Obama Now Ranked As 12th Greatest President

Second thread I have seen on this allow me to repeat my response that I posted on the first one because ranking a President less than a month after he has left office is.
That's awesome....all 44 other presidents are filling spots 1 to 11....:lol:

That's some funny shit right there. Other than being born half black what did the guy actually accomplish?
Hey he won a Nobel Peace Prize just for winning an election.

Then he killed thousands of people with smart bombs and missiles designed to blow peoples arms and legs off, Obama the peace prize winning killer.
Once they toss Reagan into the dustbin of history I suspect Obama will rise even higher.

"Former President Barack Obama was ranked 12th best among 43 former presidents in in C-SPAN’s third-ever surveyof dozens of presidential historians.

The network asked 91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. C-SPAN also performed the survey in 2000 and 2009.

Obama ranked favorably compared to his immediate predecessors: George W. Bush ranked at No. 33 (up from 36 in 2009), George H.W. Bush was No. 20 (down from 18), and Bill Clinton held steady at No. 15. Ronald Reagan was judged the ninth best president of all time, up from No. 10 in 2009.

In a press release accompanying the results, historian Richard Norton Smith, an academic adviser for the project, noted that five of the top 10 judged presidents in the American pantheon served between 1933 and 1969."

Read more: Obama Ranks 12th Best In C-SPAN Survey Of Presidential Historians
Clicking on "survey" take you to the actual list:

Total Scores/Overall Rankings | C-SPAN Survey on Presidents 2017

The top 3 have not changed in many decades:

1 - Lincoln
2 - Washington
3 - FDR

I agree that these 3 had the hardest times of it, although Washington's hard times came during the Revolutionary War not during his term. His term was fairly easy. He was just a caretaker President, not much more.

Teddy Roosevelt at #4 did a good job, and is known for the National Parks, National Forests, and expansion of the US Navy for his gunboat diplomacy.

Ike at #5 is pushing it. He was mostly a caretaker President too during a long peacetime expansion of the economy during which the Russians surpassed us in space and in their domination of Eastern Europe. Ike also botched Viet Nam (old spelling). I would NOT say he deserves #5. But the presidential historians apparently think so for no apparent reason. Like Washington his greatest feat was before he became President -- during WW2.

Truman at #6 was hated when he left office. And by modern standards nuking Japan was a war crime. If you had told him he would rise so high he would have died a very happy man. He died haunted by his low favorability rating at the time.

Kennedy at #8 was incompetent and almost got everyone killed with his mismanagement of the American missiles in Turkey together with the Cuban missile crisis. He played Russian roulette with all our lives (mine too -- I was a little kid at the time) and fortunately Russia did NOT call his bluff. Kennedy like Ike before him also botched Viet Nam.

Reagan at #9 was a Democrat disguised as a Republican and he fooled everybody twice and got elected based on his B/S-ing on tv. By expanding the deficits and the debt with skyrocketing military outlays he was able to stimulate the US economy out of a post-Vietnam deep recession. Trump will probably do the same thing. He is presently talking just like Reagan. That is assuming the GOP does not impeach Trump first.

I agree that LBJ belongs at #10 or higher. He did a lot of things like FDR. He botched Viet Nam completely however.

Putting BHO up at #12 in view of ACA makes sense, but he did not accomplish much else. Panetta and his CIA deserve the credit for finding and killing UBL. And BHO botched the recession by not starting any infrastructure projects. But the GOP was bound to make him look bad anyway, so BHO at #12 in spite of the GOP opposition is probably fair.

FDR, LBJ, and BHO have probably helped more Americans than have any other Presidents.

Reagan, GW Bush, and Hoover have probably hurt more Americans than the others. They probably belong further down on the list.

Buchanan was a coward, inept, and homosexual -- the first openly homo President. He definitely belongs at the bottom. He did nothing in response to the secession of the Southern States at the start of the US Civil War, leaving all the work to Lincoln, who at #1 probably deserves that spot, since he died in office due to his effort to save the Union.
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Once they toss Reagan into the dustbin of history I suspect Obama will rise even higher.

"Former President Barack Obama was ranked 12th best among 43 former presidents in in C-SPAN’s third-ever surveyof dozens of presidential historians.

