Obama is a liar!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
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Democrats see what happened in Orlando as some kind of non-muslim terrorist thing. Well if that was true then why would Obama suggest banning people on no-fly list when most people on the no-fly list are Muslim terrorist. He has to know that the terrorist behind this is somehow connected to Islam in order to even suggest the idea.
I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.
I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.

If the terrorist was a case of ordinary average terrorism then why ban people on no-fly list from obtaining firearms since most of them are muslim terrorist? He has to know the truth and just isn't telling it to you.
Democrats see what happened in Orlando as some kind of non-muslim terrorist thing. Well if that was true then why would Obama suggest banning people on no-fly list when most people on the no-fly list are Muslim terrorist. He has to know that the terrorist behind this is somehow connected to Islam in order to even suggest the idea.

The latest proposal is a trick. Once they agree to it, we'll start seeing a whole lot of white gun owners appearing on the terrorist watch list. Guaranteed.
sure, sure, not all democrats are radical muslim terrorists... obama means institutional failure, though. can't lead from behind, can't set red lines then chicken out, etc. although, i will give him some credit, if hillary was president she would have blamed the orlando attack on some random youtube video no one ever heard of before. it's just unfortunate that democrats never quite get it about the importance of truth and honesty once they get elected, they tell a lie and americans die. so now they're trying to spin their way out of it by blaming guns, which amounts to a policy of victim disarmament, and we're all supposed to pretend like we're too stupid to know what we're talking about to save them from embarrassment.
I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.

I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.


Gay Democrat murders 50!!!

I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.

I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.


Gay Democrat murders 50!!!

Is anyone surprised he was a Democrat? I wonder what terrorist will be voting in his place now.
I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.
Actually it's quite profound
Why are people that are on the no fly list running around in the general public
I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.
Actually it's quite profound
Why are people that are on the no fly list running around in the general public

Good question. I think it probably has something to do with the logic of it all.

The stakes are so high when you're airborne vs. incarcerating someone based on incomplete information.
If the terrorist was a case of ordinary average terrorism then why ban people on no-fly list from obtaining firearms since most of them are muslim terrorist?

That is one fucked up convoluted sentence. And you had someone declare it a "winner". LMAO.

What you trying to say there dude?
I logged on to this thread to state, unequivicably (sp?) that I will not vote for Obama in 2016 based on what you said alone. The funny thing is that you didn't even make a halfway decent case.

Says the far left drone that votes far left and worse than Bush at all costs!
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