Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

The plot line in many movies and shows involves big bad Government agents. It is usually implied that they are right wing.

Deny it all you want.

Why don't you come up of some examples where it is not that way. LOL

Actually, no it's not. All you're doing at this point is piss poor trolling, especially when you want me to prove a negative when you haven't even proved your point in the first place.

You cannot even name a single film. Never mind ten.
Wrong I am talking about the entire Internet. Not just message boards.

only the Daily Kos is far left?

What? lol

The entire internet is far left? You honestly can't be that ignorant.

Now you are being a Jack ass. Of course not the entire internet is far left, but it is more Far Left than not.

Stop playing games and wasting my time.

You are on the left yourself. I seriously doubt you will ever see the truth.
The plot line in many movies and shows involves big bad Government agents. It is usually implied that they are right wing.

Deny it all you want.

Why don't you come up of some examples where it is not that way. LOL

Actually, no it's not. All you're doing at this point is piss poor trolling, especially when you want me to prove a negative when you haven't even proved your point in the first place.

You cannot even name a single film. Never mind ten.

I could name hundreds, if I wanted to waste my time trying to convince a far left loon of anything, why would I waste my time, when I know your mind is closed.
Now you have reached the rediculious as you always do, Mod. :cuckoo:

Hollywood money is a crucial factor for any Democrat who seriously wants to be president. You simply cannot get the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party--and you cannot win the White House as a Democrat--without the money-raising muscle of Hollywood.
Geffen, Katzenberg, Spielberg, Reiner, Lear, Saban--the big-money moguls are power players in the Democratic Party, and they lean unmistakably left.
Why is Hollywood So Liberal? - Terry Moran


I think you're not reading some of my posts Meister. I never denied that Hollywood didn't lean left. I'm saying they don't lean far left. I also mentioned the fact they lean left primarily on social issues.

And wait a minute, ABC? But according to Charles, they're a "Liberal" source. :eek:
Now you have reached the rediculious as you always do, Mod. :cuckoo:

Hollywood money is a crucial factor for any Democrat who seriously wants to be president. You simply cannot get the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party--and you cannot win the White House as a Democrat--without the money-raising muscle of Hollywood.
Geffen, Katzenberg, Spielberg, Reiner, Lear, Saban--the big-money moguls are power players in the Democratic Party, and they lean unmistakably left.
Why is Hollywood So Liberal? - Terry Moran


I think you're not reading some of my posts Meister. I never denied that Hollywood didn't lean left. I'm saying they don't lean far left. I also mentioned the fact they lean left primarily on social issues.

And wait a minute, ABC? But according to Charles, they're a "Liberal" source. :eek:

So you admit Hollywood leans left. Thanks for playing.

As far as ABC, hell yes they lean left.
I could name hundreds, if I wanted to waste my time trying to convince a far left loon of anything, why would I waste my time, when I know your mind is closed.

Name some then. This is my point Meister, he believes I'm a "far left" loon. Anything left of Ronald Reagan is probably Communist to you Charlie.

As for my mind being supposedly closed, if it's closed, then why am I giving you an opportunity and asking you to name some films?
So you admit Hollywood leans left. Thanks for playing.

As far as ABC, hell yes they lean left.

I never denied that they leaned left, primarily on social issues. You clearly didn't read my previous posts. :cuckoo:

Seriously, keep away from sharp objects, I'd hate to see you hurt yourself.

Not even thirty minutes ago:

This is my point. Michael Moore is what one would consider far left. So Charles saying Hollywood is far left doesn't just plain make sense.

Also, the "left" agenda? People have no real clue how "Hollywood" feels about fiscal issues outside of when they're raising money for charity a lot of the time. Of course Hollywood is going to be Liberal on social issues. Hell, so called Conservatives should be in reality Liberal on social issues as well.
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.

You got that from the Howard Dean Echo Chamber didn't you?

You leftwing nuts are really too much, I swear. Yes Fox leans to the right....but destructive? In a pigs eye! MSNBC does lean left, but destructive...no. It's just who you want to listen to. But you wingnuts think that if a news channel doesn't follow your mantra, they're destructive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Get a friggin life

If Dr. Tiller were around..he might disagree.

O'Reilly's campaign against murdered doctor - Abortion - Salon.com
and you use extreme far left salon.com to prove it

too fucking funny
Now you have reached the rediculious as you always do, Mod. :cuckoo:

Hollywood money is a crucial factor for any Democrat who seriously wants to be president. You simply cannot get the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party--and you cannot win the White House as a Democrat--without the money-raising muscle of Hollywood.
Geffen, Katzenberg, Spielberg, Reiner, Lear, Saban--the big-money moguls are power players in the Democratic Party, and they lean unmistakably left.
Why is Hollywood So Liberal? - Terry Moran


I think you're not reading some of my posts Meister. I never denied that Hollywood didn't lean left. I'm saying they don't lean far left. I also mentioned the fact they lean left primarily on social issues.