The network asked 91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. C-SPAN also performed the survey in 2000 and 2009.

Obama ranked favorably compared to his immediate predecessors: George W. Bush ranked at No. 33 (up from 36 in 2009), George H.W. Bush was No. 20 (down from 18), and Bill Clinton held steady at No. 15. Ronald Reagan was judged the ninth best president of all time, up from No. 10 in 2009.

In a press release accompanying the results, historian Richard Norton Smith, an academic adviser for the project, noted that five of the top 10 judged presidents in the American pantheon served between 1933 and 1969."

Read more: Obama Ranks 12th Best In C-SPAN Survey Of Presidential Historians

They must be using the same judging system that nabbed him a Nobel Peace Prize...
No -- that was the international world just glad that "W" was gone.

Had nothing to do with BHO's domestic policies.

ACA is BHO's greatest achievement, and probably his only achievement.

BHO botched Libya and Syria, but mostly because of Hillary and his generals.
I bet Donnie is squirming so much over this in his seat aboard Air Force One that his suit pants look like a mirror.
My own first hand information from lawyers who work directly with Trump is that he is clueless.

Ergo he does not squirm at all.

He rants a lot.

But not squirm.
Once they toss Reagan into the dustbin of history I suspect Obama will rise even higher.

"Former President Barack Obama was ranked 12th best among 43 former presidents in in C-SPAN’s third-ever surveyof dozens of presidential historians.

The network asked 91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. C-SPAN also performed the survey in 2000 and 2009.

Obama ranked favorably compared to his immediate predecessors: George W. Bush ranked at No. 33 (up from 36 in 2009), George H.W. Bush was No. 20 (down from 18), and Bill Clinton held steady at No. 15. Ronald Reagan was judged the ninth best president of all time, up from No. 10 in 2009.

In a press release accompanying the results, historian Richard Norton Smith, an academic adviser for the project, noted that five of the top 10 judged presidents in the American pantheon served between 1933 and 1969."

Read more: Obama Ranks 12th Best In C-SPAN Survey Of Presidential Historians
Clicking on "survey" take you to the actual list:

Total Scores/Overall Rankings | C-SPAN Survey on Presidents 2017

The top 3 have not changed in many decades:

1 - Lincoln
2 - Washington
3 - FDR

I agree that these 3 had the hardest times of it, although Washington's hard times came during the Revolutionary War not during his term. His term was fairly easy. He was just a caretaker President, not much more.

Teddy Roosevelt at #4 did a good job, and is known for the National Parks, National Forests, and expansion of the US Navy for his gunboat diplomacy.

Ike at #5 is pushing it. He was mostly a caretaker President too during a long peacetime expansion of the economy during which the Russians surpassed us in space and in their domination of Eastern Europe. Ike also botched Viet Nam (old spelling). I would NOT say he deserves #5. But the presidential historians apparently think so for no apparent reason. Like Washington his greatest feat was before he became President -- during WW2.

Truman at #6 was hated when he left office. And by modern standards nuking Japan was a war crime. If you had told him he would rise so high he would have died a very happy man. He died haunted by his low favorability rating at the time.

Kennedy at #8 was incompetent and almost got everyone killed with his mismanagement of the American missiles in Turkey together with the Cuban missile crisis. He played Russian roulette with all our lives (mine too -- I was a little kid at the time) and fortunately Russia did NOT call his bluff. Kennedy like Ike before him also botched Viet Nam.

Reagan at #9 was a Democrat disguised as a Republican and he fooled everybody twice and got elected based on his B/S-ing on tv. By expanding the deficits and the debt with skyrocketing military outlays he was able to stimulate the US economy out of a post-Vietnam deep recession. Trump will probably do the same thing. He is presently talking just like Reagan. That is assuming the GOP does not impeach Trump first.

I agree that LBJ belongs at #10 or higher. He did a lot of things like FDR. He botched Viet Nam completely however.

Putting BHO up at #12 in view of ACA makes sense, but he did not accomplish much else. Panetta and his CIA deserve the credit for finding and killing UBL. And BHO botched the recession by not starting any infrastructure projects. But the GOP was bound to make him look bad anyway, so BHO at #12 in spite of the GOP opposition is probably fair.

