Obama asks Aussies to destroy roundabout so he doesn't have to slow down!


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Talk about Paranoid, Ahead of the G20 summit this weekend in Australia, Barack Obama's delegation made a request to have a major roundabout in Brisbane demolished. The reason: So his enormous presidential car 'The Beast' will not have to slow down outside the University of Queensland, where the US President is due to give a speech on Saturday.

Thankfully the Australians being of sound mind told Obama's delegation to fuck off.
the reader's comments really are an indication of how well loved and respected our president is!
Obama s people request removal of ROUNDABOUT to make way for The Beast Daily Mail Online
Was anybody on the Secret Service team sober when they made the request?
Sober? Maybe.
All getting 'blown' definitely.
This is what happens when the SS has zero respect for the President. They know he couldn't give a shit about his job so why should they?

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