Obama attacks free press

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Attkisson: Obama Officials 'Bully and Threaten' Journalists, Free Press

CNSNews.com) - Testifying at the confirmation hearing for Attorney General-nominee Loretta Lynch on Thursday, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson expressed concern about the “serious, long-term damage to a supposedly free press” by the Obama administration, which she claims “bullies and threatens access of journalists who do their jobs, news organizations that publish stories they don’t like, and whistleblowers who dare to tell the truth.”
“The message has already been received: if you cross the administration with perfectly accurate reporting that they don’t like, you will be attacked and punished. You and your sources may be subjected to the kind of surveillance devised for enemies of the state,” Attkisson stated in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
She said she was subjected to numerous phone calls from federal officials attempting to keep her quiet; had her Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests “stonewalled”; was denied access to government buildings; and she even believes the government "compromised" her personal computer.
She quoted several other mainstream media reporters and editors from outlets such as The Washington Post, ABC News and The New York Times, several of whom have accused President Obama and his administration of being "by far the most aggressive" toward the media, "the most closed, control-freak administration," "the least transparent" and "the administration of unprecedented secrecy and unprecedented attacks on free press."

Freedom of the press is "under assault," she said, "due to government policies of secrecy, leak prevention, and officials’ contact with the media, combined with large-scale surveillance programs.”

Attkisson Obama Officials Bully and Threaten Journalists Free Press CNS News

No privacy, freedom of the press "under assault", what's next?

Of course he does, I saw the other day he's now bulling his own people in his party

told them to stop reading Hufferpufferpost and not question HIS VISIONS he puts out there.

I believe this woman Attkisson.

This has been the worst administration for, stonewalling, lying, bulling, threatening people if they release any information that makes them LOOK BAD. Look at Benghazi, the IRS, etc

How did we get this nightmare we are in
Of course he does, I saw the other day he's now bulling his own people in his party

told them to stop reading Hufferpufferpost and not question HIS VISIONS he puts out there.

I believe this woman Attkisson.

This has been the worst administration for, stonewalling, lying, bulling, threatening people if they release any information that makes them LOOK BAD. Look at Benghazi, the IRS, etc

How did we get this nightmare we are in
Bill Maher is on his ass about infringing on the press.

Bill Maher Obama perhaps the worst on press freedom

I guess tide has turned.
Remember how he claimed his would be the MOST TRANSPARENT administration EVA.

Press Compares Dem Retreat to ‘Police State’ After Aides Trail Reporters to Bathroom

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
January 30, 2015 1:06 pm

In a press briefing from the House Democratic Caucus Retreat that was not held in the same hotel as the retreat, Jeremy Peters of the New York Times compared security follow reporters every detail, even to the bathroom, like a “police state.”

Peters said that when the Republicans have their retreat, and when reporters follow members around the Capitol, that security is not as tight and they are not followed so closely.

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D., Calif.) said that they were just unaware of the situation and that it had to be like “that” because of what the Capitol Hill police recommended. Becerra joked that if Peters had gotten names of the staff doing the following that they might be ready to join the Capitol Police.

“They said that they were reporting at the direction of the caucus,” Peters said.

all of it here with a video:
Press Compares Dem Retreat to 8216 Police State 8217 After Aides Trail Reporters to Bathroom Washington Free Beacon
Remember how he claimed his would be the MOST TRANSPARENT administration EVA.

Press Compares Dem Retreat to ‘Police State’ After Aides Trail Reporters to Bathroom

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
January 30, 2015 1:06 pm

In a press briefing from the House Democratic Caucus Retreat that was not held in the same hotel as the retreat, Jeremy Peters of the New York Times compared security follow reporters every detail, even to the bathroom, like a “police state.”

Peters said that when the Republicans have their retreat, and when reporters follow members around the Capitol, that security is not as tight and they are not followed so closely.

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D., Calif.) said that they were just unaware of the situation and that it had to be like “that” because of what the Capitol Hill police recommended. Becerra joked that if Peters had gotten names of the staff doing the following that they might be ready to join the Capitol Police.

“They said that they were reporting at the direction of the caucus,” Peters said.

all of it here with a video:
Press Compares Dem Retreat to 8216 Police State 8217 After Aides Trail Reporters to Bathroom Washington Free Beacon
I have never had a bit of trouble seeing right through his lying, incompetent ass.
Attkisson: Obama Officials 'Bully and Threaten' Journalists, Free Press

CNSNews.com) - Testifying at the confirmation hearing for Attorney General-nominee Loretta Lynch on Thursday, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson expressed concern about the “serious, long-term damage to a supposedly free press” by the Obama administration, which she claims “bullies and threatens access of journalists who do their jobs, news organizations that publish stories they don’t like, and whistleblowers who dare to tell the truth.”
“The message has already been received: if you cross the administration with perfectly accurate reporting that they don’t like, you will be attacked and punished. You and your sources may be subjected to the kind of surveillance devised for enemies of the state,” Attkisson stated in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
She said she was subjected to numerous phone calls from federal officials attempting to keep her quiet; had her Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests “stonewalled”; was denied access to government buildings; and she even believes the government "compromised" her personal computer.
She quoted several other mainstream media reporters and editors from outlets such as The Washington Post, ABC News and The New York Times, several of whom have accused President Obama and his administration of being "by far the most aggressive" toward the media, "the most closed, control-freak administration," "the least transparent" and "the administration of unprecedented secrecy and unprecedented attacks on free press."

