Obama 2008 campaign finance fraud was presidential darkest day since Watergate


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
NewsVine Mariyam & her source Jonathan Allen "inadvertantly" say Obama's 2008 campaign finance fraud was presidential darkest day since Watergate.
President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was fined for it's over 3 million grass- roots donors, a much greater amount then the Cohen campaign discrepancy that is not yet tagged to Trump, since he did nothing wrong and Manafort charges has nothing to do with Trump then OBAMAS ACTUAL CRIME out Trumps Jonathan Allen & NewsVine Mariyam's "darkest day" propaganda (fake news).
SORRY FAKE NEWS, the only watergate analogy is the Obama spygate, caught red handed and blatantly spying on an opposition party to cheat an election for Hillary and his legacy, one tainted with illegal activity you've yet to
fathom and is being investigated as we speak.
NewsVine Mariyam & her source Jonathan Allen "inadvertantly" say Obama's 2008 campaign finance fraud was presidential darkest day since Watergate.
President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was fined for it's over 3 million grass- roots donors, a much greater amount then the Cohen campaign discrepancy that is not yet tagged to Trump, since he did nothing wrong and Manafort charges has nothing to do with Trump then OBAMAS ACTUAL CRIME out Trumps Jonathan Allen & NewsVine Mariyam's "darkest day" propaganda (fake news).
SORRY FAKE NEWS, the only watergate analogy is the Obama spygate, caught red handed and blatantly spying on an opposition party to cheat an election for Hillary and his legacy, one tainted with illegal activity you've yet to
fathom and is being investigated as we speak.


“$375,000 is a huge fine,” said Republican election lawyer Jason Torchinsky. “It may one of their top five- or 10-largest fines.”

But he added, “They’re also the first billion-dollar presidential campaign. Proportionally, it’s not out of line.”

FEC officials declined to comment on the fee or the existence of the agreement. But for context, failed Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole set a record for FEC fines on his 1996 campaign when he paid $100,000 two years later."

"For critics of the Obama campaign, the audit was a reminder of other reporting errors by the 2008 effort, which campaign officials said they tried to correct in real-time. But independent experts, including former FEC commissioner Michael Toner, said after the audit was released that the infractions were relatively minor, given the scope of the campaign."
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You can't be serious.
I wasn't the one correlating campaign finance fraud to watergate, your Trump derangement syndrome suffering friends did.
Furthermore you seem to think it's funny that a party can harass opponent parties including unequal justice being that Obama got fined and Cohen is going to jail that proves the "political bias" and Dem fascist behavior.

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.
Snowflakes like to throw shit out with the demand that everyone speak about 'that' and only that...no discussion, no comparison, no dredging up evidence of similar or worse acts committed by their heroes...


Actually I love it when you sheep compare Trump and Obama...it proves my point there is not much difference between them.

Every time you go "but Obama" you are proving how alike they are.
Every time you go "but Obama" you are proving how alike they are.

Actually NOT.....

Unlike Obama, Trump...

Has not financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, aided, abetted, defended, protected, and dragged the US into 2 un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans), ISIS, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran...

Has not been found to be in Contempt of court twice for violating judges' orders, found to be in violation of the Constitution several times, and did not by-pass Congress to attempt to admittedly create his own laws through EO, start wars, or force illegal Treaties with our enemy

Has not illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices...and did not use a weaponized IRS to target Americans..

Has not his US AG become the 2nd Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured...

Has not set the record for the most illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...

Unlike Obama, Trump delivered

The strongest economy in decades

The lowest unemployment in decades more Americans working ever

The lowest Black and Asian unemployment in recorded history

Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back to the US have returned

More Jobs

More full-time jobs

Raises / Higher salaries


Fewer Americans on unemployment / welfare / food stamps..

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You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.
Snowflakes like to throw shit out with the demand that everyone speak about 'that' and only that...no discussion, no comparison, no dredging up evidence of similar or worse acts committed by their heroes...


Actually I love it when you sheep compare Trump and Obama...it proves my point there is not much difference between them.

Every time you go "but Obama" you are proving how alike they are.
But you are being exposed as intellectually dishonest in taking things out of the context and perspective. THE FIRST CONCERN SHOULD BE the inadvertant admissions when the mirror is shined back, and by claiming this a
"what about" when you can't until Trump is guilty of what Obama did then you are all busting on Trump for what Obama did making you the "whatabouters". -oops epic fail.
Secondly the concern should be the full
context that a party can be allowed to seek revenge (abuse power) by accusing those involved with things your party actually did.
There's a pattern of Brown Shirt & fascist behavior in your turning socialist party, and so it begins, where is your party different then Saddam or Castro or Chavez in one by one hitting off their opponents?

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.

It will take a day or two for Hannity and Rush to tell them what to think.

But its fun to watch them spin around like a squirrel looking for their nut, isn't it?

CNN just got caught pushing Talking Points - defending Iran for chanting 'Death To America' - from 2015. If anyone is in great need of new material it is the Communist News Network and snowflakes. :p

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.

It will take a day or two for Hannity and Rush to tell them what to think.

But its fun to watch them spin around like a squirrel looking for their nut, isn't it?
That was an Ad Hominem and assumed false info reply.
YOU JUST GAVE UP intelligent honest discourse for sake of throwing the chessboard to the ground in a childlike rage.
IF you don't want to play then don't post, 'cause your party has enough of this anti social behavior going around as it is.tmp-cam-841420484.jpg images-11.jpeg CnriV9bWcAIfDti.jpeg

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.