FDR, LBJ, and BHO have probably helped more Americans than have any other Presidents.

Reagan, GW Bush, and Hoover have probably hurt more Americans than the others. They probably belong further down on the list.

Buchanan was a coward, inept, and homosexual -- the first openly homo President. He definitely belongs at the bottom. He did noting in response to the secession of the Southern States at the start of the US Civil War, leaving all the work to Lincoln, who at #1 probably deserves that spot, since he died in office due to his effort to save the Union.

Nice assesment, thanks for your input and thoughtfulness.
Once they toss Reagan into the dustbin of history I suspect Obama will rise even higher.

"Former President Barack Obama was ranked 12th best among 43 former presidents in in C-SPAN’s third-ever surveyof dozens of presidential historians.

The network asked 91 presidential historians to rank every former president on 10 leadership attributes. C-SPAN also performed the survey in 2000 and 2009.

Obama ranked favorably compared to his immediate predecessors: George W. Bush ranked at No. 33 (up from 36 in 2009), George H.W. Bush was No. 20 (down from 18), and Bill Clinton held steady at No. 15. Ronald Reagan was judged the ninth best president of all time, up from No. 10 in 2009.

In a press release accompanying the results, historian Richard Norton Smith, an academic adviser for the project, noted that five of the top 10 judged presidents in the American pantheon served between 1933 and 1969."

Read more: Obama Ranks 12th Best In C-SPAN Survey Of Presidential Historians
Clicking on "survey" take you to the actual list:

Total Scores/Overall Rankings | C-SPAN Survey on Presidents 2017

The top 3 have not changed in many decades:

1 - Lincoln
2 - Washington
3 - FDR

I agree that these 3 had the hardest times of it, although Washington's hard times came during the Revolutionary War not during his term. His term was fairly easy. He was just a caretaker President, not much more.

Teddy Roosevelt at #4 did a good job, and is known for the National Parks, National Forests, and expansion of the US Navy for his gunboat diplomacy.

Ike at #5 is pushing it. He was mostly a caretaker President too during a long peacetime expansion of the economy during which the Russians surpassed us in space and in their domination of Eastern Europe. Ike also botched Viet Nam (old spelling). I would NOT say he deserves #5. But the presidential historians apparently think so for no apparent reason. Like Washington his greatest feat was before he became President -- during WW2.

Truman at #6 was hated when he left office. And by modern standards nuking Japan was a war crime. If you had told him he would rise so high he would have died a very happy man. He died haunted by his low favorability rating at the time.

Kennedy at #8 was incompetent and almost got everyone killed with his mismanagement of the American missiles in Turkey together with the Cuban missile crisis. He played Russian roulette with all our lives (mine too -- I was a little kid at the time) and fortunately Russia did NOT call his bluff. Kennedy like Ike before him also botched Viet Nam.

Reagan at #9 was a Democrat disguised as a Republican and he fooled everybody twice and got elected based on his B/S-ing on tv. By expanding the deficits and the debt with skyrocketing military outlays he was able to stimulate the US economy out of a post-Vietnam deep recession. Trump will probably do the same thing. He is presently talking just like Reagan. That is assuming the GOP does not impeach Trump first.

I agree that LBJ belongs at #10 or higher. He did a lot of things like FDR. He botched Viet Nam completely however.

Putting BHO up at #12 in view of ACA makes sense, but he did not accomplish much else. Panetta and his CIA deserve the credit for finding and killing UBL. And BHO botched the recession by not starting any infrastructure projects. But the GOP was bound to make him look bad anyway, so BHO at #12 in spite of the GOP opposition is probably fair.

FDR, LBJ, and BHO have probably helped more Americans than have any other Presidents.

Reagan, GW Bush, and Hoover have probably hurt more Americans than the others. They probably belong further down on the list.

Buchanan was a coward, inept, and homosexual -- the first openly homo President. He definitely belongs at the bottom. He did nothing in response to the secession of the Southern States at the start of the US Civil War, leaving all the work to Lincoln, who at #1 probably deserves that spot, since he died in office due to his effort to save the Union.

Lincoln killed more Americans than all other wars combined. The South's secession was legal. Even the SCOTUS Chief Justice told him so.

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