And wait a minute, ABC? But according to Charles, they're a "Liberal" source. :eek:

And you didn't read my post.....yes they are far left as a whole, Mod. You can deny it all you want but facts are facts and more than just your liberal opinion. People don't get fired and are denied jobs because of their political views from people who "just lean left on social issues". :cuckoo:".
I could name hundreds, if I wanted to waste my time trying to convince a far left loon of anything, why would I waste my time, when I know your mind is closed.

Name some then. This is my point Meister, he believes I'm a "far left" loon. Anything left of Ronald Reagan is probably Communist to you Charlie.

As for my mind being supposedly closed, if it's closed, then why am I giving you an opportunity and asking you to name some films?

I never said you were Far left. I said you were on the left. Do you deny that?

Just to humor you. How many movies about Nam have you watched that did not focus on the worst parts of US actions in that war?

Ill name a couple specific movies because I am feeling like wasting my time on a lost cause.

Eagle Eye. The Bad guy ends up being a scary computer set up by the Military(right wing)
The Siege, While the bad guys are Islamic Terrorist, the REAL bad guy ends up being a Right wing driven reaction to them.
The Sum Of All Fears (2002) - The bad guys are ... European neo-Nazis!
The Bourne Identity (2002) - The bad guys are ... the CIA!
S.W.A.T. (2003) - The bad guys are ... S.W.A.T. officers gone bad!
The Power of Nightmares (2004) - The bad guys are ... the neo-conservatives!
# The Manchurian Candidate (2004) - The bad guys are ... a big corporation!
# The Bourne Supremacy (2004) - The bad guys are ... the CIA again!
# District 13 (2004) - The people who want to set off a nuke in Paris are not Islamists but rather the French security forces.
# Syriana (2005) - The bad guys are ... the US government and big oil companies!
# Why We Fight (2005) - The bad guys are ... the "military-industrial complex"!
# Homecoming (2005) - The bad guys are ... the US government and US military leaders!
# The War Within (2005) - The bad guys are ... the CIA!
# Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) - The bad guys are ... anti-communists!
# Sorry, Haters (2005) - The bad guys are ... the American government!
# XXX: State of the Union (2005) - The bad guy is ... the US Secretary of Defense!

# Valley of the Wolves Iraq (2006) - The bad guys are ... the Americans and the Jews!
# The Good Shepherd (2006) - The CIA are morally dubious - yet again. Couldn't Hollywood have made just one pro-CIA film after 9/11, before getting back to business as usual? Just one? If Hollywood has made a single pro-CIA film since 9/11, tell me about it here.
# A Few Days in September (2006) - The bad guys are ... the CIA! They knew 9/11 was coming, man!
# Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006) - The bad guys are ... Blackwater, Halliburton, etc, etc.

# Shooter (2007) - The bad guys are .. corrupt American politicians, corrupt American law enforcement, corrupt American businessmen, etc.
# The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) - The bad guys are ... the CIA again!
# Lions for Lambs (2007) - The bad guys are .. sleazy US politicians and neo-cons!
# No End in Sight (2007) - The bad guys are .. the Bush administration!
# Rendition (2007) - The bad guys are .. the CIA and the Americans!
# In the Valley of Elah (2007) - The bad guys are .. the American soldiers in Iraq!
# Redacted (2007) - The bad guys are .. the American soldiers in Iraq!
# Meeting Resistance (2007) - The bad guys are .. the American soldiers in Iraq!
# Taxi to the Dark Side (2007) - The bad guys are .. the American soldiers in Afghanistan!
# Battle For Haditha (2008) - The bad guys are .. the American soldiers in Iraq!
# Standard Operating Procedure (2008) - The bad guys are .. the American soldiers in Iraq!
# Torture is US! (2008) - The bad guys are .. the Americans!
# War, Inc. (2008) - The bad guys are .. the stupid Americans in Iraq!
# Quantum of Solace (James Bond movie, 2008) - The bad guys are .. some kind of international "terrorists" again! And the Americans are in league with the bad guys!

