Obama Approval - 40%


Its a lower number.

At a certain point a number that low might mean no second term.

Probably not important.

I'd ignore it if I were you.
Besides the obvious this number represents, a President's main job is to lead. If you can't do that effectively, the whole nation suffers. So in a way this number is bad for Americans.
Pffft, if he didn't have so much media protection it would be in the teens.......
here, from real clear, I think the notice should be on the disapproval quotient, his Gallup disapproval has always been soft, you can go back as far as far as nov. 08 in real clear , gallup had him at 6 last august, 9 in oct. and never above 5 up until 2 weeks ago... spiking at 10 and at 40, never been close to that.... I think this vacation will help him in this respect.

Cameron called Parliament back to deal with the riots fires etc etc.. we have a fire right now too, he would do himself some good I think if he made a speech calling back congress or that is asking them to come back- right n ow and get started on the panel and budget, which he will attend 2 hours a day until there is a plan. he should have done that Monday instead of standing there looking utterly useless.

People want to be led, even if its not the 'best' leadership, its a sign of character, they will respond to that even if alone by granting it grudging respect .

and then, when they don't get any, they make that known too...as in.....

Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread

RCP Average 7/17 - 8/9 -- 43.3 50.0 -6.7

Rasmussen Reports 8/7 - 8/9 1500 LV 43 56 -13

Gallup 8/6 - 8/8 1500 A 40 50 -10

CNN/Opinion Research 8/5 - 8/7 1008 A 44 54 -10

McClatchy/Marist 8/2 - 8/4 807 RV 44 46 -2
Pew Research 7/20 - 7/24 1501 A 44 48 -4
FOX News 7/17 - 7/19 904 RV 45 46 -1

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
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Americans are finally starting to see this shitbag liberal for what he is - a complete radical left elistist who never held a real job. He has no clue how to do anything as President.
Obamas approval rating should be in the 90% range for all the good woirk Obama has done.
Here are a list of his acomplishments.
1. Vacation
2. Party at the Whitehouse
3. Party at Camp David
4. Vacation
5. Golf
6. Blame Bush
7. Golf
8. Vacation
9. Party at the Whitehouse
10. Party at Camp David
11. Vacation
12. Golf
13. Blame Bush
14. Golf
Obamas approval rating should be in the 90% range for all the good woirk Obama has done.
Here are a list of his acomplishments.
1. Vacation
2. Party at the Whitehouse
3. Party at Camp David
4. Vacation
5. Golf
6. Blame Bush
7. Golf
8. Vacation
9. Party at the Whitehouse
10. Party at Camp David
11. Vacation
12. Golf
13. Blame Bush
14. Golf

you left out

15. Vacation
16. Golf
17. blame Bush
Americans are finally starting to see this shitbag liberal for what he is - a complete radical left elistist who never held a real job. He has no clue how to do anything as President.

Nah...not all of us.

Yes. I see him as a liberal...but most of us knew that already.
Radical? No. I dont see hm as radical.
Not holding a real job? Well....not in the business world...true...but we all knew that already.
Clueless as a president?...well...we all knew that as well as he was a freshman senator.

But if you recall...all of those independants that said the above attributes were not an issue becuase the media told them they werent an issue?

Well, they are now seeing that they are issues..

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