Obama Betrayed US in Iran Nuke Deal, Released Natl Security Risks

Obama Lied, Americans Died: Released Iranians Tied to Terror, Nuclear Proliferation - Breitbart

"Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.

But that was not all.

Politico also noted that “in a series of unpublicized court filings, the Justice Department dropped charges and international arrest warrants against 14 other men, all of them fugitives.”

Those fugitives had allegedly sought to lease Boeing aircraft for an Iranian airline that authorities believe supported Hezbollah, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

Another, Behrouz Dolatzadeh, was reportedly charged with conspiring to buy thousands of U.S.-made assault rifles and illegally import them into Iran.

Amin Ravan was charged with smuggling U.S. military antennas to Hong Kong and Singapore for use in Iran. According to Politico, he was also responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans. “U.S. authorities also believe he was part of a procurement network providing Iran with high-tech components for an especially deadly type of IED used by Shiite militias to kill hundreds of American troops in Iraq,” Politico wrote.

The report also found that Obama’s Iran deal destroyed counter-proliferation efforts that ultimately made Iran’s path to nuclear arms easier."

Iran asked for - AND WAS GRANTED - the release of these 7 criminal / National Security THREATS ... and Obama WOULD NOT EVEN ASK for the release of US hostages held by Iran. No - instead he preferred to pay a RANSOM to Iran for them later.
Say it with me everybaahhhdyyyy!!!!

Say it with me everybaahhhdyyyy!!!! F-F-F-F-F-FAAAAAAAAAAAKE NEEEEEEEEEWSAAAAAAAHH!!!
Your Messiah just got exposed as being a traitor who violated the Constitution and jeopardized Natl Security all to create / secure his own 'Legacy'...and once again you wrap yourself in DENIAL.

Poor snowflake...
Say it with me everybaahhhdyyyy!!!! F-F-F-F-F-FAAAAAAAAAAAKE NEEEEEEEEEWSAAAAAAAHH!!!
Your Messiah just got exposed as being a traitor who violated the Constitution and jeopardized Natl Security all to create / secure his own 'Legacy'...and once again you wrap yourself in DENIAL.

Poor snowflake...
Yeah, I'm sure he'll be arrested "any day now" like all the other people lost your mind over for 8 years :rofl:

And hey, why didn't you respond when I pointed out that Trump was forced to admit that Iran is following the terms of the deal a few days ago?
Obama had a nice $400K payday from the speaking circuit over the weekend.

Is he part of the evil 1%?
And hey, why didn't you respond when I pointed out that Trump was forced to admit that Iran is following the terms of the deal a few days ago?
There is no LEGAL 'Deal'.

Either Obama violated the Constitution and created, signed and got illegally ratified a Un-Constitutional 'Treaty' by by-passing Congress


Obama entered into a costly, treasonous personal 'Deal' with Iran, and since Obama is GONE - with Obama no longer being President, Trump and the US are no longer bound by any 'deal'.

As far as your LIE that Iran is adhering to that POS 'deal', like most things you say, it is a LIE (surprise, surprise):

UN: Iran Violated the Nuclear Deal Again

Iran violates limit established in nuclear deal, UN finds
And hey, why didn't you respond when I pointed out that Trump was forced to admit that Iran is following the terms of the deal a few days ago?
There is no LEGAL 'Deal'.

Either Obama violated the Constitution and created, signed and got illegally ratified a Un-Constitutional 'Treaty' by by-passing Congress


Obama entered into a costly, treasonous personal 'Deal' with Iran, and since Obama is GONE - with Obama no longer being President, Trump and the US are no longer bound by any 'deal'.

As far as your LIE that Iran is adhering to that POS 'deal', like most things you say, it is a LIE (surprise, surprise):

UN: Iran Violated the Nuclear Deal Again

Iran violates limit established in nuclear deal, UN finds
Okay, dummy. Tell all the parties involved that the deal is over and Iran gets its uranium and advanced centrifuges back then. :rofl:
Okay, dummy. Tell all the parties involved that the deal is over and Iran gets its uranium and advanced centrifuges back then. :rofl:
Stop trying to change the subject and deny reality - embrace the fact, snowflake.

Obama either violated the Constitution to create and engage in an Un-Constitutional TREATY with Iran which the US is therefore not legally required to adhere to or he entered into a treasonous PERSONAL deal with Iran that the US is not obligated to adhere to.
I am shocked, SHOCKED that Iran has violated the treaty that Susan Rice said we had VERFIED they are following.

If it had been VERIFIED that Iran was following the treaty, how did they break it?

