi Aljj Saqqaf, Falen Gherebi, and Salim Gherebi), a 55-year-old Libyan national, was transferred to Senegal on April 3.

Senegal, a French-speaking country on Africa’s western coast, also accepted Ghereby’s comrade-in-jihad, Omar Khalifa Mohammed Abu Bakr (also known as Omar Khalif Mohammed Abu Baker Mahjoub, Omar Mohammed Khalifh, and Omar Mohamad Khalifah), another Libyan national who is thought to be 43 or 44 years old.

Why Senegal? Perhaps because about 95 percent of Senegal’s up to 14 million inhabitants are Muslims.

Although Senegal “has shown no signs of jihadist terrorism” and its government has cracked down on terrorist financing and money laundering in the region, it is bordered by Islamist violence-plagued Mali and Mauritania. According to the American Foreign Policy Council, there are concerns that Senegal “presents a potential ‘backdoor’ for radical, jihadist Islam, which already exhibits a major presence in rapidly-changing North Africa.”

According to a 2008 Department of Defense report, Ghereby was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) also known as Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, which is reportedly tied to al-Qaeda.


But whose excuses is Obama talking about?

He is the one serially lying and making up excuses to justify releasing his jihadi soulmates. As the Weekly Standard notes, "Guantanamo rarely appears in jihadist propaganda, whether ISIS or al Qaeda, and reviews of recent propaganda materials from ISIS and al Qaeda – online videos and audio recordings, glossy magazines, etc. – found very few mentions of the facility."

None of this should shock Obama-watchers. He doesn't like letting facts get in the way of the radical left-wing narrative.

The Gitmo Exodus
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