# The International (2009) - The bad guys are .. murderous bankers! Yes, bankers. Like in Monty Python's The Crimson Permanent Assurance.
# State of Play (2009) - The bad guys are .. corrupt American politicians and business interests.
12 Rounds (2009) - The bad guy is ... a white, European, "international terrorist". Of course.
# True Stories: The Shock Doctrine (2009) - The bad guys are .. the Americans in Iraq! (And everywhere else.)
# District 13 Ultimatum (2009) - The bad guys are ... the French security forces again!
# Avatar (2009) - The bad guys are ... US corporations, the US military, science, civilization, etc. etc.
# Waiting For Armageddon (2009) - The really dangerous people in the Middle East are ... the Christians!
# Edge of Darkness (2010) - The bad guys are ... murderous nuclear industry types and their government allies!
# Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010) - The bad guys are ... the capitalists!
# Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (2010) - The bad guys are ... the CIA! They carry out terror attacks around the world!
# Fair Game (2010) - The bad guys are .. the Bush administration and its lies about Iraq!
# The A-Team (2010) - The bad guys are .. US military contractors!
The Losers (2010) - The bad guy threatening the world with a "sonic nuclear bomb" is ... a rogue U.S. military commander called "Max"!
The 28th Amendment (2011) - The bad guys are .. a secret cabal that runs the U.S. government!

I could go on and on and on.


That theme is repeated over and over in Hollywood movies going back Decades.
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And you didn't read my post.....yes they are far left as a whole, Mod. You can deny it all you want but facts are facts and more than just your liberal opinion. People don't get fired and are denied jobs because of their political views from people who "just lean left on social issues". :cuckoo:".

What are the "facts" that make them "far left"? This is all subjective in reality. What you consider "facts" and what you consider "far left" could be clearly different from someone else.

You're trying to equate Hollywood as a whole to the moguls. Why, I have no idea.
I could name hundreds, if I wanted to waste my time trying to convince a far left loon of anything, why would I waste my time, when I know your mind is closed.

Name some then. This is my point Meister, he believes I'm a "far left" loon. Anything left of Ronald Reagan is probably Communist to you Charlie.

As for my mind being supposedly closed, if it's closed, then why am I giving you an opportunity and asking you to name some films?
broken arrow, swordfish, even the star wars movies
I never said you were Far left. I said you were on the left. Do you deny that?

Just to humor you. How many movies about Nam have you watched that did not focus on the worst parts of US actions in that war?

Ill name one specific movie because I am feeling like wasting my time on a lost cause.

Eagle Eye. The Bad guy ends up being a scary computer set up by the Military(right wing)


That theme is repeated over and over in Hollywood movies going back Decades.

I'm willing to bet good money I'm more of a actual Conservative on issues than you are. Not some twisted grotesque version of Conservatism either.

Eagle Eye is your best example? :rofl:

That movie bashes the entire government for incompetence, not just the Military supposedly.

In fact, to quote from the wiki page:

Eagle Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a hearing after the chaos ARIIA caused, the Secretary of Defense urges that another supercomputer not be built. "Sometimes the very measures we put into place to safeguard our liberty become threats to liberty itself,"

As a so called Conservative, you should be able to agree with such a message. However, you are too wrapped in your "Liberals in Hollywood are evul! Wah!" to realize that. Or you're a Big Government Social Conservative who just calls himself a Conservative.

Almost every action movie has the hero just gunning down person after person without any sort of trial. This is what I was talking about earlier. You want to be one of those pretentious morons who want to define a fictional character's political leanings, be my guest. However, 99% of people go for y'know, the killing.
And you didn't read my post.....yes they are far left as a whole, Mod. You can deny it all you want but facts are facts and more than just your liberal opinion. People don't get fired and are denied jobs because of their political views from people who "just lean left on social issues". :cuckoo:".

What are the "facts" that make them "far left"? This is all subjective in reality. What you consider "facts" and what you consider "far left" could be clearly different from someone else.

You're trying to equate Hollywood as a whole to the moguls. Why, I have no idea.

You never will, Mod. You are more liberal than you could ever imagine.

It's not all that subjective if you ever could step out of your box and take a look at it from the outside, until then.....
I could name hundreds, if I wanted to waste my time trying to convince a far left loon of anything, why would I waste my time, when I know your mind is closed.

Name some then. This is my point Meister, he believes I'm a "far left" loon. Anything left of Ronald Reagan is probably Communist to you Charlie.

As for my mind being supposedly closed, if it's closed, then why am I giving you an opportunity and asking you to name some films?
broken arrow, swordfish, even the star wars movies

TV: Law and Order, or should I say any of Dick Wolf's productions
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I never said you were Far left. I said you were on the left. Do you deny that?

Just to humor you. How many movies about Nam have you watched that did not focus on the worst parts of US actions in that war?

Ill name one specific movie because I am feeling like wasting my time on a lost cause.

