Obama has been better on gas prices

Great thread and I complete agree. It really shows the true agenda of that Obama/democrats vs. the republicans.
Obama and the democrats fight to help the people, W and the GOP fight to help their big oil cronies.

good grief
Uncle Ferd says, "Yea...

... Big Oil tryin' to get Obama re-elected...

... so's dey can jack gas prices back up to $4/gal.

That's possible after all BP was a big contribute to obama in 2008

Could you please total up the number of conspiracies you ascribe to Obama?
I'm just interested is all.

I said it was possible
but BP was a big contributor to obama in 2008
The fact is the right was all over Obama for the cost of gas months ago; now, they deny he has anything to do with the cost of gas. The one conclusion an honest observer of this thread can draw is that those who criticized the president before and ignore the issue today are fools and liars.
links in article

Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama than Carter

By Lauren Fox
April 9, 2012 RSS Feed Print

Marking the similarities between President Barack Obama's time in office and former president Jimmy Carter's is nothing new. But as of Monday, Obama has hit one more Carter benchmark - both saw gas prices double in their first term of office. [See Where Gas Prices are Spiking the Most]

In fact, while just barely, Obama has seen an even higher gas price increase than Carter dealt with under his administration.
Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama than Carter - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)
The fact is the right was all over Obama for the cost of gas months ago; now, they deny he has anything to do with the cost of gas. The one conclusion an honest observer of this thread can draw is that those who criticized the president before and ignore the issue today are fools and liars.

here's your fools and liars
Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices
USATODAY.com - Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices
I know a lot of people like to blame Obama for high gas prices, and how soon they forget the hell that was the goerge Bush years. After 9/11 gas prices shot up to 4 dollars a gallon repeatedly and for long periods. George was responsible for allowing the southeast to suffer over a month of 6-12 dollar gas in georgia, gas rationing in NC, and huge gas shortages in VA, northern florida, georgia, NC, SC, and AL.

For 3 weeks I litterally got up at 6 in the morning, went out and chased down gas trucks because by 8 the stations were sold out. NC limited you to 10 gallons per day. Georgia did not cap their gas prices during the shortage and saw some gas stations selling gas for 12 dollars a gallon. This was not the 1970s, this was around 2005. The reason? Supposedly for the first time in history a hurricane stopped gasoline production at refineries and for some reason they could not divert gas from anywhere else in the US to cover the shortage. The highways were never blocked or closed, despite thousands stranded on the the southern ease coast hunting for the rare gas station with gas so they could get out.For some reason, despite a number of hurricanes hitting the same areas far worse in the Obama years, that has never happened again.

Obama has reduced gas prices repeatedly during his time as president. Through strategic use of US oil reserves, and deals with places lie saudi arabia to increase oil production marked for the US, he has increased supply and lowered prices while they rose time and again. No president can declare oil prices at a certain level, but when he needed to he did what a president could do and increased supply through the methods he could do. For the Bush years we saw a steady rise in gas prices. The first time oil companies lowered gas prices was when they increased demands for hybrids and alternatives by choking the US on 4 dollar plus gas which george never did a thing to lower, and he even kept destroying supplies with foreign wars. George never encouraged alternative energy sources, and instead linked us as best as he could to the oil companies who despite supposed increases in costs continued to make record profits over and over again under his piss poor leadership. It is the same thing we can expect from his friend Mittens.

If you are concerned about oil prices, the US addiction to oil, and the corrupt oil companies destroying the US for their record profits then Obama is your choice. There may be better people out there, but they certainly are not the republicans.

What you are doing is willfully re-envisioning history--or what rational people call lying.

The gas supply has taken a major hit as refineries in the Houston area try to get back up to full capacity in the wake of Hurricanes Ike and Gustav, state and industry officials say. The Colonial Pipeline, which typically delivers 100 million gallons of gasoline, aviation fuel and other petroleum products throughout the southeastern United States, is not running at full capacity.

Atlanta gas crunch: 'We've got no gas here' - CNN

Let me ask you this one, simple, straight-forward question: what was the average price of gas during Bush's EIGHT years in office?:confused:

Not sure if anyone has done that stat.

Course when Clinton left office the price was $1.46

When Bush left office the price was $1.79

Currently the price is $3.40

The way the left talks they feel the price will reach $2.50......which is what Newt said he could get it to in a matter of months.

Still.....our expectations are really poor if we think the best we can do under Obama is $2.50.
Obama's administration immediately limited federal land drilling permits these now run two to three timesto obtain. Also the pipeline so there are things the president can do to stabize and keep prices lower. With India and China's population growth drilling more is a must. Anyways its just silly were at the Kings mercy and he wants high energy - thanks again obamabots
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Ask Forbes.

Well, if they're the authority then the answer seems to be "Yes".
Good for him, the people were critical and he responded.
All kudos to Obama.

Did they?

After months of beating on the President for the high price of gasoline—despite the fact that he had absolutely nothing to do with the rises—should we now consider that a clever bluff has played a major part in reversing the trend and saving us all big money at the gas pump?

I think so.
I'm pretty sure.
In fact, that quote is saying that he had nothing to do with the price rises but can take credit for them coming down.
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It is getting time for another refinery fire or somesuch to diminish refining capacity.

Obama does not control gas prices any more than any other president in the past. Regulating Wall Street gambling is the only way to lower gas prices.

All presidents have some control of gas prices. It's silly too suggest otherwise. I knew gas prices would start dropping around election time most people should have seen it coming.

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