NYTs: Biden is "alarmingly incoherent".

This whole thread is a farce.

First, the headline is a downright untruth. The NYT's editorial board never wrote that Biden was "alarmingly incoherent." It was Brett Stephens, a conservative columnist and Biden critic that made the statement in an opinion piece.

Second, the OP makes an additional false statement when he writes in his opening post that Biden lost the NYTs.

Only when the NYT's editorial board makes a statement like that will it ring true, which they did not do here, but now, it is just another fabrication.
Of course. They're taking an opinion piece from a Trumpster and pretending it's the opinion of the NYT.

It doesn't occur to them that we might check it out, because they're conditioned to just believe things out of hand, if they like them.

This is their world: Just make it up and run with it. Look at their leader.
In a pigs ass he did. He got handed a stolen election and if you think he got 80 million votes it just shows what a fool you are.

Bidung is a walking, talking disaster and you voted for that walking, talking disaster. Congrats.

Those who believe in the Stolen Election Lie are either:

1. Crybaby Losers who can’t admit they lost
2. Morons who believe whatever Trump tells them

Which are you?
When a Dem loses the NYTs, he is toast. Even lefties are admitting Biden isn't all there.


Not one lefty on this board has admitted that Biden is in the least bit cognitively challenged.

I trust them. Each and every one….I trust.

Them and Pelosi.


You lefties are correct. Dont stop now.
God, you guys are stupid. Build Back Better will further accelerate the inflation rate. Anyone that is educated and NOT indoctrinated knows this. You lemmings will fall for anything.

Build Back Better will help working Americans

Why Conservatives hate it
Build Back Better will help working Americans

Why Conservatives hate it

I am a working American and it will most definitely NOT help me. It won't help any WORKING American. It does help many that choose not to.
Build Back Better will help working Americans

Why Conservatives hate it

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