Obama, Kerry, Hagel.....Israel is gonna start feeling the heat!!!

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The All-Star team of Obama, Kerry, and soon Hagel.

Are going to be a nightmare for the zionist pukes who rule Israel.

For the first time in decades; we will have people in the White House who will champion America over the interests of the apartheid state of Israel.

With a logical and rational middle east foreign policy that reflects what is best for the U.S. and not another nation. :thup:
the all-star team of obama, kerry, and soon hagel.

Are going to be a nightmare for the zionist pukes who rule israel.

For the first time in decades; we will have people in the white house who will champion america over the interests of the apartheid state of israel.

with a logical and rational middle east foreign policy that reflects what is best for the u.s. And not another nation. :thup:

The All-Star team of Obama, Kerry, and soon Hagel.

Are going to be a nightmare for the zionist pukes who rule Israel.

For the first time in decades; we will have people in the White House who will champion America over the interests of the apartheid state of Israel.

With a logical and rational middle east foreign policy that reflects what is best for the U.S. and not another nation. :thup:

No they won't.

They are still gonna get the billions in scratch no matter who rules the roost.

There might be some "nudges" to do the right thing in terms of a 2 state solution.

But Israel won't do it.

And the money will keep flowing.

You are in a dream world.
We will NOT fight your religious wars for you.

that goes out to all you myths believers no matter what your flavor of myth is
Can we put a post max on TM? Jesus Christ If she could type as fast as her ignorant/slow mind works we would be in trouble!
Obama can't destroy Israel (as much as he'd like to), but he can make life harder for them , and he will.
Israel shoud be treated as a terrorist state it is because it gave Gaza to the lebonese just to imprison them and they stole land in 1967 they need to return. Israel do not belong to the jews because god took it from them and dispersed them thorughout europe. They still think they are god chosen people and the radical right believe anything israel does is god sanctioned. Israel will get in into another world war if left up the the Right. Christians are god chosen people and not jews. Iran has every right to develop nuclear weapons to protect themself from us and Israel. US and Isreal has been a constant threat to Iran and they should be tired of that shit.
Iran is not a threat to us or israel and sanctions only hurt the people and not the political system.

Jews Are NOT The “Chosen People” | Real Jew News
Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People! | Real Jew News
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Israel shoud be treated as a terrorist state it is because it gave Gaza to the lebonese just to imprison them and they stole land in 1967 they need to return. Israel do not belong to the jews because god took it from them and dispersed them thorughout europe. They still think they are god chosen people and the radical right believe anything israel does is god sanctioned. Israel will get in into another world war if left up the the Right. Christians are god chosen people and not jews. Iran has every right to develop nuclear weapons to protect themself from us and Israel. US and Isreal has been a constant threat to Iran and they should be tired of that shit.

Jews Are NOT The “Chosen People” | Real Jew News
Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People! | Real Jew News

What a nutcase you are.
we will NOT fight you religious wars for you
It's not about fighting any religious wars.

It's about putting America "first" when it comes to foreign policy and national defense. :cool:

liar....we know a jew-hater when we see one....
So wanting American politicians to put our nation "first" over Israel's interests somehow equals jew hatred?

I also think we should put America "first" over China's interests.

Does that make me a chinese people hater?? :confused:
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obama is building an administration that is anti American and anti Israel. obama always has been pro-terrorist which is why he wants to bring the worst of the world's terrorists here for trial and eventual release. It's why Nidal Hassan's massacre is workplace violence instead of a terrorist attack. It's behind leaving a token force behind in the middle east to be easily slaughtered. It's why security at the Libyan facility was removed when this evil regime was told that it would be attacked.
We should have put out interests first instead of mexico's too.

Israel is an ally. Our only ally in the middle east. obama likes to shaft friends of the United States because those who are allies of the country are absolutely not allies of his.
Yes, radical muslims, losertarians and liberals support the piece of shit Hagel......the 3 Stooges for Hagel.
Israel is an ally. Our only ally in the middle east. Obama likes to shaft friends of the United States because those who are allies of the country are absolutely not allies of his.
Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and several others are also our allies in the ME

True story..........:cool:
It's not about fighting any religious wars.

It's about putting America "first" when it comes to foreign policy and national defense. :cool:

liar....we know a jew-hater when we see one....
So wanting American politicians to put our nation "first" over Israel's interests somehow equals jew hatred?

I also think we should put America "first" over China's interests.

Does that make me a chinese people hater?? :confused:

we already know you are a jew-hater....this is just more of your drivel....

but do enlighten us.....how is appointing an anti-semitic Defense minister going to put America 'first' in the Middle East....?
Turkey isn't part of the middle east, they are trying to join the EU not the GCC.

Egypt isn't our ally once the terrorists took control of their country.

The others less Jordan are our friends only because they want their oil protected and they fear Iran.

Jordan is our #2 ally in the region behind Israel because Jordan works with Israel outside our influence to rid the region of islamic terrorists and to maintain the peace. Both Jordan and Israel don't like what is going on inside Syria because they are the 2 most peaceful countries in the region.

Israel is an ally. Our only ally in the middle east. Obama likes to shaft friends of the United States because those who are allies of the country are absolutely not allies of his.
Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and several others are also our allies in the ME

True story..........:cool:

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