Obama doesn't rule out Clinton for vice president

More like Bills lack of ability to keep his mouth shut would be complicated.

As far as the ticket, it would be a hard ticket to beat IMO.
LOL! If he does, he's dead. Not from right, but left.
Why do you think that it would be complicated for Hilary to be vice president because of bill?
LOL! If he does, he's dead. Not from right, but left.

any worse than Clinton?

Im pretty sure Webb took himself out of that race but.. I think his conservatism and Obama's liberalism would be a killer ticket.
Why do you think that it would be complicated for Hilary to be vice president because of bill?

It's complicated because Obama would have a person who ran the country (and did a good job at it) up his butt all the time. If he agrees with Bill, then it looks like Bill is pulling Obama's strings. If he disagrees with Bill, there's strife at home.....

on the other hand, no way an Obama/Clinton ticket doesn't win come November, IMO.
how so? I think having a vp that is from the conservative end of the dem spectrum would carry a LOT of water.
It would ruin Jim Webb's career. Obama is a street Gangsta.

Kind of vile that someone works their butt off, graduates from the best law school in the country as editor of its law review, has a stellar career, does all the things y'all SAY you want people who are minorities to do and you call him a "street Gangsta"?

Very sad, particularly when racist garbage actually had nothing to do with this thread.
Kind of vile that someone works their butt off, graduates from the best law school in the country as editor of its law review, has a steller career, does all the things y'all SAY you want people who are minorities to do and you call him a "street Gangsta"?

Very sad, particularly when racist garbage actually had nothing to do with this thread.

How true! Thank you Jillian!

What about Ron Paul as his VP? That would be a ticket for the ages!
Why do you think that it would be complicated for Hilary to be vice president because of bill?

I do think an Obama clinton ticket would win easily, but I think Obama wins easily anyways.

Hillary and Bill are ego maniacs. And Bill sometimes lets his ego get in the way and he puts his foot in his mouth. I think Bill did a great job but anything he does or says from here on sems to just tarnish his reputation. Plus the Clintons seem to rally the Republicans base.

Obama is about Change. Better he picks someone with less baggage.

Another thing. Bill signed NAFTA, deregulated the media and he signed welfare reform. He went along with the gop congress on a lot of conservative bills. So I really don't see them as agents of change. We need to undo what the gop did from 2000 to 2006 when they ruled both houses. I can see big business getting to Hillary if she ever becomes president.

Lastly, I can see Hillary and Bill sabotaging Obama so she can run in 4 yrs instead of 8.

Obama should pick Bill Richardson. He's the total package. Foreign experience, governor, worked for the clintons and will help with the Hispanic vote.

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