Freedom of the press is "under assault," she said, "due to government policies of secrecy, leak prevention, and officials’ contact with the media, combined with large-scale surveillance programs.”

Attkisson Obama Officials Bully and Threaten Journalists Free Press CNS News

No privacy, freedom of the press "under assault", what's next?

This is far worse than 'Watergate'
Remember how he claimed his would be the MOST TRANSPARENT administration EVA.

Press Compares Dem Retreat to ‘Police State’ After Aides Trail Reporters to Bathroom

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
January 30, 2015 1:06 pm

In a press briefing from the House Democratic Caucus Retreat that was not held in the same hotel as the retreat, Jeremy Peters of the New York Times compared security follow reporters every detail, even to the bathroom, like a “police state.”

Peters said that when the Republicans have their retreat, and when reporters follow members around the Capitol, that security is not as tight and they are not followed so closely.

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D., Calif.) said that they were just unaware of the situation and that it had to be like “that” because of what the Capitol Hill police recommended. Becerra joked that if Peters had gotten names of the staff doing the following that they might be ready to join the Capitol Police.

“They said that they were reporting at the direction of the caucus,” Peters said.

all of it here with a video:
Press Compares Dem Retreat to 8216 Police State 8217 After Aides Trail Reporters to Bathroom Washington Free Beacon
I have never had a bit of trouble seeing right through his lying, incompetent ass.

I saw through him from the get go. I'm a pretty good judge of character and I Never found one thing good about him.
Thankfully the People finally woke up to him along with his party of vicious radical thugs and voted them out of power in congress. But not before he could do us a lot of damage
After the pixie dust has settled, Obama will go down in history as the epitome of bad presidents. He will be exposed as a Marxist and an enemy of the American way of life...capitalism and a free market.
After the pixie dust has settled, Obama will go down in history as the epitome of bad presidents. He will be exposed as a Marxist and an enemy of the American way of life...capitalism and a free market.

Yep, not only is his vision of transforming us Marxist. but he a full fledged member of Black Liberation they call it a church or religion of sorts with his mentor, Rev. Wright. this is why he hates ALL of us. he thinks we are all a bunch of RACIST. he worked hard to bring to our knees. like I said, thank gawd the people woke up finally. We'll be dealing with his horrible actions/dictator rulings years after he's gone
Of course he does, I saw the other day he's now bulling his own people in his party

told them to stop reading Hufferpufferpost and not question HIS VISIONS he puts out there.

I believe this woman Attkisson.

This has been the worst administration for, stonewalling, lying, bulling, threatening people if they release any information that makes them LOOK BAD. Look at Benghazi, the IRS, etc

How did we get this nightmare we are in
We got the the nightmare because idiots voted for the fool.
Free press ? : ) LoL, really I laughed so much today : ): ): ) free press, USA :D
Really I wonder when USA people will stop to "act" like they are free people : ) why are you fooling yourself ? after a certain point did not start to be boring ?
Of course he does, I saw the other day he's now bulling his own people in his party

told them to stop reading Hufferpufferpost and not question HIS VISIONS he puts out there.

I believe this woman Attkisson.

This has been the worst administration for, stonewalling, lying, bulling, threatening people if they release any information that makes them LOOK BAD. Look at Benghazi, the IRS, etc

How did we get this nightmare we are in
We got the the nightmare because idiots voted for the fool.

Yes, and we should all be afraid he was able to DUPE so many. But what they did is they went into the colleges and high schools and got those kids filled with mush brains to vote. they haven't even ventured into the REAL WORLD. So they bought into his sick BS...
and people should also be pissed at the Lamestream media for covering up the truth on him and the Democrat party for brow beating people with names like, BIRTHERS to shut you down from putting the information out there...I hope they think twice before putting in another PROGRESSIVE and that mean Clinton, Warren, Sanders and what ever other commie they run for President

Ignorant, hyperbolic, partisan nonsense.

If Attkisson or anyone else believes the Administration is in violation of the First Amendment, then they're at liberty to file suit in Federal court.

Absent a ruling by a court to the contrary, however, the Administration is in no way 'attacking' the free press.

Ignorant, hyperbolic, partisan nonsense.

If Attkisson or anyone else believes the Administration is in violation of the First Amendment, then they're at liberty to file suit in Federal court.

Absent a ruling by a court to the contrary, however, the Administration is in no way 'attacking' the free press.
Interesting theory: It didn't happen unless a court rules that it happened.

At this point in his presidency, Obama loves this kind of thinking. He can do whatever he wants because he can run out the clock if it goes to court.

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