Obama cronies go berserk after Trump nukes Iran deal

An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!

You should really not call other people stupid when you don't know the difference between their and there. ROFL. :D I mean, embarrassing is not knowing simple grammar that is 1st grade level.

An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.
An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Oh, so that means all the growth that took place during the Obama years were due to Bush policies, right? And all of the good things that happened during Clinton years were due to Reagan! Wonderful! LOL!
An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Well, I don't know, but apparently 1st grade level grammar isn't your thing. :lol: Too funny.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!

You should really not call other people stupid when you don't know the difference between their and there. ROFL. :D I mean, embarrassing is not knowing simple grammar that is 1st grade level.
Got it. So a mistake in grammar is all you have. I love deflections. It proves the point that your argument ran out of gas.

So, we've gone from your lying about the Obama money and Iran to teaching you reality on jobs. What's next for you?
There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!

You should really not call other people stupid when you don't know the difference between their and there. ROFL. :D I mean, embarrassing is not knowing simple grammar that is 1st grade level.
Got it. So a mistake in grammar is all you have. I love deflections. It proves the point that your argument ran out of gas.

So, we've gone from your lying about the Obama money and Iran to teaching you a little bit to a reality check on jobs. What's next for you?

I also have that Obama gave 1.7 BILLION dollars to Iran of taxpayer monies.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Oh, so that means all the growth that took place during the Obama years were due to Bush policies, right? And all of the good things that happened during Clinton years were due to Reagan! Wonderful! LOL!

UNTIL October 1st of the first year in office.

Starting Oct 1st, the new president begins his 1st fiscal year.

It is his 1st fiscal budget, that he sends to congress, for them to pass and institute the new president's fiscal policies.
Of course! Does anyone doubt that? I can't believe he would give a terrorist state cash either. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! It seems as if the Obama administration did a lot of that though.
Can you give us an example;Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?

An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
There are some facts that are considered common knowledge. Were you spelunking during the Obama years
An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!
Owed to them? BWAHAHAHA. Did we borrow money from them "decades before"? We owe NOTHING to a terrorist state.
An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!
This all dates back to when the Shah of Iran was still in power whom we did owe money to. When the Ayatollah took over in '79 and Iran seized our embassy and held our people hostage for over a year, Iran officially became an enemy. We owe NOTHING to an enemy. They are lucky we haven't turned their camel dung stained country into a crater.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Well, I don't know, but apparently 1st grade level grammar isn't your thing. :lol: Too funny.

Yea, and beyond wasting my time and yours saying absolutely nothing of value, what other lies do you need to get off your chest?
There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Oh, so that means all the growth that took place during the Obama years were due to Bush policies, right? And all of the good things that happened during Clinton years were due to Reagan! Wonderful! LOL!

UNTIL October 1st of the first year in office.

Starting Oct 1st, the new president begins his 1st fiscal year.

It is his 1st fiscal budget, that he sends to congress, for them to pass and institute the new president's fiscal policies.

Well it's May now, in case you didn't notice.
There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Well, I don't know, but apparently 1st grade level grammar isn't your thing. :lol: Too funny.

Yea, and beyond wasting my time and yours saying absolutely nothing of value, what other lies do you need to get off your chest?

What lies are you talking about? You are just another internut I see, making accusations. :D Just like every single other leftist on this site.

An example of what? Sure. Giving Iran (run by a bunch of religious nutjob whackos) nuclear capability and a boatload of cash! WTH? Lol!
Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law? No one gave Iran anything that wasn't there's. Try again.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
There are some facts that are considered common knowledge. Were you spelunking during the Obama years

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!
Owed to them? BWAHAHAHA. Did we borrow money from them "decades before"? We owe NOTHING to a terrorist state.

