Obama Approval rating at All-Time Lows-


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Inspiring news such as this makes me want to dig up my 'I'm glad Obama is Failing, Are You? thread. :lol:

But seriously, why are Obama's ratings this terrible? Has everyone who elected Obama now become racist?


NBC/WSJ poll: Obama approval rating low point

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is tied for the lowest mark since the beginning of his presidency, a new poll says.

According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 41 percent of respondents approve of Obama’s performance as president, tied for the lowest point in his presidency. His approval rating on foreign policy sits at 37 percent, setting a new low.

Read more: Obama approval rating: NBC/WSJ poll indicates low point - POLITICO.com
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Geaux......not to hijack your thread or pile on here but.......thought you'd laugh your ass off about this.........

Guess who, according to Gallup, is the most unpopular of all living presidents/ex-presidents????:up:

Clinton, Elder Bush Most Positively Rated Living Presidents

And how gratifying is this? We knew with 100% certainty that on inauguration day 2009, this guy was a total fraud........and all those 10's of thousands of meatheads cheering him in the crowd. Brainless/clueless bozo's who were betting on this guy to be paying their mortgage and getting them a new kitchen for free!!!

Indeed.....this poll is such a huge baseball bat up the ass of every hyper-partisan left asshole:D:funnyface::funnyface:. I gotta say......when I was 20 years old and Carter left office, I never thought I'd ever see another president that clueless. At this point, Carter can skate off into the sunset knowing he's not viewed as the greatest fuck-up president ever.:2up:
Geaux......not to hijack your thread or pile on here but.......thought you'd laugh your ass off about this.........

Guess who, according to Gallup, is the most unpopular of all living presidents/ex-presidents????:up:

Clinton, Elder Bush Most Positively Rated Living Presidents

And how gratifying is this? We knew with 100% certainty that on inauguration day 2009, this guy was a total fraud........and all those 10's of thousands of meatheads cheering him in the crowd. Brainless/clueless bozo's who were betting on this guy to be paying their mortgage and getting them a new kitchen for free!!!

Indeed.....this poll is such a huge baseball bat up the ass of every hyper-partisan left asshole:D:funnyface::funnyface:. I gotta say......when I was 20 years old and Carter left office, I never thought I'd ever see another president that clueless. At this point, Carter can skate off into the sunset knowing he's not viewed as the greatest fuck-up president ever.:2up:

It is indeed fascinating. You know?.....Stepping back and clearly giving this fubared Presidency some perspective, one wonders how the hell did Obama screw this up so bad? He really had to try at this pretty hard to have such a successful failed presidency.

But hey- Not even stumbling Ford or Tricky Dick could unseat the brother of a drunk peanut farmer.

The odds were stacked against Obama, but give him credit- He succeeded at assuming the throne of incompetence.


Inspiring news such as this makes me want to dig up my 'I'm glad Obama is Failing, Are You? thread. :lol:

But seriously, why are Obama's ratings this terrible? Has everyone who elected Obama now become racist?


NBC/WSJ poll: Obama approval rating low point

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is tied for the lowest mark since the beginning of his presidency, a new poll says.

According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 41 percent of respondents approve of Obama’s performance as president, tied for the lowest point in his presidency. His approval rating on foreign policy sits at 37 percent, setting a new low.

Read more: Obama approval rating: NBC/WSJ poll indicates low point - POLITICO.com

Obama has not been a good president, thus his low numbers.
But, Obama's disapproval and approval poll numbers are better than the Tea Party's and Congress's numbers.
Go figure, huh?
Geaux......he had one mission......destroy as much of traditional America as possible and do it while flipping the bird at the Constitution on a daily basis!!! On that matter, he has been highly successful and knew he could be because he's black......in other words, fucker blackmailed the country.

He'll be regarded in history as a joke like Carter is.......but he has been successful in significantly damaging our country.
Obama has not been a good president, thus his low numbers.
But, Obama's disapproval and approval poll numbers are better than the Tea Party's and Congress's numbers.

Go figure, huh?

Our "leaders" continue to fail us, while their partisan sycophants continue to spin for them.

We're not truly holding them accountable, and it's killing us.

Skook- The moron learned from the best haters around then married one


Skook- The moron learned from the best haters around then married one



+1 on that bro.........another bullseye. The majority has finally figured it out!!:D

and in other breaking news....... OH wait- this was 2010... WTF? I thought some said he was sucky just 'recently'


Obama’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year

WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year got off to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad start.

There he was, on New Year’s Day, on vacation with his family in Hawaii, stuck on a secure phone with counterterrorism officials, trying to figure out what screw-ups had allowed a would-be terrorist to board a Christmas Day flight with explosives in his underwear.

Things only got worse for Obama when he returned to Washington in between a pair of epic winter storms.

From the start, 2010 delivered a string of setbacks that built up to an electoral shellacking come November, to use the president’s own word.

Read more: Obama?s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year | The Daily Caller

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