Obama Declares War on Israel

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?


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Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?
Why do Israeli's get all butt hurt, when someone doesn't kiss their ass? Fuck Israel! They're a pariah nation with no regard for international law and human rights. They treat the Pals like garbage and trash them 24/7. Israel treats the Pals, like the Nazis treated the Jews and its about time they had their comeuppance.
No one should be surprised our adolescent president would turn on our best friend and closest ally because they chose who they wanted for their leader instead of who he wanted. Now the punishments begin. This guy is such an embarrassment to our nation.
Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?
Why do Israeli's get all butt hurt, when someone doesn't kiss their ass? Fuck Israel! They're a pariah nation with no regard for international law and human rights. They treat the Pals like garbage and trash them 24/7. Israel treats the Pals, like the Nazis treated the Jews and its about time they had their comeuppance.

It's one thing to expect someone to kiss your ass, and another to expect an ally to respect the voice of the people. Obama obviously doesn't like fair election results, so he opens his fucken mouth and says so.

Obama has lost two elections and he'll probably lose the next one. He gets really pissed that he can't cheat enough to get a win. That's what really pisses him off.
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Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?
Why do Israeli's get all butt hurt, when someone doesn't kiss their ass? Fuck Israel! They're a pariah nation with no regard for international law and human rights. They treat the Pals like garbage and trash them 24/7. Israel treats the Pals, like the Nazis treated the Jews and its about time they had their comeuppance.
All a bunch of total bullshit.

It's one thing to expect someone to kiss your ass, and another to expect an ally to respect the voice of the people. Obama obviously doesn't like fair election results, so he opens his fucken mouth and says so.

Obama has lost two elections and he'll probably lose the next one. He gets really pissed that he can't cheat enough to get a win. That's what really pisses him off.
Only Conservatives CHEAT
Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?
Why do Israeli's get all butt hurt, when someone doesn't kiss their ass? Fuck Israel! They're a pariah nation with no regard for international law and human rights. They treat the Pals like garbage and trash them 24/7. Israel treats the Pals, like the Nazis treated the Jews and its about time they had their comeuppance.
All a bunch of total bullshit.

It's one thing to expect someone to kiss your ass, and another to expect an ally to respect the voice of the people. Obama obviously doesn't like fair election results, so he opens his fucken mouth and says so.

Obama has lost two elections and he'll probably lose the next one. He gets really pissed that he can't cheat enough to get a win. That's what really pisses him off.
Only Conservatives CHEAT

I almost snarfed my coffee over that silly nonsense. LMAO!!!
Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?

"few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections,"

The Israeli elections are as fair and free and democratic as the elections in White-Ruled South Africa.
Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?
Why do Israeli's get all butt hurt, when someone doesn't kiss their ass? Fuck Israel! They're a pariah nation with no regard for international law and human rights. They treat the Pals like garbage and trash them 24/7. Israel treats the Pals, like the Nazis treated the Jews and its about time they had their comeuppance.

You will find out very quickly that you are more reliant on Israel than you thought. When you cant get a cell phone that works, your computer refuses to work with the rest of the world. people start dying because they cant get medication or have simple operations. And then your banking system collapses and the American credit rating drops to ZZZ. Then America will be the pariah nation and living of meagre handouts, overrun with muslim terrorists begging the rest of the world for help. They treat the arab muslims better than the rest of the arab muslims treat them, and it is the likes of Egypt and Jordan that treat the arab muslims like the Nazis treated the Jews. I cant see where Israel mass murdered 50,000 "Palestinians" in one month by firing at them while they were caged. You do know that the other arab nations still keep "Palestinians" caged don't you, starving them, beating them, raping them and treating them worse than shit.
No one should be surprised our adolescent president would turn on our best friend and closest ally because they chose who they wanted for their leader instead of who he wanted. Now the punishments begin. This guy is such an embarrassment to our nation.
Does israel have no responsibility to us?
Instead of congratulating the Israeli people for being one of the few countries in the Middle East to hold real free and democratic elections, Obama has decided to inflict collective punishment not on Netanyahu, but on all Israelis, even its Muslim and Christian citizens, for having an election that came out not the way he wanted it to.
The terrorists have also been following with great enthusiasm reports that the Obama Administration is considering reassessing its policy -- that the U.S. no longer considers Israel a strategic ally in the Middle East.
In short, Obama's anti-Israel stance is the best gift the Americans could have given to Muslim terrorists and radical Arabs.
Obama Declares War on Israel
What is he doing with his best ally in the Middle East? Or it's just another warmonger plan: to break down East to pieces and then to "free" those who will stay alive in the slaughter from the terrorist danger?

I love how the rightwing bible thumping goyim are coming out of the woodwork
What he has demonstrated is US is not a trustworthy Allie.
He keeps it up I wouldn't be surprised Israel doesn't release some if our secrets...it we have any left.or their dossier on Obama.......
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What he has demonstrated is US is not a trustworthy Allie.
He keeps it up I wouldn't be surprised Israel doesn't release some if our secrets...it we have any left.or their dossier on Obama.......
They already have, leaking details of negotiations with iran
Much different than leaking military secrets.......besides Obama was going to fill us in on everything rrrriiiggghhttt

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