Obama a marxist.

The man who stood by us in the Great Depression and WWII. Yes, I guess that would make him an idiot to you.

So...you are over 90 years old then. If not, you've lived in Socialism all your life. Apparently it has damaged you horribly.

"Stood by us?" Where was he going to go? FDR caused the great depression. He turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. Obama is following in his footsteps.

Only the ignorant and the gullible worship FDR.

Is that what your education has brought you? The Great Depression started with the Stock Market Crash in 1929....FDR didn't even run for office until 1930. :lol::lol::lol:
How do you know he/she is a parasite... or as most people call them... the unemployed?

he/she is invoking Jesus to advocate Communism. Calling him/her a 'parasite' is being nice.

But Jesus was a liberal... I won't go so far as to call him a Communist... but definitely a liberal. You show me one place in the Bible where he lauded the rich and put down poor folk. If you can find one...which I doubt... I can show you 20 where the opposite is true.

The only time Conservatives seem to care about the bible is when it comes to Homosexuality and twisting the words of the bible to support their anti-choice agenda in regards to abortion. All of the stuff that points to Jesus being very much a liberal... that stuff doesn't matter.... but yet Conservatives want America to be a Christian Nation.... but only the parts that they like.

I agree with just about everything here except you forgot to put classical before liberal. Jesus was a libertarian :eusa_shhh:
he/she is invoking Jesus to advocate Communism. Calling him/her a 'parasite' is being nice.

But Jesus was a liberal... I won't go so far as to call him a Communist... but definitely a liberal. You show me one place in the Bible where he lauded the rich and put down poor folk. If you can find one...which I doubt... I can show you 20 where the opposite is true.

The only time Conservatives seem to care about the bible is when it comes to Homosexuality and twisting the words of the bible to support their anti-choice agenda in regards to abortion. All of the stuff that points to Jesus being very much a liberal... that stuff doesn't matter.... but yet Conservatives want America to be a Christian Nation.... but only the parts that they like.

The Republican mantra is....Blame the Poor!!!

Ask Tebow if he's voting for Brobama lol
The man who stood by us in the Great Depression and WWII. Yes, I guess that would make him an idiot to you.

So...you are over 90 years old then. If not, you've lived in Socialism all your life. Apparently it has damaged you horribly.

"Stood by us?" Where was he going to go? FDR caused the great depression. He turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. Obama is following in his footsteps.

Only the ignorant and the gullible worship FDR.

Is that what your education has brought you? The Great Depression started with the Stock Market Crash in 1929....FDR didn't even run for office until 1930. :lol::lol::lol:

You obviously ignored the part where I said he turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. He and Hoover did, that is. The economy was already recovering when they passed Smoot Hawley and then jacked up marginal tax rates on income from 25% to 75%.
"Stood by us?" Where was he going to go? FDR caused the great depression. He turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. Obama is following in his footsteps.

Only the ignorant and the gullible worship FDR.

Is that what your education has brought you? The Great Depression started with the Stock Market Crash in 1929....FDR didn't even run for office until 1930. :lol::lol::lol:

You obviously ignored the part where I said he turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. He and Hoover did, that is. The economy was already recovering when they passed Smoot Hawley and then jacked up marginal tax rates on income from 25% to 75%.

No, the economy was NOT already recovering. You can pretend all you want....It seems to be the fear of real facts that drives you anyways.

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You obviously ignored the part where I said he turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. He and Hoover did, that is. The economy was already recovering when they passed Smoot Hawley and then jacked up marginal tax rates on income from 25% to 75%.

No, the economy was NOT already recovering. You can pretend all you want....It seems to be the fear of real facts that drives you anyways.

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes it was, dipshit. Citing Wiki only shows what a gullible drone you are.
How do you know he/she is a parasite... or as most people call them... the unemployed?

90% of all libs are sucking on the government tit. That's why they are libs.

I'd be willing to bet that my income is greater than yours.. You see, my wife and I work for a living and realize how lucky we are to live in this great country. We also realize that there are a hell of a lot of people who's lives suck in this country and know that it's not all "their own fault" that they are in the positions they are in.

So... until the truly wealthy of this country does their American duty.... that is.. to hire people and pay them a reasonable, family sustaining wage... we are fine with paying our fair share in taxes to help those poor, unfortunate souls out... it's our CHRISTIAN duty.... it's also the price one pays for being a successful American. It's certainly not to sit and whine...like Conservatives do.

Don't like welfare?... give them a VIABLE alternative. Not "get off your ass and work at McDonalds" Because McDonalds won't pay their rent, feed their kids, provide daycare and put money in their pockets... it's not a viable option. In other words... you have to do BETTER than what welfare offers. But no... not to you. You'd rather "cut the cord" and let the chips fall where they may... and if they starve...they fuckin' starve.
You obviously ignored the part where I said he turned a sharp but short recession into a depression. He and Hoover did, that is. The economy was already recovering when they passed Smoot Hawley and then jacked up marginal tax rates on income from 25% to 75%.

No, the economy was NOT already recovering. You can pretend all you want....It seems to be the fear of real facts that drives you anyways.

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes it was, dipshit. Citing Wiki only shows what a gullible drone you are.
Citing Heritage.org or Freedomworks...or any of the other right wing propaganda sites shows what a gullible drone your ilk is.... which is exactly where the OP's source came from.
If you're going to be marked for life because of things you might have said or done in college, there's a lot more lesbians around than statistics say!!! :eek:

I'm more concerned that the fucking moron, Obama, openly supported Marxism in Kansas, last week.

{Now, it's a simple theory. And we have to admit, it's one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That's in America's DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. (Laughter.) But here's the problem: It doesn't work. It has never worked. } Full text of President Obama's economic speech in Kansas - Page 3 - Los Angeles Times

Obama advocates the dismantling of the American capitalist market. Now I understand why the astroturf of the Shitter movement was put out, to garner support for Obama's call to adopt a socialist economy. While I'm sure this will cut the lines of division in this nation deeper than any time since the first civil war, it may well backfire on Obama, he has made his intent clear. Despite what the Shitters claim, 99% of Americans do NOT support a socialist or Marxist agenda.
Obama certainly isn't governing as a Marxist. That would actually be a (slight) improvement.

Lot's of people become enamored with Marxism in school, and most of them end up somewhere very different in their thinking. Obama is a corporatist, not a marxist.

Josef Stalin was a corporatist as well, it isn't much comfort that Obama prefers the Fascist brand of socialism.
Bullshit.... that's where the story came from... re-read your own article.

Look, the fucking moron, Obama, declared that the United States economy doesn't work and has never worked. The the fucking moron, Obama, IS in fact a Marxist, This is just fact.

Oh... it worked... from the late 40's to the mid 70's. you know... when Union Membership was at an all time high, the tax rates on the wealthy were higher... etc...

No... it's not a fact.... it's wingnut opinion.
Oh... it worked... from the late 40's to the mid 70's. you know...


Is that right?

Stagflation and malaise are the standard of excellence for the left.

when Union Membership was at an all time high, the tax rates on the wealthy were higher... etc...

When home ownership was at 16% and only 30% of Americans owned a car....

Good times, to the Marxist mind..

You dream of peasants in line in the snow, waiting to get a roll of toilet paper, don't you?

No... it's not a fact.... it's wingnut opinion.

It is a fact, it is what the fucking moron, Obama, said in Kansas. Clearly he thinks that America is the same as Russia circa 1917.

When Obama is thrown from office next year, will you take up arms in civil war?
With Newt all but guaranteed the selection, Obama is all but guaranteed re-election.

Will you take up arms, Uncensored?