Is Susan Rice so stupid that she doesn't know what verified means, or is she lying?
I am shocked, SHOCKED that Iran has violated the treaty that Susan Rice said we had VERFIED they are following.

If it had been VERIFIED that Iran was following the treaty, how did they break it?

Is Susan Rice so stupid that she doesn't know what verified means, or is she lying?
Rice SAID so....and snowflakes accepted every word that liar says as 'gospel'.
Okay, dummy. Tell all the parties involved that the deal is over and Iran gets its uranium and advanced centrifuges back then. :rofl:
Stop trying to change the subject and deny reality - embrace the fact, snowflake.

Obama either violated the Constitution to create and engage in an Un-Constitutional TREATY with Iran which the US is therefore not legally required to adhere to or he entered into a treasonous PERSONAL deal with Iran that the US is not obligated to adhere to.
You dumb fucking rubes control everything. If you hate the deal so much, pull us out of it.

But you won't. You fucking pussies.
So Barry wanted to work a deal with Russia regarding Syria so badly that he, he claims, cowardly refused to insist the release of American hostages be part of the Iran deal WHILE wanting the Iran deal so badly for his 'Legacy' that he agrees to release 7 Iranian threats to our National Security, several who had killed Americans.


Oh, he has forged his 'Legacy' alright...just not the one he wanted. :p
So Barry wanted to work a deal with Russia regarding Syria so badly that he, he claims, cowardly refused to insist the release of American hostages be part of the Iran deal WHILE wanting the Iran deal so badly for his 'Legacy' that he agrees to release 7 Iranian threats to our National Security, several who had killed Americans.


Oh, he has forged his 'Legacy' alright...just not the one he wanted. :p

You dumb fucking rubes control everything. If you hate the deal so much, pull us out of it. But you won't. You fucking pussies.

Every time you post you prove how stupid you are.

Obama has already helped Iran's goal of acquiring / building nukes.
The world sanctions have already been lifted against Iran.
Obama has already given Iran $100 Billion
Obama has already released the 7 Iranian murderers of Americans / threats to our Natl Security.

You saying Trump should just 'get us out of the deal' is like telling a kid who got a girl pregnant to simply 'UN-FU@K' her.

You dumb fucking rubes control everything. If you hate the deal so much, pull us out of it. But you won't. You fucking pussies.

Every time you post you prove how stupid you are.

Obama has already helped Iran's goal of acquiring / building nukes.
The world sanctions have already been lifted against Iran.
Obama has already given Iran $100 Billion
Obama has already released the 7 Iranian murderers of Americans / threats to our Natl Security.

You saying Trump should just 'get us out of the deal' is like telling a kid who got a girl pregnant to simply 'UN-FU@K' her.

Well it looks like the deal is going to remain in place, and that you don't really care. I suspect that's how all you dumb fucking rube's feel now that Obama's out of office.
You dumb fucking rubes control everything. If you hate the deal so much, pull us out of it. But you won't. You fucking pussies.

Every time you post you prove how stupid you are.

Obama has already helped Iran's goal of acquiring / building nukes.
The world sanctions have already been lifted against Iran.
Obama has already given Iran $100 Billion
Obama has already released the 7 Iranian murderers of Americans / threats to our Natl Security.

You saying Trump should just 'get us out of the deal' is like telling a kid who got a girl pregnant to simply 'UN-FU@K' her.

Well it looks like the deal is going to remain in place, and that you don't really care. I suspect that's how all you dumb fucking rube's feel now that Obama's out of office.
Poor snowflake....shamed, exposed, and embattled deniers, all you have left is to rant and call others profanity-laced names....

Keep going - it's FUNNY!
Why did obama trade so many important terrorists for an ass that ran away?
Obama NEVER traded the Taliban 5 for Burgdahl. The terrorists who had him wanted MONEY...and like Obama did with Iran, Obama paid the ransom.

The Taliban 5 release was all about trying to close Gitmo, and Bergdahl's release was the perfect cover to let them go. Obama had been releasing terrorists from Gitmo at a steady pace, but the Taliban 5 were too high profile to simply cut loose. So he used the Bergdahl situation as a cover to release them.
Why did obama trade so many important terrorists for an ass that ran away?
Obama NEVER traded the Taliban 5 for Burgdahl. The terrorists who had him wanted MONEY...and like Obama did with Iran, Obama paid the ransom.

The Taliban 5 release was all about trying to close Gitmo, and Bergdahl's release was the perfect cover to let them go. Obama had been releasing terrorists from Gitmo at a steady pace, but the Taliban 5 were too high profile to simply cut loose. So he used the Bergdahl situation as a cover to release them.
I know. Essentially the same deal.

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