There's? Look bud. It is NUTS to give any money or anything else to a country that is known terrorist state and run by religiously whacked out mullahs.
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal.
That is CRAZY.
What, your lying? Yes, I agree.
I hear Obama also gave some guns and money to Mexican drug cartels.
More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head?
Hmm. Yet, they don't have the money for tax breaks for American citizens. Must keep other countries and drug cartels happy.
Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying?
Pay more taxes they say. Lol. What a fucking joke, and a very BAD one at that.
"Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Your own link says Obama made a 1.7 billion dollar cash deal with Iran, you idiot. Lol. What is wrong with you?
Are you seriously this stupid? Please try and keep up. You said "Obama gave them money". Obama gave them money that was already there's. That is not "giving" anyone anything. That money was owed to them from decades before. You people are clueless and grossly ignorant about history. How embarrassing!
This all dates back to when the Shah of Iran was still in power whom we did owe money to. When the Ayatollah took over in '79 and Iran seized our embassy and held our people hostage for over a year, Iran officially became an enemy. We owe NOTHING to an enemy. They are lucky we haven't turned their camel dung stained country into a crater.

Exactly. Thank you. :)
Okay, thanks for proving to us all that you were lying. Obama didn't give any money away, especially in the Iran deal. What, your lying? Yes, I agree. More lies unless you provide proof. Who did you hear it from? The fairies dancing around in your head? Still waiting on that truth, or you are again lying? "Paying more taxes"? Yea, after another disastrous Right-wing con job of feeding the 1% more tax breaks that have proven not to work for the last forty years, tell us something else that's new; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Well, I don't know, but apparently 1st grade level grammar isn't your thing. :lol: Too funny.

Yea, and beyond wasting my time and yours saying absolutely nothing of value, what other lies do you need to get off your chest?

What lies are you talking about? You are just another internut I see, making accusations. :D Just like every single other leftist on this site.

You said Obama was "giving away money". You still haven't proven that. And if you do not, you were just lying.
Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Well, I don't know, but apparently 1st grade level grammar isn't your thing. :lol: Too funny.

Yea, and beyond wasting my time and yours saying absolutely nothing of value, what other lies do you need to get off your chest?

What lies are you talking about? You are just another internut I see, making accusations. :D Just like every single other leftist on this site.

You said Obama was "giving away money". You still haven't proven that. And if you do not, you were just lying.

It says so right in the link you posted. Lol. He gave away 1.7 billion taxpayer dollars to a terrorist state run by religious nuts. Doesn't get much nuttier than the mullahs of Iran.
Funny that there are more jobs right now than there have been in the last probably 15 years though. Hmm. Things that make you go HMMM. :D

"OMG"! I think I found a live one. Economics not your thing either huh? Are you aware of the eight years of Obama's economic growth and job totals before he left office? Are you aware of the fact that any economic head ways for the proceeding president do not start until ten months after his first year? Meaning October of 2017? An individual again, has to be grossly ignorant of when an administration's statistics actually kick in to make such grave mistakes. And by the way, what are Trump's economic policies on job growth? That's right, he has none. Which is why he has been riding Obama's economic shirt tail when it comes to jobs.

Well, I don't know, but apparently 1st grade level grammar isn't your thing. :lol: Too funny.

Yea, and beyond wasting my time and yours saying absolutely nothing of value, what other lies do you need to get off your chest?

What lies are you talking about? You are just another internut I see, making accusations. :D Just like every single other leftist on this site.

You said Obama was "giving away money". You still haven't proven that. And if you do not, you were just lying.

Your link proves it. Thanks for posting it, BTW. Now everyone knows definitely that Obama gave away 1.7 billion dollars of our money to Iran because he felt like we "owed" them something. SMH.
1.7 BILLION dollars. Just imagine how much "mullah" that is. :10:
And what's that got to do with the price of Tea in China?

It has everything to do with THIS thread, you leftist collectivist turd. Lol.
So far, your argument is based on lies. So, $1.7 trillion dollars is worth nothing in this conversation, if it is not yours to give, but instead owe. That is simple logic. It is not "giving", it is "owing".

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