It will take a day or two for Hannity and Rush to tell them what to think.

But its fun to watch them spin around like a squirrel looking for their nut, isn't it?

CNN just got caught pushing Talking Points - defending Iran for chanting 'Death To America' - from 2015. If anyone is in great need of new material it is the Communist News Network and snowflakes. :p

Laughing.......the president of the United States is an unindicted co-conspirator in up to 8 felonies.....and you're trying to change the topic to 'Talking Points'?

The desperation wafting off of you is making my eyes water.
Ha Shev's OP does not protect Trump at all.

It means that we have to punish all campaign violations violently and reinstate McCain-Feingold.

Any justice that opposes MF will be impeached and removed.

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.

It will take a day or two for Hannity and Rush to tell them what to think.

But its fun to watch them spin around like a squirrel looking for their nut, isn't it?

CNN just got caught pushing Talking Points - defending Iran for chanting 'Death To America' - from 2015. If anyone is in great need of new material it is the Communist News Network and snowflakes. :p

Laughing.......the president of the United States is an unindicted co-conspirator in up to 8 felonies.....and you're trying to change the topic to 'Talking Points'?

The desperation wafting off of you is making my eyes water.
Wow that comment about CNN defending Iran really triggered you...


BTW, can you provide a link showing the President is now officially an 'unindicted co-conspirator'?

How does one become an 'Unindicted co-conspirator? Does all it take to become one is for a proven liar and admitted criminal to say you are?
Ha Shev's OP does not protect Trump at all.

It means that we have to punish all campaign violations violently and reinstate McCain-Feingold.

Any justice that opposes MF will be impeached and removed.
So you agree all border violations must be punishable?
Every time you go "but Obama" you are proving how alike they are.

Actually NOT.....

Unlike Obama, Trump...

Has not financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, aided, abetted, defended, protected, and dragged the US into 2 un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans), ISIS, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran...

Has not been found to be in Contempt of court twice for violating judges' orders, found to be in violation of the Constitution several times, and did not by-pass Congress to attempt to admittedly create his own laws through EO, start wars, or force illegal Treaties with our enemy

Has not illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices...and did not use a weaponized IRS to target Americans..

Has not his US AG become the 2nd Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured...

Has not set the record for the most illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...

Unlike Obama, Trump delivered

The strongest economy in decades

The lowest unemployment in decades more Americans working ever

The lowest Black and Asian unemployment in recorded history

Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back to the US have returned

More Jobs

More full-time jobs

Raises / Higher salaries


Fewer Americans on unemployment / welfare / food stamps..


DOPer lying to save face. 92% of all that listed is owed to Obama 8 years recovery.
Call me when the Great Douche came claim similar numbers.
Unemployment from 9.8% down to 4% to hand off to the Great Fraud Lying Douche. It moved it about 0.5% lower.
Obama Spending was less as well. The Great Douche spent a 1-2.5 trillion giving the1%-- 68% of the 2017 BS Tax
Scam money. Plus the Great Douche spent YUGELY more in the latest Budget for the next 3 years.

You are claiming the Better Blackmans work till mid 2017 Crazy DOPer.
Before the Douche spent 3-6 trillion more by end of 2017. Thanks

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.
Snowflakes like to throw shit out with the demand that everyone speak about 'that' and only that...no discussion, no comparison, no dredging up evidence of similar or worse acts committed by their heroes...


Actually I love it when you sheep compare Trump and Obama...it proves my point there is not much difference between them.

Every time you go "but Obama" you are proving how alike they are.
But you are being exposed as intellectually dishonest in taking things out of the context and perspective. THE FIRST CONCERN SHOULD BE the inadvertant admissions when the mirror is shined back, and by claiming this a
"what about" when you can't until Trump is guilty of what Obama did then you are all busting on Trump for what Obama did making you the "whatabouters". -oops epic fail.
Secondly the concern should be the full
context that a party can be allowed to seek revenge (abuse power) by accusing those involved with things your party actually did.
There's a pattern of Brown Shirt & fascist behavior in your turning socialist party, and so it begins, where is your party different then Saddam or Castro or Chavez in one by one hitting off their opponents?

The defense that "person a is not so bad because person B did x,y and Z" is a morally bankrupt argument. Person A's actions have no bearing on Person B's.

Using the "well yeah, but what about him..." defense Ted Bundy is not such a bad guy as he did not eat his victims like Dahamer did.

Any time someone uses the "well yeah, but what about him..." defense, it is an admission the person they are defending did something they should not have

You can't be serious.

You have to admit, the whataboutism today has been a thing to behold.

It will take a day or two for Hannity and Rush to tell them what to think.

But its fun to watch them spin around like a squirrel looking for their nut, isn't it?

CNN just got caught pushing Talking Points - defending Iran for chanting 'Death To America' - from 2015. If anyone is in great need of new material it is the Communist News Network and snowflakes. :p

Laughing.......the president of the United States is an unindicted co-conspirator in up to 8 felonies.....and you're trying to change the topic to 'Talking Points'?

The desperation wafting off of you is making my eyes water.
False, Cohen's 8 has only 1 possible connection to Trump, the one that wasn't even a crime.
How do you blame Trump for Cohen's tax fraud? We know you blame him when it rains or when your car won't start, or when your favorite team fumbles the ball, but hey that's why we label it Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's from getting him on MSM 24/7 it's embedded in your conscious.

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