Eagle Eye. The Bad guy ends up being a scary computer set up by the Military(right wing)


That theme is repeated over and over in Hollywood movies going back Decades.

I'm willing to bet good money I'm more of a actual Conservative on issues than you are. Not some twisted grotesque version of Conservatism either.

Eagle Eye is your best example? :rofl:

That movie bashes the entire government for incompetence, not just the Military supposedly.

ROFLMAO name an issue you are more conservative than me on.

Oh and I named over 60 Movies their bud. Not just one.
ROFLMAO name an issue you are more conservative than me on.

Oh and I named over 60 Movies their bud. Not just one.

What a Herp derp post you just made there. I made my post before you edited and added all those movies.

As for an issue I am more "conservative" than you on, goodness knows considering your posts I wouldn't want to know what you consider Conservative. My money is leaning towards you being a Big Government Social Conservative.

Also, I'm going to point out a common theme in many if not most of the films you made. A government agency has rogue members or the government itself is evil. Don't most if not all these films therefore give the message that government shouldn't be trusted and in fact we should have less government. Using that explained logic, wouldn't that therefore supposedly be a main principle of the "Conservative" philosophy?

So yeah, you proved my point for me. Thanks. :thup:

Never mind films like Death Wish and ...And Justice for All where it shows the justice system has failed and the main character must step in to seek justice. In fact, that's how a lot of films play out. Not exactly much faith in government in these films.

So if you're done making a complete fool of yourself, I'll be departing from the thread now.
ROFLMAO name an issue you are more conservative than me on.

Oh and I named over 60 Movies their bud. Not just one.

What a Herp derp post you just made there. I made my post before you edited and added all those movies.

As for an issue I am more "conservative" than you on, goodness knows considering your posts I wouldn't want to know what you consider Conservative. My money is leaning towards you being a Big Government Social Conservative.

Also, I'm going to point out a common theme in many if not most of the films you made. A government agency has rogue members or the government itself is evil. Don't most if not all these films therefore give the message that government shouldn't be trusted and in fact we should have less government. Using that explained logic, wouldn't that therefore supposedly be a main principle of the "Conservative" philosophy?

So yeah, you proved my point for me. Thanks. :thup:

Never mind films like Death Wish and ...And Justice for All where it shows the justice system has failed and the main character must step in to seek justice. In fact, that's how a lot of films play out. Not exactly much faith in government in these films.

So if you're done making a complete fool of yourself, I'll be departing from the thread now.

You ignore that the theme in the movies is not just Big Government. It is Right wing control of said Big Government.

You go ahead and depart from the thread. It is you who looks like a fool here.

I am still waiting for you to name one single issue on which you are more conservative than me.

You are a fool. You just said you think I am a Big government Social Conservative.

If you read any of my post at all you would know I am more Liberal on Social Issues. I am only called conservative because of my support for less government, less spending, less taxes, and adhering to the Constitution.

When it comes to social issues I do not support conservatives. You just outed yourself as someone who knows NOTHING at all about me. Social conservative MY ASS lol.

Yeah that's why I support Gay Marriage, A womens right to choose, and All sorts of other liberal Social Positions.
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You ignore that the theme in the movies is not just Big Government. It is Right wing control of said Big Government.

You go ahead and depart from the thread. It is you who looks like a fool here.

I am still waiting for you to name one single issue on which you are more conservative than me.

You are a fool. You just said you think I am a Big government Social Conservative.

If you read any of my post at all you would know I am more Liberal on Social Issues. I am only called conservative because of my support for less government, less spending, less taxes, and adhering to the Constitution.

When it comes to social issues I do not support conservatives.

Really, which of these films specifically point out right wing control? You seem to miss the fact that these films are not even anti-government whether it be left or right. The fact of the matter is that pitting the main character against a rogue group of the government has always been a plot device since it pits the character against what would seem to be impossible odds.

You seem to not understand films in general is what I gather from your posts. As I pointed out in one of my first posts in this thread, Hollywood is Socially Liberal which is what Conservatives should be. However, you ignored that to go on your spiel about the "evil Liberal media".
When it comes to social issues I do not support conservatives. You just outed yourself as someone who knows NOTHING at all about me. Social conservative MY ASS lol.

Yeah that's why I support Gay Marriage, A womens right to choose, and All sorts of other liberal Social Positions.

I never claimed to be a expert on Charles Main, so I don't know why you seem to think it's a gotcha sort of moment. I said by the way you're coming off in this thread, it seems to be a Big Government Conservative. I'm glad you support all those things, as do I.

Now if only you could see that there is no evil Liberal media out to get you or others like it's Invasion of the Body Snatchers. :lol:

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